Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 378

It has been stepped on too many times, and Lin Ye has gotten used to it.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced at Qian Li with her head down slightly and blushing. She knew that this was the other party showing her ownership.

It's just that this ownership is not her alone.

In these two days, she knew too much.

For example, the man in front of him actually managed to get the two girls, Chiri Mienori and Mizuaki Serizawa, to accept the three of them together.

It was completely beyond imagination, but she also knew that her hope of victory became slim in an instant.

There is a huge gap just in terms of quantity.

Of course, the most important thing is the sacrifice made by the two girls for Lin Ye, at least she cannot accept this now.

She didn’t mind if Lin Ye had contact with other women before marriage, but she would never allow Lin Ye to have an intimate relationship with other women after marriage. Even if she knew that Lin Ye could have four legal wives in the Central Asian Federation, she still wanted to Yao Lin Ye saw her alone.

Although, this is almost impossible.

And the choice before her eyes is just to leave or accept.

Just accept...Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt that she was hesitant.

The man in front of her didn't want to treat Qian Li at all, but was keeping a distance from her, so she couldn't guess Lin Ye's thoughts.

Chapter 397 Become My Boyfriend!

Seeing Yuyuan Qianli leaning behind the door, preparing to eavesdrop on the conversation outside, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also tilted her head helplessly.

In fact, she is also very interested in this, just let her do this behavior in the presence of other people, or something...

What to care about!

Anyway, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu judged that the other party was not the kind of black-bellied person based on the relationship with Qianli these days.

"It turns out that Senior Sister is also a person who likes to eavesdrop!"

Upon hearing this, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu had a bad premonition.

"Then we are eavesdropping on comrades, so, senior sister, we have to keep this matter secret."

"You think we need to keep it secret. I believe that Ye Jun knows very well that we are eavesdropping here."

"This is not the key. The key is not to let Minister Xuexia and Senior Sister Bai Qi know."

Qianli lowered her voice and said.

"Didn't you confirm the relationship with him? Why are you still thinking of keeping it secret."

You should know that in general, as long as the relationship is announced, other girls will give up, but why the girl in front of her wants to keep it secret.

If it was her, I wish everyone would know it, thereby reducing competitors, but also know that even in this case, the girl who has not given up is the enemy she needs to pay attention to most.

It's just that this is just what she thinks about.

In life, this sense of helplessness still made her feel empty in her heart.

"This, that..." Qian Li didn't know what she was doing.

In addition to considering other people in the Ministry of Service, I also took into account the forest leaves, water knots, and Yukino under the snow.

The relationship between her and Lin Ye is known by others, so the relationship between Lin Ye and the other two is a bit awkward.

Rather than caring about a name, it's better to be like this, and the nominal name does not change the true relationship between him and her.

"He told you not to advertise, because that guy didn't want others to know that she was in two boats?"

With a mocking smile, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu could only think of this.

"No, it's just what I think. It has nothing to do with the senior. The senior has exchanged the decision-making power with me. It's just that the name is actually not important anymore. Just treat it as an underground love, and nothing is missing. Anyway, after graduation, we have to..."

Thinking that the person in front of her also had a good impression of the senior, Qianli hurriedly shut up.

At this time, talking about marriage or something is just showing off, she didn't want Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to misunderstand.

She moved her lips slightly, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu finally said nothing.

After graduation, I got married, this promise is really good!

It was completely unexpected that Lin Ye had already given this promise.That guy, he seemed to be the kind of person who would fulfill his promises, he just broke his promise to himself.

"Student Yuyuan, do you know what that guy was doing a year ago?"

Although Lin Ye said to tell her after graduation, she didn't mind getting the answer from other channels.

"This, I think it's better for you to ask the senior, I can't say."

After getting along so many times, she has also been told many things. Like that kind of experience, Qianli still feels that it is better not to talk to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. After all, girls are often emotional creatures.

Wan Tong's love is overflowing, that is...

Qian Li remembered how she felt when she knew Lin Ye had experienced, but she used herself to comfort Lin Ye, as if to make up for his previous pain.

This is the gentleness of a girl, but Qianli doesn't want Kasugaoka Shiyu to have such feelings towards the senior.

She didn't mind that there were a few girls around Lin Ye, but she didn't want more girls to join.

In other words, the girl in front of her knew what Lin Ye did a year ago, but she couldn't tell her for some reason. It was really annoying!

However, what to do now is...


"Minister, Bai Qi, what is the matter with the two who came here so late?"

Xue Nai lives on the opposite side, Lin Ye doesn't feel surprised when she comes here, although every time she comes, Lin Ye is sure that Xue Nai definitely has something to do. It would be impossible if she just came to sit and sit.

The other party wanted to think about it, and Lin Ye didn't want to give her too much persecution.

"It's Bai Qi who has something to do with you. I'm just responsible for bringing her over."

After that, Xue Na was about to turn around and leave, as if she didn't care about what happened afterwards.

In other words, I already know it and I am not interested in staying here.

Although she knew that Xuenao didn't want to stay here because she hated herself, Lin Ye was somewhat lost when she saw Xuenao's behavior.

"Xiaoxue, that, I..."

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