Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 379

Grasping Xue Nao's arm, Bai Qi has a tangled expression on his face.

At this time, Bai Qi Omi wanted Yukino to leave, but did not want her to leave.

And such an entangled look fell into Xue Na's eyes, but it was considered an expression of not wanting her to leave.

"I see. After you finish talking, we will leave together. Strictly speaking, the matter of water without sacrifice is also related to our community."

Lin Ye knew what Bai Qi was going to say.

After that, as she expected, Bai Qi hoped that he would return to the Ministry of Service and participate in the activities of Shui Wu Ji.

A large-scale event requires a lot of manpower. The current seven members of the Ministry of Service are not enough. Moreover, Lin Ye's ability to handle affairs makes Bai Qi deeply trusted.

"This, of course, no problem. Aren't we trying to make your Chief Wu Gao HAPPY plan successful? Of course I want to cheer and assist you."

In addition to the plan to be completed, it is also necessary to help this girl.

A simple and gentle girl always deserves more friendship from the world.

"That's great!"

"Then, go back early! Uh, I'll take you back! After all, it's all at this point, and it's not safe for anyone on the road."

Lin Ye promised that there was absolutely nothing wrong with it, but Xue Nao's eyes really made him care about whether the other party thought he was doing something to Bai Qi.

"Um, if the minister is not at ease, let's go together! It just happens to be out for a walk, the night view of Chiba should be pretty good."

This made Lin Ye feel that he was a native of Chiba and Xue Nai was an outsider.

But at any rate, I lived in Chiba for about a year ten years ago, so that should be fine, Lin Ye comforted himself.

Xue Nai nodded slightly and agreed.

Seeing Xue Nai's expression, Bai Qi fell down for an instant, and at the same time, he stared at Lin Ye with serious eyes as if he had made some decision.

"Ye Jun, I have a very important thing to tell you!"

"Let's say it! I think I can accept any problem with my mental capacity."

"Be my boyfriend!"

Shuangquan held tightly, Bai Qi closed, and shouted at Lin Ye.

For an instant, the four people who heard this were awe-inspiring...

Chapter 398 What Should I Do If I Get Misunderstood

Yuyuan Qianli, who was hiding in the guest room, breathed still. Although she had seen the goodwill of Senior Sister Bai Qi for Ye Xuechang a long time ago, she had never expressed her intentions. Later, it was because of the rapid development of her relationship with Lin Ye, so subconsciously. Want to avoid them.

It's just that even she did not expect that Bai Qi would choose to confess at this time, and it was still in the presence of her.

Although Bai Qi didn't know that she was in the next room.

Qianli didn't know what she should do at all, so she had to leave all this to Lin Ye to choose.

If the seniors are greedy, they will accept them, if they consider their feelings, they will choose to decline, if...

Only in an instant, Qianli flashed several thoughts.

"Well, that, classmate Bai Qi!"

"From today, Ye Jun, please call me Omi..."

Lin Ye was stunned, and then glanced at Xue Nao. Xue Nao's expression remained unchanged, but Lin Ye still felt a cold breath.

It was vaguely showing her attitude to herself.

"This, I have a girl I like, so I can't be your boyfriend."

I wanted to give a good person card, but I felt that it was really bad to give it to Bai Qi, so I could only speak out.

"Eh eh, Ye Jun, there is a girl I like..."

Bai Qi widened his eyes with an unbelievable expression, "Uh, uh, the one on the tennis court is not real! Ye Jun really likes Minister Xiaoxue."

Bai Qi carefully glanced at Yukino under Xuexia, but this is also normal!A person is beautiful and has a good temperament. Although she is a little colder, she is a good person. Even if she is a boy, she will be moved.

"Well, I like Yukino..."

Xue Nai avoided Lin Ye's eager sight.

"This, this, it's actually like this..."

Bai Qi quickly talked about why he wanted Lin Ye to be his boyfriend, and Lin Ye smiled helplessly.

If Bai Qi changed the order, it would be a normal thing, but it happened to be the result first, and finally explain the reason.

This is...

If you change a man, and there are only two people on the court, it is very likely to make some ambiguity.

"I don't mind. I promised you to go see your sister last time. However, if your sister asks about your boyfriend in the future, how should you answer that she broke up?"

You can't continue to pretend to be a couple at that time. You must know this kind of thing. If that happens, it will only become more and more troublesome.

Happy, but very concerned about the reactions of the girls around me, such as...

Lin Ye glanced at Xue Nai beside him.

"This, that, of course it is impossible to break up..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and Qianli looked at each other, always feeling that they wanted to be a fake.

Qianli didn't know at all whether Senior Sister Bai Qi was taking this opportunity to prepare for the real act or just want to continue to fool her sister.

She doesn't mind if she lends her boyfriend, as long as she doesn't pay it back.

"If my sister knows about the breakup, she will definitely come to teach you and me and Ye Jun, after all..."

Thinking of his younger sister's character, Bai Qi also knew very well that just as she cared about her younger sister, her younger sister still cared about her.

When the couple broke up, her sister would definitely find a way to figure out the reason.

In the end, Bai Qi always felt very sorry if Shayi knew that she was lying to her.You must know that all of this is because of the exaggeration of some campus life, so it became the situation now.

"I said before that I like other girls, so I broke up with you."

"Ye Jun is not such a scumbag!"

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