Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 401

You know, most people, in the face of this kind of situation, are venting loudly.But Lin Ye is...

"Well, Ye Jun, the two of us believe in you, we are by your side, we will definitely pass, and we will pass soon."

"Well, it will be over soon, and then, I will find you two to settle the accounts well..."

If you don't "retaliate", you will lose the unnecessary suffering now.

"At that time, no matter what the punishment was, Xiao Alga and I would agree."


"Xiao Alga, the temperature is already so high, but why does Ye Jun still seem to feel cold? Is the quilt not enough? But now all the quilts and thick clothes are covered."

Fifteen minutes later, Lin Ye looked even worse, and even his lips were frozen, and his whole body was trembling.

"He... very cold!"

Ying Ting tentatively touched Lin Ye's face, but it was cold.She couldn’t imagine it. If the air conditioner is turned on to the highest temperature now, she and Bai Qi who stayed in this room had their coats taken off, but even so, she still felt a bit of heat and sweat was constantly flowing .

Chapter 419

"Then, what should we do?"

If this continues, Lin Ye will not have something to do with drugs, but will freeze to death.

"Yes, or we..."

Bai Qi thought of a way, of course Ying Ting had already thought of this way, but because of the girl's reserved relationship, she did not propose it.

"Bai Qi, this me..."

"Xiaozao, I, I have been seen by Ye Jun a long time ago, and his painful appearance has something to do with me, so I just warm him up, nothing, and even if it is Ye Jun Whatever you want to do to me, I will also agree. Xiaozao, or you..."

Combining the facts, Bai Qi has only this way.

"How can I rest assured that you are here alone. So, let's get together!"

Sakuraba took off her short skirt, leaving only her underwear and panties.

If she stood on the side and didn't say whether she would make Bai Qi shy and produce some unfavorable inspections, she would not want Bai Qi to take care of all this alone.

Since we came together and encountered this problem together, we must solve this problem together.

Moreover, if it is Lin Ye, she can accept it.

The two delicate bodies, with only their underwear left, got directly into Lin Ye's bed, the hot skin directly pressed against the cold body, and the temperature directly made the two of them feel a tremor.

Then the two looked at each other. After laying Lin Ye's body flat on the bed, the two opened their hands and hugged Lin Ye tightly, and used their body temperature to convey warmth to Lin Ye.

However, Lin Ye, who had already blurred consciousness, only felt that he had two warm fireballs around him, and he subconsciously hugged tightly.


A good body clock played its role again, although this time the body clock was already two hours late, Lin Ye's consciousness began to gradually recover.

This is where?

What's wrong with me?

Lin Ye, who just opened his eyes, felt his mind blurry, and couldn't remember what he slept in. What's more, something suppressed my hand. This soft and flexible thing is...

Lin Ye's eyes began to shift, and then he saw a scene that shocked him.

Bai Qi Omi and Sakuraba Yuzao actually lay naked next to him, and the wonderful touch from the skin they touched made him a little bit disheartened and couldn't help wanting more.

Especially the red marks on the white skin in their vision really made Lin Ye wonder if he did something to them both last night.

It was a certain part that had changed in the morning, but it became more obvious when I thought of this.

Yesterday, what happened!

Lin Ye stayed still and began to think about it.

Sending away Qianli, and then preparing to inject the medicine, only to meet Bai Qi and Ying Ting who came in, and then they stopped themselves, and finally...

I waited alone for the pain of the body to pass, but when the consciousness recovered, it became like this.

"Ye Jun, don't kiss there!"

With his eyes closed, it was obviously Bai Qi who was asleep muttering to himself.

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched, as if he really did something.

Lin Ye took a look at the situation and decided to pull out the right hand that was embraced by Ying Ting first.

"Well, woo..."

After moving slightly, he was hugged tightly.

"Don't mess. Touch it, just... pause for a while, let me... uh uh uh..."

I touched her last night and still said...

The huge arms buried in Sakura Garden are really refreshing.

Thinking of the last time she and Qian Li were in the water, Lin Ye really missed it.

Maybe something was done yesterday, but he didn't feel it at all when he lost consciousness.

Now he is suffering more!

Wake them up?Still, lie down and wait for the two of them to wake up naturally.

Lin Ye decisively chose the second one.


"Shuijie, Sister Bai Qi didn't come to the club for lunch today, and Sister Ying Ting, the most important thing is that Ye Jun's phone call is completely unreachable, and the three of them have lost contact. Would you say Yes……"

At noon, Qian Li went to the Ministry of Service as always, but there were only five people. Needless to say, Lin Ye would almost never show up for leave, but the other two shouldn't!Especially Bai Qi and Ying Ting, even if they didn't come, they would send a message, but they didn't.

I called and emailed but there was no feedback.

This made Qian Li think of a possibility.

The three of them won't be together!

After all, Senior Sister Bai Qi has the access card and key to the senior's apartment. The most important thing is that something like that happened between the three of them.

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