Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 393

Lin Ye didn't step forward to stop him, and covered his ears, waiting for Bai Qi to calm down.

She is like this, it really makes Lin Ye afraid to come forward.

You must know that a lot of ambiguities started like this.Moreover, the relationship between the two of them has fallen into a trough, and Lin Ye has no plans to recover again.

It may also be a good future if it continues like this.

Bai Qi curled up slightly, his hands covering key parts of him, with a blushing expression, "Turn around, and close my eyes, I want to go back to the room and put on my clothes."

Only when I went to a bathroom in the morning, I ran into Lin Ye. Bai Qi was also very depressed. You should know that he knocked on the door so many times last night and didn't respond, but now he came across.

This tells her what to do.


Lin Ye obeyed very honestly.In fact, Lin Ye planned to close the door of the living room, which might be better, but Bai Qi asked so, so it's better to do it.

In less than three minutes, the girl walked out again, some of her messy hair was being smoothed by her hands, and Bai Qi pouted and looked very unhappy.

This expression reminded Lin Ye of how they were when they were in a good relationship, and always showed this expression when they encountered some unhappy things.

It's really nostalgic!

"Breakfast has already been bought, let's go back after eating! I will try not to show up in front of you in the future."

It was originally going to return to the Ministry of Service in the next semester, and it was going to be delayed indefinitely. After something like that happened with Sakura Ting at that time, Lin Ye knew that he would not be able to return to the Ministry of Service, even if there was Xue Na, Qian Li was here. There.

After all, a collective has conflicts that cannot be coordinated. If the two continue to stay, the collective will collapse.

Lin Ye didn't want to see Xue Nai's organization collapse because of him.

Hearing this, Bai Qi's face fell silent.

His hands were rubbing and spinning with ten fingers. Even if this happened, after Lin Ye said it, Bai Qi was still reluctant.

Why did their relationship suddenly become like this.

Is it because she was too hasty.

"Ye Jun likes chlorella?"




"A liar, Ye Jun, a liar, doesn't like Chlorella. It's all lies. What I said last night was a lie to me. Obviously, Mingming rejected Chlorella with this method last time, Ye Jun, a liar."

After knocking on the door three times and failing, she always felt uneasy and dialed Xiao Algae's phone, and then even if this kind of thing would affect Lin Ye's reputation, she still did it.

But the result was to make her sad.

It turned out that Lin Ye used a similar method and the relationship with Chlorella also entered the ice age directly, but the only contradiction between the two was the request made to her.

Since you want Chlorella, didn't it succeed the last time? Why do you want her to help?Therefore, it was Lin Ye deliberately, he just wanted to reject her.

Why use such a method? If you really don't like her, just tell her no, why use such a cruel method.

"What I said is true, if you are Bai Qi..."

"Liar, Ye Jun, you are a liar, I will never believe what you said anymore."

With an aura of distrust exuding all over, Bai Qi stared at Lin Ye with her beautiful eyes, but with a sad expression on his face.

The gleam of the corners of his eyes made Lin Ye feel very uncomfortable.

Shouldn't it be carried out according to its own script? Why did it become like this again?

"Go wash first, then have breakfast. Although it is a bit early now, you still have to go back to your apartment, so eat early!"

Lin Ye opened the package on the table, the heat of the porridge began to rise, and the deliciousness of bread and sausages began to spread.

Lin Ye can only buy some simple food.

Although he likes white porridge, fried dough sticks, pork buns and mustard, the point is that the convenience stores here cannot buy them.

It would be too time-consuming to do it yourself.

Bai Qi bit his lips tightly, but couldn't say anything.A person who doesn't want to communicate with herself, she has no choice but to work hard.

Only when Bai Qi passed by Lin Ye, the special smell caught her attention.

Smelling vigorously, she determined what the smell was.

It was a girl's taste, and it was not hers at all. As for Lin Ye's habit of using perfume, Bai Qi couldn't believe it.

"what happened?"

Lin Ye was surprised at how Bai Qi frowned at this time.

"Ye Jun, you... went out overnight last night!"

Only in this way did he not hear his own knock on the door. Now Bai Qi regrets a bit. He should have opened the door directly when he knew that time, instead of considering his mood and did not choose to enter directly.

"Eat breakfast first!"

"Why go out for the night, why do you want to mix with other women, and there are still two, that kind of place, why would you also go to Ye Jun! Obviously, as long as you want, I can..."

The two different tastes could not be the taste of a girl, so rich, Bai Qi had no other place besides thinking of that place.

Is that kind of place so attractive to him?Do boys like to go to those places?

Bai Qi thought of Lin Ye's reaction yesterday, maybe because he couldn't vent it, he went out to look for it.

Obviously don't do that kind of thing, you can satisfy him, is it really not attractive to him?

"If you really have a relationship with you, you may not be able to get rid of you in this life."

"I..." Even though I was said that, Bai Qi didn't want to give up after learning the facts, "I won't give up, I will never give up."

Author's message:

ps: Booker’s pot, it has nothing to do with me!

Chapter 412

When Bai Qi came to school and met the two of Qianli and Shuijie who were going to school together, the fact that she thought of it shocked her.

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