Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 387

During this period, through continuous efforts, Yukino gradually lowered the requirements and bottom line, but it was still a bit short.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Ye can't add girls, because this is likely to bring her tolerance to the limit.

Originally, Bai Qi was extremely excited when he heard Lin Ye's words, and her whole heart was full of sweetness. She really did not expect Lin Ye to comment on her like this.Moreover, that sentence is most suitable for the role of girlfriend and wife.

It really made her happy.

Love is a stage leading to marriage, but not every couple will lead to this stage. After all, the existence of marriage is based on a family.

And she is suitable to be a wife, so when Lin Ye considers marriage, she will definitely be given priority.

But in the end, the excitement that had risen hadn't been erased, but Lin Ye's affair made her feel down to the bottom.

She was not married, and talked about having an affair. In other words, Lin Ye couldn't deal with her intently, even after marriage.

This tells her what to do.

Although she already knew that Lin Ye, who was full of indifferent personality, was hiding a fiery heart, she would be sad to say so directly.

It would be fine if you didn't say anything.

Also, there is something like "waiting tenderly for him to change his mind". Doesn't this mean that even if Lin Ye was taken away by other women, she wouldn't fight for or express her emotions.


Bai Qi wanted to say that he would also be angry and would definitely stop him having an affair after marriage.But I imagined that if something like that really happened, it seemed, really, impossible to blame him.

He didn't even have the courage to even talk about it.

"Woo, Ye Jun bullies people."

He clenched his fists and beat Lin Ye, Bai Qi wanted to vent all the grievances in his heart.

With the movements of his hands, Bai Qi's already opened bath towel directly slid down, revealing his better figure in Lin Ye's vision.

After Bai Qi noticed it, he was very shy, and subconsciously wanted to cover it, but when he retracted his hand to normal, he stiffened in the air, and then slightly put it on the bed.

Anyway, they have been seen, and it doesn't matter if they are seen again, but, carefully looking at Lin Ye's eyes and looking at his desire-filled gaze, Bai Qi only feels that his face has become hot.

"You can touch it!"

Tomorrow morning he stated that he would do whatever he wanted to do, and he would allow it, but the other party did refuse.

But now, obviously also has a strong reaction to his body, is it really unwilling to touch himself?

Sometimes, Bai Qi wanted to cry too much, and when he sent it to the door like this, the other party turned down again and again.

Anyway, if it was just like this today, she would really have no face to see Lin Ye tomorrow.

"Bai Qi..."

Lin Ye's sudden increase in volume made Bai Qi react at once, opened his eyes and looked back at Lin Ye's dark eyes.


"If Xue Na refuses me, let me pursue you!"


Bai Qi did not react at all.

"I said, if Xue Na refuses me, let me chase you... is that okay?"

If it can, of course Lin Ye wants to lie down and feel the softness within reach, but his sanity is still maintained and a bottom line is retained.

If he did, his relationship with her would really change.

He knows his possessiveness too well.

And the girl in front of her was obviously in a relationship, and she believed it for a lifetime, unless she abandoned her.

"Now, can't it?"

Of course she was willing and happier to pursue herself, but time was waiting until Xiaoxue refused him.So, if you don't refuse, doesn't it mean that the boy she likes will be with Xiaoxue.

"We all need time, Bai Qi, you have to think about whether your feelings for me are really because of like, or just because of the favor of life saving."

"Is there a... difference?"

Regardless of the reason, the feeling for him is true.

"It makes no difference to you, but it makes a difference to me! Because if you have such feelings because of life-saving grace, then the real me will make you fall apart."

Seeing Bai Qi's puzzled expression, Lin Ye smiled helplessly and continued to say, "I have killed people, and more than one person. Many people died because of me. You think I am totally different. You It’s okay to call me the Murder King."

Chapter 406

I don’t believe it, I don’t want to believe it, I can’t believe it at all. The forest leaf in front of me has killed someone. He clearly looks like an ordinary boy. He had never done anything to save her. Such a person would have killed him. people.

Deceptive, deceptive, must be deceptive.

"Ye Jun... you are lying to me... right!"

The surprised eyes were full of disbelief, and Bai Qi was expecting Lin Ye to give a negative answer.However, this is after all just a luxury.

"So, what you like is only my side at school, what I have experienced, what I have done, what I like, what I hate, you... don't know, do you really know me?"

What they know is after all a part of themselves, and they don't know his dark side.

And he didn't dare to tell them that no matter what the relationship between the other party and himself, he didn't want girls to face all this together. All the pain and sins, he alone was enough to bear.

They only need to live a happy life full of sunshine.

"No, I am not……"

Bai Qi, who wanted to explain, only felt that no matter how much she explained, she could not conceal the scene of her reaction, and when she heard Lin Ye's regretful expression, she was even more panicked.

Ye Jun, leaving himself.

If they didn't do anything at this time, they would really end there.

"It's okay, Bai Qi..." Softly stroked Bai Qi's cheek, everything was in Lin Ye's expectation.

"This kind of reaction is normal. I'm used to it."

A habit directly caused Bai Qi's heart to ache.

Why do I get used to it, just because I have encountered too many such things.

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