Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 388

Bai Qi suddenly thought about why Lin Ye would not take the initiative to contact them, because every time he had contact with them, the final result was only sadness and disappointment, but when he arrived at General Wu Gao, why did he choose Xuexia Xuena, because Xuexia Xue is cold His character often doesn't care about some things, such as Lin Ye's hands stained with blood.

Ye Jun is very lonely, he is looking forward to warmth, but there are too few girls who can give Ye Jun such warmth, really too few.

Even the moment when Lin Ye told her about her experience, fear grew in her mind.

"sorry Sorry sorry……"

It seemed as if he was apologizing for the fear he had just now, as if he was begging Lin Ye to forgive her.

Bai Qi knows that even if the two are almost naked now, but when such a thing happens, any promises that will be pursued in the future are all useless, not to mention that she still wants to spend time with Lin Ye now.

As a traditional girl who has done such a thing, if nothing is recognized by the man, she really feels that she has no face to live.

Lin Ye's precious body was seen, and she was touched by herself. Bai Qi knew that there was a reason for her impulsive action, and she also looked forward to a closer relationship with Lin Ye in her heart. One step.

Now, apart from turning herself into Lin Ye's girlfriend and future wife, she really has no other way.Bai Qi was unwilling to think that he would marry someone else.

Bai Qi, who was afraid of Lin Ye leaving, wrapped his hands around Lin Ye, and exhausted all his strength to hug him tightly.

"Ye Jun, I am not good, forgive me, I will never be anymore, no matter what kind of person Ye Jun becomes, I will choose to accept, choose to forgive, as long as you stay by my side is enough."

Lin Ye turned to his delicate face that was less than five centimeters away from him. He didn't know that this was just Bai Qi's compensation for himself out of guilt.

If it had been before, he definitely didn't need it.

But the current situation obviously does not give Bai Qi a proper reason. She does not leave herself, especially...

The huge towering really made Lin Ye feel the elasticity and softness on it, as well as the protrusion of the mystery.

This baby, even he will be moved.

Even more knows that Bai Qi, who has done such a behavior, is already betting on everything he has.If she rejects her, she might really end her life as she guessed.

He can send someone to protect her secretly, monitor her, and stop her as soon as she commits suicide, but it is too much trouble for a person who wants to commit suicide.

Of course this is a possibility, but Lin Ye didn't dare to talk about this topic. He was also worried that because of what he said, Bai Qi would have this idea.

"I have other girlfriends, I want to pursue other girls, I want to pedal more than one boat, are you willing to accept it?"

Love is selfish, and Lin Ye felt that Bai Qi would not agree, or even hesitate to agree.

Rather than reject it by herself, she might as well let her choose to give up. This might be a good choice for her and herself.

"I accept."

How she was willing to accept it, even if Lin Ye said that after marriage, it must be the kind of girl who looked at him with other women and would only wait for him to change his mind. She couldn't completely deny this.However, her failure reaction just now made her full of guilt.

The tone was full of uncertainty, but he still spoke.

"If you accept, why dare not look at me."

Bai Qi's thoughts are really easy to guess. Even if her answer was beyond Lin Ye's expectation, her expression and body reaction were not deceiving.

Bai Qi would never accept it.

"I, how am I courageous to look into your eyes and say this promise to allow you to find another woman. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Ye Jun, you bully people, obviously, obviously..."

The two hanging tears were especially obvious under the light, and the cry of mourning really made Lin Ye unbearable.

Today's Bai Qi no longer knows how many tears he has left.

"If you don't want to, then forget it! I'm the kind of person who won't give up a forest because of a big tree."

With a soft and warm body, Lin Ye didn't want to leave at all. If he could, if he could hold him to bed tonight, he would be able to sleep beautifully, but at this time, it was not the time to obey his desire.

The choice is cool now, but after that, it's just a debt of love.

He might not be able to pay this debt.

"Ye Jun, obviously shouldn't be such a person!"

She didn't know if what Lin Ye had just said was true, but there was one thing she understood, and she would leave if she didn't accept it.

It's really too much!Make such a request.

Having a boyfriend with other girls, even she would be unwilling, okay!

"I accept it, never..."

"Don't believe me, unless..."

It's already too much, let yourself be too much!

Let Bai Qiteng rise to his anger and dissatisfaction!

Chapter 407 I made Bai Qi cry!

"Bai Qi, you have a good relationship with Ying Ting, right!"

"Uh..." After blinking, Bai Qi couldn't understand Lin Ye's sudden mention of what Ying Ting wanted to do.

After stroking his thoughts quickly, Bai Qi swallowed subconsciously.

Ye Jun, he didn't want...

"Bai Qi, pull Sakura Ting into the water! Since you promised me to pedal multiple boats, then you must also want to be with your friend Sakura Ting Yuzao forever, so..."

Make both girls hate themselves, that's it.To know this kind of thing, betraying a friend for oneself is absolutely unacceptable to Bai Qi.

Pursuing by herself, Bai Qi will not stop her, but if she asks Ying Ting to enter the water, it is betrayal, and it will be an important impact on her life standards.


As expected, Bai Qi suddenly slapped Lin Ye's cheek.

Even though Lin Ye was prepared accordingly, it really hurts with such a blow!

"You... how can you be so, how can you be so excessive!"

He had completely changed into a person, and what Lin Ye said at this time was completely like a scum.If you agree, you will pull down the algae.

An angry Bai Qi slapped her hand directly, but when the pain came from the palm of her hand, she regretted it, but did not apologize.

Bai Qi's expression with her lips pressed, just like when Ying Ting saw her other side.There was anger in disbelief.

"Bai Qi, really hard!"

Touching his beaten left cheek, Lin Ye's expression remained the same, without much change.

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