Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 395

Recently, I've been looking for my sister by myself, and Fujibayashi Shibuya is not sure why this time, my sister came here.

"Can't I come and see you? I want to see if this class dares to bully you..."

Lin Ye, who hadn't left yet, only felt a wave of malice sweeping toward him.

Even with his back to himself, he knew exactly who Fujibayashi said.

However, this is definitely wrong.

After agreeing to her that time, he kept a distance from her as far as possible without causing Fujibayashi's misunderstanding.

The recent exchanges between the two of them are very rare, and they are maintained at the average level of classmates.

Lin Yeke never had the idea of ​​having twins and sisters, which is too...

Well, my statement to other girls seems to have no credibility for this.

Chapter 413 What happened yesterday...really?

"Sister, no one, Ye Jun didn't bully me, let's say, I haven't talked to me much recently, and I thought I was hated by Ye Jun."

Noting that Lin Ye at the door had not left, Fujibayashi Shigura showed an awkward smile, and then looked at his sister Fujibayashi Xing.

"It's best to be hated by him. In short, I said before. Never approach other men easily, especially that man."

Lin Ye only sighed inwardly.If... there are really not so many ifs in the world, he is not the kind of person who is immersed in regret.

After a slight nod to Fujibayashi Xing, Lin Ye turned and left for the second music classroom.

The place where Dongma and Sa go back to this school is the only place besides the classroom.

"Sister Hesha, let me come here specially, is there something?"

Yes, this one in front of me is already his own sister, an unrelated sister.

Nominal relatives.

I used to have older sisters and younger sisters, but yes, I was disgusted at the time and was sent to the UK. Finally, I created a fake death case and started my life journey.

But ten years later, I came to this country again. When I came to this city, my sister Yukino appeared in front of me again, even...

And sister Yang Nai, it's just whether she wants to see her.

However, if sister control, she should know her own existence. After all, the relationship information surrounding the people around Xueno was carefully investigated.

However, it is difficult for her to check her fake Chinese identity. What's more, his identity can be said to be more real than real gold. After all, it is handled by the Chinese government and the corresponding records from birth to going abroad Both are complete, even the certifier has.

"Can't I find you if there is nothing to do?"

Lin Ye's question made her unhappy all of a sudden, and Dongma, who was already irritable, had an explosive desire.

It's hard to get the person in front of you to accept the fact of becoming your own younger brother, and finally to bring each other's relationship one step closer, but it is blocked by such things, even she will be troubled.

Dongma and Sa understood that the root of this incident was his unyielding mentality. Without finding the right person, he would either give up under Xuexia, or admit defeat by admitting that he could not find a woman who was more beautiful and gentle than her. child.

However, neither of these two options will work.

"Absolutely." Although Dongma and Sha were in a bad mood because of something, Lin Yeke didn't want to touch this brow.

As for asking questions directly, I won't get any positive responses.


Dongma He Sha pointed to the piano not far away, and the rapid breathing let Lin Ye know the depression of the other party's whereabouts, "I haven't practiced the piano for a long time, this time let me see if your level has dropped."

Lin Ye nodded and walked over, and after adjusting his sitting posture, his fingers began to dance on the white piano keys.

Since Dongma is in a bad mood, just play a cheerful song by himself.

After hearing this sound, everyone in the ministry downstairs understood that the owner of the piano had already changed one.As for who it is, they know it well.

There was no one else in that classroom except Lin Ye was allowed to enter by Dongma.


"Bai Qi, is what you said last night true?"

Sakura Ting, who was hesitating whether to tell Lin Ye the truth to Bai Qi, did not know how to treat Lin Ye after a telephone conversation last night.

After something like that happened in her apartment that time, her impression of Lin Ye plummeted. She only assumed that she had targeted Lin Ye once, and once again told Bai Qi that it would be slandered, so she hesitated.

But she didn't expect that Bai Qi's call late last night directly said that Lin Ye liked her, and after she told her the whole thing, she understood what this man wanted.

In such a way of destroying their own image, let them choose to hate him and choose to leave. At least, if there is no Bai Qi, she might really hate him as the man planned, until the end of life or the truth is revealed. one day.

"Well, it's true, whatever it is, it's true."

Even friends, some things are mentioned, but it is difficult to tell.Moreover, it is really ugly to devote myself but be rejected by the other party in this way.

But if it was Ying Ting, she could accept it.

With this mentality, she dialed Sakura Ting's phone, but when she finished narrating her own affairs, she was surprised by what Sakura Ting said later.

It turned out that before she and Lin Ye, Xiao Algae had already happened to Lin Ye.

Bai Qi didn't know what his feelings were about what happened between Lin Ye and Yingting.

Some feelings of being xenophobic, some being betrayed, but thinking that she has nothing to do with Lin Ye, and that Ying Ting likes to travel is also her freedom, which suppresses this negative thought.

"So, in short, that man just dressed up for doing this kind of thing, he actually..."

Even if they are ordinary friends, they both hope that each other is a person of good character.

"Ah, I don't know which Ye Jun is the real one, but, but..." Some are worried about whether this matter will cause Xiao Algae to cause trouble to Qianli and Serizawa. Good impression.

But Bai Qi, who is full of boredom, really wants to find someone to discuss it.

"I spent the night at Ye Jun last night, knocking on the door three times in the middle..."

"Bai Qi, you still want to..."

"No, no, I'm not that kind of thirsty girl, no, this is not the key, I just want to check again, but it's a pity that Ye Jun didn't reply to me"

Fortunately, Ying Ting didn't ridicule, but waited for her to continue speaking seriously, otherwise, she felt that she was going to be speechless because of shyness.

"Then, the next day, I met Ye Jun early in the morning, but he smelled of a girl, and it was very rich."

Ying Ting was stunned for a moment, went out at night, and then returned early in the morning. Apart from that, she couldn't think of any other possibilities.

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