Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 389

One of the expected reactions is there, then the next step is...

"It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree. I have never forced you, Bai Qi. As for why I was so excessive, I just suddenly became interested in Sakura Ting. If you were there, I would definitely be able to help me get her into my bed. ."

It's exactly the image of a playboy scumbag who wants to get a girl's body.The image of the trustworthy and dependable Lin Ye once established in Bai Qi's mind gradually collapsed.

Obviously it shouldn't be like this, all of this must be false, and it must have been hallucinations.

Bai Qi couldn't believe that the beautiful image of Lin Ye in his heart turned out to be such a person.

"Bai Qi, you will definitely help me!"

Stroking Bai Qi's delicate face, Lin Ye gently leaned down, as if to kiss her lips, but this time, when he was about to get closer, Bai Qi turned his head and refused. Lin Ye.

Just now, it was obviously a passionate kiss, in the midst of lust, but now, less than three minutes before and after, the attitude has completely changed.

That's why the girl in front of me likes more of the perfect image of herself she fantasizes about. Once she shows a side that the scum can't let her accept, she returns to contradictions and hesitates.

"I, I would not do such a thing, I would not betray Chlorella. Chlorella is my best friend, I will never let her..."

"In my clutches, but you want to be with Sakura Ting for the rest of your life, right! Then, as long as you help, the three of us can be together for life, and we will never be separated. This is not you. What are you looking forward to!"

Along his neck, Lin Ye's right hand fell down instantly, feeling the girl's trembling body, slowly speaking.

Reject him, be angry with him, be angry with him, then push him away, throw him away, the relationship between the two has nothing to do with strangers.

However, that task should not be completed.

This is the end of the matter, and there is no other way. It is impossible to complete it if it is not done. Moreover, there is no stipulation that you must participate in it yourself or how much you must participate.As long as Bai Qi's happy plan succeeds, it will be fine.

"I, we don't want to be with Ye Jun like this."

Grabbing Lin Ye Zuowei's right hand, Bai Qi pressed it firmly, "Ye Jun, what you said just now is true?"

As if looking for the last hope, Bai Qi wanted to redeem it for the last time, as long as Lin Ye denied it, she would believe him.

Now that the speech was compiled, she could not figure out which Lin Ye was the real one.Therefore, only the simplest method can be used to confirm.

"I am very, very interested in Ying Ting's graceful body, so Bai Qi, help me!"

"Ye Jun, can you please go out? Or let me out, or..." Bai Qi's expression became cold and flat, and his attitude towards Lin Ye changed drastically, "You want me, yes, I I will accept it, but I hope you will stop harassing Chlorella in the future. Chlorella is a good girl. I don't want you to ruin her life."

"Then your life!"

"It's just having a relationship with a man, it's not a big deal, anyway, this era is normal."

Just now I said that I am not a casual girl, but now I am saying this again, my goal is really achieved, but this is really sad!

The girl in front of her still wants to protect her friend through herself.

Ying Ting, I really envy you.

"It's really boring, I was expecting you and Sakura Ting to be together!"

Speaking disappointedly, Lin Ye got up and said, "It's fine for you to sleep here at night. Remember to not lock the door of the room. Maybe I will come here in the middle of the night."

Bai Qi put his arm around his bathrobe, and watched Lin Ye close the door, but he held back the tears again.

Because of a man, she shed tears three times today.


"Qianli, I made Bai Qi cry!"

"Eh eh eh, crying, senior, you won't be the one to attack Bai Qi-senpai! Even if you do, don't be too much! Make her cry, you shouldn't be such a gentle girl like senior Are you gentler?"

These reserve personnel, Qian Li had already thought of, hearing Lin Ye's words, she subconsciously thought that Lin Ye had acted against Bai Qi.

As for crying, she knows it very well.

Although it was very comfortable, the feeling of clouds that couldn't be stopped at the end really made her addicted and made her want to refuse.

It's normal to be crying or something. After all, I sometimes used tears when I asked Ye Jun to stop.

It's just that the first time Senior Sister Bai Qi was treated so excessively, isn't it too a bit...

Although she was a little dissatisfied with the teammate Bai Qi's action, since it happened, she wouldn't say much, just thinking about how to get along with Bai Qi in the future.

After all, she and him are a community. Although only a small part of her relationship with Lin Ye is known, in terms of the degree of closeness between Bai Qi and Lin Ye in the future, their relationship will also be known. Therefore, she has to rethink a bit.

Chapter 408 Let's Get Married!

"It's not that crying!"

Knowing the crying Qian Li was referring to, Lin Ye was a little bit dumbfounded. Although, thinking of Qian Li, Shui Keng, and the first time when Fujibayashi Apricot did it, there were indeed tears from the corners of her eyes, and she cried out in mourning. .

Even though he said that, Lin Ye knew that they just couldn't stand it.Moreover, how can I stop at that time.Their tears should be more physical pleasure.

Uh, of course, if you really don't want it, Lin Ye will be gentler.

It's just that now this is really because I cry.When he left Sakura Ting, he also heard Sakura's crying from outside the door.

I'm really a scumbag!

"Which one was crying? Ye Jun, you didn't tell Sister Bai Qi to cry! Please be sure to tell me the whole thing."

Qianli suddenly came with a strong interest.

Although the fact that Senior Sister Bai Qi was crying, she didn't feel strange, because Senior Sister Bai Qi's weak appearance just felt very bullied.

However, since Lin Ye called, he must have done an excessive amount of things, which directly broke his relationship with Bai Qi.

Only in this way would Lin Ye call her. This was regarded as being trusted by Lin Ye, which made her a little happy, but when she thought that Lin Ye and Bai Qi had problems, she was a little worried.

"Well, the cause is..."

From the morning, I went to the hospital to visit Bai Qi's sister Bai Qi Shayi, and returned to the apartment together. During the ambiguity, what he did and said, Lin Ye gave a complete description.

He has a strong psychological endurance and has always endured the burden of being alone. He also feels that there is no problem at all, but now that he has close girls around him, Lin Ye also wants to share these slightly less serious sad things with them occasionally .

Moreover, when I think of Bai Qi's character, once I know that I am with Qianli, I will definitely find a way to remind Qianli that if I know it then, it will make Qianli even more sad.

It's not as good as he explained everything now, so that Qianli could be mentally prepared.

Shui Jie was not a suitable candidate, because the intersection between her and Bai Qi was not great, and Xue Nao, Lin Ye had no choice because of her personality.

When Lin Ye spent five minutes saying everything, on the other side of the phone, there was only silence.

Lin Ye didn't make a sound to remind Qian Li, just holding the phone in her hand, waiting for Qian Li to sort her thoughts.

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