Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 400

This time, Lin Ye suspected that the world boss was increasing his body pain.

"No, even if we want to go to the room, Xiaozao and I will accompany you. As long as you return to normal, the two of us will leave, but now... absolutely not."

Lin Ye cast her gaze to Yuzao Sakuraba.

It's just that Ying Ting stood silently beside Bai Qi, her eyes firmly showing her answer.

"Don't... force me... I don't want to be rough."

The only opportunity is now, and if it goes on, it will really be slaughtered.This situation is really encountered once in my life.

"No, absolutely not..."

Bai Qi still stood in front of Lin Ye and had no plans to obey.

Chapter 418

The palm of his right hand directly grabbed Bai Qi's arm, his body was complete, and the strength of his legs wanted to subdue Bai Qi directly on the ground. However, the excessively violent movements made Lin Ye's pain aggravate, but strong Endure, biting his lip to subdue Bai Qi.

However, Lin Ye ignored the other person present. Sakura Ting sensed Lin Ye's movements and quickly reacted. After all, she was trained by the family and grabbed Lin Ye’s joints and stopped Lin Ye’s further behavior. .

"Kang Dang..."

The three of them tried their best in Lin Ye, and fell on the floor. The scent that belonged to a girl was wrapped around their noses, and the soft touch from their bodies did not make Lin Ye feel any comfortable.

All he felt at this time was the increasing pain in his body.

"Ye Jun, no, I will never allow you to leave my sight."

Bai Qi hugged Lin Ye, and she also noticed the reaction of Lin Ye's body, her face became paler, and she was sweating more.

"Bai Qi, you catch him, I will find the rope!"

After speaking, Ying Ting wanted to get up to find a rope to tie Lin Ye, but, after failing, Lin Ye grabbed Ying Ting's checkered skirt with one hand.


It's just that Lin Ye didn't respond, and Sakura Ting, who was pulling her skirt, wanted to move her feet, but seeing Lin Ye's pain now but still resisting, she gave up using such a rough method.

"Lin Ye, tie it up, treat you well to us, don’t worry, Bai Qi and I will be by your side to take care of you. It’s really impossible. We will contact the hospital. Don’t worry, you just need to get addicted. It's over. It's hard to say now, and it won't be anymore."

The once-familiar boy became what he is now, which really made Sakura Ting feel a lot of emotion.

Taking drugs made her a little disappointed, but it was only disappointed. She wanted to help Lin Ye to control the drugs.

"Who told you that this is drugs."

"Ye Jun, don’t say anything. Your current pain must be due to drug addiction. We all know that we won’t use colored glasses to see you in the future. Don’t worry, Ye Jun, me and Ying Ting will keep this secret."

"Let me say again that I didn't take drugs, and it was not drugs just now."

"Ye Jun, don't..."

Lin Ye could no longer bear these two people who didn't listen to his words at all. In normal times, Lin Ye wouldn't get angry at all, but his body and brain were occupied by pain, and everything relied on his will. Holding back.

The most important thing is that these two people are still dragging their feet.

"Don't think I can't do anything..."

With a vigorous stroke of his right foot, he immediately hit Ying Ting’s foot, causing Ying Ting to lose her balance and fall down, while Lin Ye suddenly turned around, leaned over, exchanged positions with Bai Qi, and shot again. Sakura Ting who had just fallen to the ground pulled over, and then the weight of her body pressed Bai Qi, and then grabbed Sakura Ting's left hand with the other hand.

"Believe it or not, I will take your clothes off you now."

This has always been the most effective way.

Lin Ye used these threatening words to make many girls shut their mouths.

But this time, it failed.

"If, if, this can make Ye Jun more comfortable, relax, and reduce some pain, yes, Ye Jun can hold me..."

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Bai Qi calmed down, his eyes looking at Lin Ye were filled with the tenderness of a girl.

"Ye Jun, as long as you can be more comfortable..."

Bai Qi's hand has reached out to his buttons, and they began to untie them one by one.

Lin Ye stared in a stunned expression, with a distorted expression. Under Bai Qi's actions, his lost reason gradually recovered.

"Bai Qi..."

Even Ying Ting could not imagine that Bai Qi would choose to do this.

Is it really worth it?

If she was the only one, she might do the same too!

When Lin Ye spoke just now, the idea in her mind was to use her body to reduce Lin Ye's pain.

It was only because Bai Qi spoke first, her words only came to her throat and didn't come out again.

"Don't take it off anymore, I will stay here quietly and get through it."

It hurts if it hurts!Anyway, it is not something that has not been experienced.

I really didn't expect something that would be solved by asking someone to give me a shot, but under Bai Qi's gentle eyes full of love, this irritable heart suddenly calmed down.

"Well, I knew Ye Jun would definitely be able to."

Standing up, Bai Qi raised a smile, and then lifted Lin Ye with Ying Ting.

"Help me to my room, turn up the temperature of the air conditioner in my room, and help me take out the hidden quilt. I will likely get cold soon."

Before Lin Ye's current thoughts were swallowed by the pain, he talked about what he needed one after another.

"Finally, find a rope to tie me up. If you don't tie it up, you... will be very dangerous."

Curled up on the corner of the bed, enduring the pain, Lin Ye sighed that the time is really like years now, and I really don't know when this pain will end.

"Ye Jun..."

"Bai Qi and I believe you..."

Ying Ting finally shook her head and rejected Lin Ye's proposal, even if she had this idea before.

At this time, Lin Ye's tough will really made her admire.

It's just that one person bears everything silently, as if the violent appearance before is completely different.

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