Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 394

I thought that there was a smell that was familiar, but I never thought of who it was, but now I met Qianli and Mizuki Serizawa, and the smell on them let her know where Lin Ye was last night.

"Qianli, Serizawa-san, good morning!"

Because there was something he wanted to ask, Bai Qi directly stepped forward and greeted him.

It's just that Bai Qi suddenly reacted a little abnormally when he saw the two girls hearing their own voices.

"Good morning, Senior Sister Bai Qi."

"Good morning, Senior Sister Bai Qi."

"Were the two together last night?"

Qianli and Shui Jie were silent.I don't know how to answer at all.

After all, Bai Qi and Lin Ye knew what happened last night, they knew too well, and it was for this reason, so they were together...

Thinking of what happened last night, even the two women were a little shy, with a blush flashing across their faces.

However, at this time, Senior Sister Bai Qi asked because she had guessed something, or she just asked them purely and unconsciously when she saw them together.

"No, no, I just watched you two go to school together, so that's why I asked."

As usual, Bai Qi panicked and swayed his hands vigorously, otherwise he had no ulterior motives.

However, at this moment, my heart aches.

Because she lied.

Seeing Bai Qi's appearance completely indistinguishable from usual, Qianli was relieved.

"Yes, senior sister, Shuijie and I have known each other since we were young. Because of time, we stayed with me last night."

"Yes... Oh, ah, it's too early, let's go to class!"

It was really desperate news. Lin Ye refused her but went to Qianli and Shuijie.

Although the two girls have a great advantage, but why!The relationship between the two of them and Lin Ye developed so fast that she was caught off guard quickly. You must know that she hadn't heard any news before. Could it be the last game of kings?

But that time, I didn't make some ambiguous actions with Ye Jun myself.


Did Qian Li and Shui Jie agree to this!

Even if she agreed at the time, she struggled painfully, but in the end she was rejected by Lin Ye using such an excessive method, and the two people in front of her, seeing the joy on their faces, she knew clearly Both of them are very satisfied with this relationship and relationship.

"Then go! Senior Sister Bai Qi..."

Under the rays of the rising sun, the three of them walked together, but the bright sun couldn't dispel the gloom in Bai Qi's heart.


Dongma and Sha, staring at the notebook on the desk, fell into a dilemma.

Although it is easy to find a girl who is gentler and more beautiful than that woman to be Lin Ye's girlfriend, it is easy to say but very difficult to do.

First of all, this girl shouldn't know Lin Ye now, the most is the degree of encounter on the road. After all, as far as she has observed over the past few days, the girl around Lin Ye is at least of a high level in appearance.

I cannot choose from these girls.

Second, gentleness. This kind of girl just looks at her appearance, but she can't see that she has to go through contact to know whether the other person is gentle, but she wants to contact?

Let her come in contact, Dongma flinched suddenly.

Take the initiative to speak and communicate with other women, as if a huge threshold stood in front of her.

Dongma knows her personality very well, and she is not suitable for taking the initiative to communicate with others. In other words, so far, except for Lin Ye's accident, almost no one communicates.

She thought about why Lin Ye would directly agree, because he knew that he was destined to be blocked by his personal relationship.

Really unwilling, but helpless.

Seeing Lin Ye sitting upright, Xuexiaxuenai looked cold, she was full of boredom.

"Come with me!"

When the school bell rang and most of the students in the classroom left, Dong Ma passed directly by the forest leaf and said to Lin Ye.

Following this, the jet black hair fluttered in the air, unspeakably chic.

This is a handsome girl.

If it is a girl with a Lily tendency, she will fall in love with her at first sight.

Xue Nao was still going to the Ministry of Service, but Lin Ye who had already asked for leave made his own choice. Since Dongma said so, of course he chose to follow. After nodding to Xue Nao, he followed.


Going out was a little anxious, Lin Ye directly ran into a soft body.Purple hair drifted in the field of vision, and Lin Ye, with quick eyes and hands, quickly caught the girl who had lost her balance.

"It's okay! I'm sorry, I went too fast."

With the familiar purple hair, the familiar taste, and the familiar touch, Lin Ye didn't expect to hit Fujilin Xing at all.You must know that since the two of them had a relationship, after that conversation, Lin Ye had hardly encountered Fuji Lin Xing.

At this time, Fujibayashi would never come here.

"Fujibayashi... classmate."

"Yeah, woo..."

After hearing this voice, Fujibayashi reacted from the panic, and then her expression became more tense.

"let me go."

"Okay, I get it now."

The struggling girl made Lin Ye realize that she was still hugging the girl.

In fact, Lin Ye wanted to say that we had already had a relationship, and there was no need to care about this kind of thing anymore, but he couldn't speak.The other party may want to forget that.

Anyway, what I did at the time was a total scum.

After being released, Fujibayashi Xing gave Lin Ye a vicious look, and then turned sideways and made a tendency to cross him and enter the class.

Lin Ye moved a small step to the other side to make room for Fuji Lin Xing.

"Sister, why are you here?"

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