Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 418

"Let's go ahead!"


"The last time you were on the tram, what you hadn't done yet."

She would never back down at this time.Retreat, there will be no chance in the future.

"Trolley, wait, you don't want to..."

Lin Ye first thought about the last thing Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu threatened with an electric shock stick.

Subconsciously jumping aside, Lin Ye asked.

Although the electricity is not dead, the feeling is too bad.

He doesn't want to try.

"You must have thought of the anti-wolf electric baton."

Lin Ye's defensive behavior made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu understand in a blink of an eye what the other party was worried about, and instantly felt a little dumbfounded.

How could she use her anti-wolf electric shock stick on him now!

"It's not this, there is still something unfinished at that time."

"of course……"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gracefully walked in front of Lin Ye, and then stood on her toes.

In Lin Ye's vision, Shi Yu's delicate face gradually approached, and her red lips gradually approached.

The touch of the red lips came to Lin Ye's mind.

The sweet smell of sweetness belonged to the girl suddenly wrapped around the tip of Lin Ye's nose.

At this time, Lin Ye glanced in the direction of Bai Qi, only to see that Bai Qi at this time was looking at the two of them with stunned eyes.

Lin Ye wanted Bai Qi to interrupt this aloud, but Bai Qi just stood there, and then puffed up his cheeks at Lin Ye with an expression of unhappy.

Lin Ye wanted to refuse, but Shi Yu's hands holding her arms trembled.Holding Lin Ye's arm tightly.

If I refuse at this time, maybe...


In the end, Shi Yu, who was waiting for Lin Ye to take the initiative, directly hooked Lin Ye's neck with both hands, and immediately kissed him fiercely.

The lips of the two touched.


"I'm pretty sure Ye Jun I'm still very attractive to you now."

She was very satisfied with the three-minute kiss.

In the later period, Lin Ye turned to take the initiative, but instead made her feel relieved.

If there is no response like a dead person, she has truly failed.

Therefore, the behavior just now at least confirmed Lin Ye's thoughts about him.

"You have always been attractive."

"So, now!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu asked with a smile.

"It has become more attractive, but, Shiyu, I won't give up on them because of you, do you... really have this kind of consciousness! If..."

"Give me time for me to think about it!"

She wanted to ignore it and ignore Lin Ye and the other women's affairs, but now that Lin Ye raised it, she could only face it directly.

But...what should I do, saying that she is willing to accept it, contrary to her will, if she can still become his wife in the future, she can also express her acceptance. With four legal wives, her parents will finally agree, but as the fifth and the fifth Six or even later, she doesn't have this place.

Obviously she met first, how could this be!

"Well, no matter what the answer is, I will accept it!"

"I would rather you say that if I disagree, then force me to agree to this."

It was hard for her to meet a boy who didn't take the initiative!

"If this is Shiyu, what you expected..."

It's all like this, and I'm really too cunning when I give the choice to other girls.

However, the things that made Lin Ye scruples were still unfair to her.

Even if the title is just the title, he does not care, but it does not mean that the girl does not care.

He also knows very well that in terms of love and initiative, it is better for boys to dominate.Even girls with outgoing personality, deep down, are expecting the initiative of liking boys.

And what he said, alas, at least for her, has always been passive.

Chapter 434

"Shiyu, if you reject me, then I will..."

"You just..."

Shi Yu looked at Lin Ye with a full smile, expecting some shocking words from him later.

"Buy you from your parents. If this doesn't work, it will become an established fact. Tell your parents that they will be grandparents..."

A blush directly occupied Shi Yu's white face.

It's just that every time he thinks about this question, Lin Ye feels depressed.

Although I don’t know how it feels to be a father, it’s a shame that I don’t have such an opportunity.

"Established facts? Is this hinting to me?"

Even she is very shy about this.

Although she always hinted at temptation, if she was hinted at by Lin Ye, she would be nervous too!

She is also a girl, and when it comes to calmly facing each other, she will really be shy.

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