Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 428

And then, there was the sound of jogging footsteps behind, and Yuihama Yui saw the two of them and jogged over.

"Xiaoxue, here, there is a thief who stole girls’ clothes. Go and check if your clothes have been stolen. Fortunately, my clothes were not taken."

Panting Yubihama Yui spoke to Yukino.

And hearing these words, Lin Ye was shocked.

Yubihama's clothes were not taken, so whose coat was that he had last night.

"I just borrowed Miura's coat, please don't care."

It's just borrowing, but different people have different understandings.

She did use the things, but it was not her who took them.But to help Lin Ye cover up, Xue Nao could only choose to say so.Anyhow, she did not violate her guidelines.

"If Miura-san is angry about this, I apologize to you."

The blonde Miura Yuko had also walked out of the room, staring at the coat next to Yukino that belonged to her.

I wanted to say something to her.But even Miura Yuko didn't expect the other party to apologize directly.Although this apology, there is no sincerity.

However, after hearing the words of apology from the snow lotus-like Xueno of the Tianshan Mountains, she felt that it was enough.I am not going to pursue this matter.

Lin Ye on one side expressed an apologetic expression to Xue Nao.

To be honest, he never thought that the clothes he took were Miura Yuko's.

However, why did the eye lady look at his eyes as if she knew something.

That is not true, is it!

That kind of look can't go wrong.

It's just that when she went in in the dark last night, since she was awake, why didn't she shout, because she was worried that she would violently hurt her.It seems possible.

I remember the name is Ebiname Hime.

Will you find an opportunity to have a chat in the future, or is the other party preparing to threaten him with this matter in private?

Is it a threat?Impossible!

If he encounters a threat, he promises to carry out a beautiful anti-kill.


When the camp was over, Hiratsuka drove the crowd to the gate of the school.

"Since it's here, then disband!"

Lin Ye walked out of the car door in less than two minutes.However, I saw a familiar black car parked in front of the school.

"What a coincidence! Xue Nai-chan, you can even meet you here."

Although he was shouting Xuenao's name, his gaze was looking at him, and Lin Ye looked back at Xuexia Yangno expressionlessly.

What happened by chance, this is completely impossible.

When their car arrived, the black car appeared at the end, and then drove straight toward them.

Obviously waiting for them here on purpose.

This sister who had been him for about a year.

Remember, at first, it seemed that he had been pitted several times.

Slender thighs, fair skin, and high heels, the figure becomes more obvious, and the most noticeable thing is the front body. Compared with Xuenao, Xuexiayangna's figure is really good. Too much.

And Xuenai also noticed Lin Ye's eyes and found that Lin Ye's gaze stayed on Yang Nai's body. After a quick glance at Lin Ye with some dissatisfaction, Xue Nai said to Yang Nai, "Sister, what are you doing here? "

"Of course it's because Xue Nao didn't go home during the summer vacation, and the family members were a little worried, so I came out to look for it. Could it be that Xue Nao and her boyfriend were too happy to go out to play, so I forgot about home."

When he said the word "boyfriend", Yang Nai turned his attention to Lin Ye.The last time I had clearly talked with Xue Nao, but Xue Nao still chose to contact this man.

Could it be that this man has already fascinated Yukino, and even achieved that he could disobey his mother's orders.

"I do not have a boyfriend."

Full of confidence.

Lin Ye agreed, but always felt a little sad.

Although this is true, the relationship between the two of them is also very close.If it is really not intimate enough, how can you do so many ambiguous things.

"Hey, Lin Yejun, don't you feel sad, Xue Nai denied that you are her boyfriend."

Approaching the forest leaf, he used his arm to push the top forest leaf, Xuexiayang was full of smiles.

As always, there is no change at all.However, I know how to hide better than when I was young.

However, in comparison, he is not more able to hide.In other words, from the first day of acquaintance, he has lived under his own mask.

"I am indeed not Yukoshita's boyfriend, my girlfriend, but someone else."

"Hey, I thought you two were lovers! It seems that I made a mistake. It's a pity. If you were Yukino's boyfriend, I think it would be very suitable."


Yukino's face changed slightly, but quickly recovered.

She doesn't know the character of her sister.

"Miss Yangnai, I hope such a day!"

Lin Ye didn't deny it, but took the word.

Another exchange after ten years.Lin Ye was somewhat emotional.

I used to force myself to call her sister because of the relationship between my girl and sister, but in the end it was unsuccessful.

I remembered that Yang Nao still had long hair at that time, but now she has short hair. Although she has become heroic, she really doesn't like it.

Lin Ye really likes long hair.

"Lin Yejun actually knew me, did Xue Nao tell you? It must be Xue Nao telling you! It must be!"

At this time, Yang Nai was full of close smiles, and he felt the huge softness when he touched the forest leaves occasionally.

"Almost, after all, if you understand Xue Nao, you will definitely understand her family situation somehow."

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