Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 399

The pain began to sweep through, and his body was a little soft. Lin Ye also bit his lip, dragged his legs to the living room, and sat directly on it.

I always felt that the body's reaction was a bit strong this time, and it was only fifteen minutes from the beginning to realize this level, but at least half an hour in the previous situation.

Remove the outer packaging, hold the syringe, and get rid of the air in it. Lin Ye rolled up his left sleeve, looked at the preparation site, and prepared for injection.


The sound of the key turning made Lin Ye project his vision subconsciously.

Could it be that Qianli came back, Lin Ye's first reaction was this, what should I do later?

It was too late even if he wanted to hide, his body was not allowed to make too fast movements.

However, it was Bai Qi Omi and Sakuraba Tamamo that appeared in Linye's field of vision.

Chapter 417: Don't... Force Me

His complexion was a little pale, his forehead was sweating, and he looked very tired and uncomfortable. At this time, Lin Ye looked weak in the eyes of the two.

Lin Ye had always been strong and trustworthy in their hearts. It was impossible for them to get sick, but they did see it now.

However, the syringe, the syringe that Lin Ye wanted to inject into his arm caused the pupils of the two to shrink.

A possibility that had never been thought of was directly in the minds of both of them.


If it is sick, it must be injected in the hospital. It is impossible to bring this kind of thing back, but Lin Ye has it here, and he is still preparing for the injection.

What's more, Lin Ye's appearance now completely resembles a symptom after drug addiction came.


After the door closed with a "boom", Bai Qi reacted, roared, and rushed directly.

Lin Ye was still thinking about how to fool around and find some reason to explain his physical problems, but he didn't expect Bai Qi to rush directly in front of him, just trying to take the syringe.

"Ye Jun, absolutely don't, absolutely can't inject this!"

The wrist clinging to the reason is just trying to grab the syringe, but even if Lin Ye's body is weak at this time, it is not enough, but Bai Qi can't do it in an instant.

"Bai Qi, what are you doing, let me go, if you don't let go, don't blame me for being impolite."

If it is normal, Lin Ye can guarantee to subdue the opponent without letting the opponent feel the pain, but now it is difficult for him to stand up even if he wants to stand up. It has cost him to keep the syringe in his right hand. 80% power.

"No, absolutely not, Ye Jun, you definitely can't inject this thing, Xiao Alga, why are you still stunned, help me hold Ye Jun."

"Oh oh oh..."

The sudden emergency situation also crashed Sakura Ting's mind. When she heard Bai Qi's shout, she also reacted, and quickly pressed Lin Ye's struggling body, even feeling that she was not strong enough, even more disregarding men and women. When he was incomparable, his body was directly pressed up, using his weight to stop Lin Ye.

"Wait, you two, let me go quickly..."

Sakura Ting's whole body pressed up, causing Lin Ye to be obscured by Sakura Ting's delicate body. At the same time, she wanted to say something, but all she heard was a whining sound, which was completely unintelligible words. He could All he did was hold the syringe in his hand tightly.

"Bai Qi, hurry up, I..."

The people under her were struggling, and the heat in her chest couldn't be stopped, and the friction between them really made her body react.

If this goes on like this, she might be...

"I, I know..."

Ying Ting's hurried voice made Bai Qi increase his strength, but it was useless how to use force, but Lin Ye couldn't take away the syringe in his hand.

"Ye Jun, I'm sorry!"

He opened his mouth and bit directly on Lin Ye's wrist, while his hands were constantly working hard.

Finally, after feeling Lin Ye let go for a moment, he snatched it off, and then quickly stood up.

"Ye Jun, you must not use this thing. It is absolutely not good for your body. I will destroy it right away." As soon as the voice fell, Bai Qi ran directly to the toilet, making Lin Ye hear the water splashing. Voice, my heart fell into despair.

You know, the pain now is almost reaching its extreme. If there is no injection of this medicine, he will always want to accompany the pain for the next few hours.

Moreover, it is accompanied by the body getting cold.

Lin Ye didn't want to experience this feeling again.

After seeing Bai Qi's success, Ying Ting stood up with her hands supported on the floor.But Lin Ye endured the pain, looked at the two people in front of him, first took two breaths of air, let himself slowly, and then said, "You... two, I don't welcome you here. I invite you to go out now."

Regardless of the reasons for the two of them, they must be allowed to leave this room. He will contact the other side later and send one urgently.

If you let these two people in the room again, he probably won't even have a chance to make a phone call.

"No, absolutely not, Ye Jun, we will never leave if you are like this."

"I am like this..." Although he was very angry, Lin Ye was still unwilling to swear to these two people after all. "It's okay to avoid it. I only hope you two will leave my sight. I don't want to repeat once."

Bai Qi's cold eyesight and tone suddenly filled Bai Qi with tears, but he still shook his head while holding her tightly with both hands, "No, I don't want to. We will never leave until Ye Jun returns to normal."

"Yes, Lin Ye, if you continue to be in this situation, it is easy to lose your mind and you must be supervised."

In fact, dialing 110 directly to find the police is the best choice, but if this is the case, Lin Ye will be ruined all his life.

It is precisely because of this that Ying Ting never chose this plan.

Detoxification is painful, but the two of them are willing to help Lin Ye.

Even if they don’t know the harm of drugs, they have heard too much about it.

Is it really worthwhile to crave for a moment of happiness and ruin the whole life?

She doesn't care what Lin Ye thinks, but at this moment, Lin Ye must do what she thinks.

Maybe he won't be able to get rid of it for a while, but for now it is to make him endure the wave of drug addiction in the past.

"I'll say it again, don't worry about you, let me go!"

Lin Ye increased his tone.

If this continues, he may not even have the strength to call.

Suffocating and standing up, Bai Qi and Ying Ting couldn't help but stepped forward to help them with the trembling appearance, but Lin Ye directly pushed them away.

"I want to go back to the room, don't block me."

Just go back to the room, lock the door, and dial the phone.

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