Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 419

It's just that since Lin Ye proposed it, she wouldn't refuse if he wanted it.

Feeling faintly felt.

At this time, Bai Qi's rising mouth became more obvious.

Obviously unhappy.

"If you don't mind being an unmarried mother, I don't mind, but..."

There is almost no possibility!


"Nothing, let's go!"


Lin Ye obviously didn't tell her the most important words, just being held by Lin Ye's hand, after Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked in the direction she was walking, she suddenly thought of Bai Qi Xumei being there all the time!

She had completely forgotten just now because of the tension and shy relationship.

However, recalling the conversation between the two, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was surprised that Bai Qi didn't even interrupt them.

Instead, she stayed quietly. Although her expression was very unhappy, she looked like a girl who was very coquettish.

Doesn't she care about her relationship with Lin Ye!


"It's getting late, I'll take you back. By the way, Bai Qi, you will go back to the apartment with me first!"

"Eh eh eh..."

What Bai Qi can think of is that boys at this age are more hungry and thirsty, and, Lin Ye...

And Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu Shiyu also put his gaze on him.

"Don’t be crooked, it’s just one thing that you need to pass on. I remember that’s right. Yuihama Yui’s birthday is the day after tomorrow. Now that I thought about it, I bought a gift. You can pass it on to her for me. !"

Looking at Bai Qi's eyes, Lin Ye knew she was thinking about things that men and women had to say.

He was so hungry there, he just...

"Yui Yi's birthday, why are you Ye Jun..."

"Don't forget the numbers behind her mailbox."

The name Yui is more common in island countries. Therefore, the letters composed of simple names are basically registered. Therefore, only numbers can be added. For this 618, Lin Ye really can't think of other possibilities.

Lin Ye was even more sure when he met Xue Nai at the plus market.

"And, thinking of this, today is Suzuki's birthday, I will go to find her, Bai Qi, come with me!"

"Eh eh, there is Kana?"


"Uuuuu...I don't know all of it."

"Ye Jun, how did you spend your birthday before!"

Bai Qi was going to check Lin Ye's birthday when he went back. As for why he didn't ask, he wouldn't be surprised if he asked about such things.

And Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who had already had this idea, also looked at Lin Ye.

Go out to play and have a big meal?Or is it……

"Birthday? Uh, how is it usually, how is it then, there is nothing special."

I always felt that I said this sentence, very sad, but Lin Ye didn't care.

"This, this way!"

So Bai Qi and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at each other.


"Senior, Senior Sister Bai Qi, and Qianli, you guys remember my birthday, I'm so excited, so let's have a warm hug!"

Suzuki Kana rushed towards the nearest Lin Ye with a full of excitement, but Lin Ye dodged sideways. Of course, in order to prevent her from hitting Qianli and Bai Qi behind, Lin Ye supported her smoothly.

"Kana, don't get too excited, just thinking about it, but seeing you like this, you are waiting for someone to arrive. Then, who do you want to arrive first! I saw you open the door and saw the senior in an instant , Full of joy, isn't it..."

Qianli received a call from Lin Ye, and after learning about Suzuki, she rushed over to meet.

Now she is really grateful to the senior for thinking so well and even preparing a gift for her.

"Not really! I'm only happy because Qianli is here, as well as Senior Sister Bai Qi and Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu."

She is not familiar with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, but at this time, when she is here, of course she also has to smile.

However, who is Kasumigaoka-senpai today, so she came here together.

Something is...

Suzuki set his sights on Lin Ye.

After all, Kasumigaoka-senpai is also a rare beautiful girl.

Maybe the senior went on a date with her today.

"Then, Suzuki-san, happy birthday!"

Lin Ye took out the gift, and everyone else did the same. At least now Suzuki has received gifts from four people.

However, someone should come over later.

After all, Lin Ye asked Bai Qi to contact other people.However, after receiving the news that Xue Nai was coming over, Lin Ye said and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had left first.

It is better for him and her to meet as little as possible!

Suzuki sensed something he wanted to ask, but was stopped by Qianli's eyes.

She can be said to be the person who knows most clearly what happened to Lin Ye and Xuexia.

She did not expect to develop into this way.

However, what she should do now, Qian Li also doesn't know.

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