Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Cannot Be Wrong Chapter 429

"Eh eh eh, then, to what extent, how about it, okay! After marrying Yukino home, but by the way, he owns part of the assets of the Yukino family. You can enter in one fell swoop..."


Seeing Yang Nai even hinted at Lin Ye with his family, Xue Nai stared at Yang Nai indifferently, and said.

Xuexia's family assets are indeed very rich, much higher than the 100 million US dollars that Lin Ye said to be the bride price.

But that was only accumulated by dozens of Xuexia Family, and Lin Ye, his money was made by his own hands.

Maybe something is illegal, but he traded it with his life.

Xue Nao didn't want her sister to think of Lin Ye.

She subconsciously explained it to Lin Ye.

Chapter 442

Yang Nai was surprised.Then his face returned to laughter.

"Eh... So it turns out that Xuenao attaches so much importance to Lin Yejun!" Yang Nao dragged the tone and continued, "I thought that there would be no one in Xuenao's life that made you so nervous! It seems that I made a mistake! Sure enough, Lin Yejun is really amazing! I don't know how you captured my sister, can you teach me! You know, Xuena has been rejecting me!"

Didn't you refuse you because you deliberately targeted your sister!

When you were young, didn't you always care about Xuena?In ten years, the relationship between the two sisters suddenly became like this. After Lin Ye's initial doubts, he now understands.

Yukino is using her method to cultivate Yukino.

Lin Ye couldn't say much about this method.

However, Xuena is now his future partner, and some aspects can be left to him.

No matter what Xue Na wants to do, even if he wants him to help her achieve her justice, he will do it hard.

Of course, whether it can be realized in the end is not under Linye's control.

"There is no good way, and Ms. Yangnai also knows what Xue... Under her, she didn't agree to be my girlfriend."

Lin Ye, who had just finished speaking, saw Xue Nao and glanced at him.

Lin Ye expressed helplessness.

"That's really a pity, do you need my help? I am Xue Na's sister. I know what she likes and what hobbies she has. How about I help you pursue Xue Na? I believe that the success rate will be greatly increased. "

Even Lin Ye couldn't resist the enthusiastic Yang Nai.However, Lin Ye still refused.

"No, it seems that I am too insincere to have someone help me with this kind of thing."

"Okay, okay, Yang Nai, let's talk about finding a partner for your sister. In short, the camping activities are over. Now disband!"

Shizuka, who clapped his hands, stopped Yoono from continuing.Then he patted Lin Ye on the shoulder fiercely, as if telling others that it was his wrong relationship.

But Lin Ye knew that Shizuka's dissatisfaction was definitely not because of this.

I once molested this beautiful teacher.

Now, to show affection in front of her is to be resented by her.

Yui Yui on one side was also slightly relieved.

Just thinking of Lin Ye's answer just now, she was a little unhappy about what she was doing.

Although he knew that Lin Ye said he liked Xue Na at the beginning, he was mentioned again under such circumstances, which really made her a little unhappy.

However, Yuihama Yui didn't know what she could do.

"Yang Nai, since you are here to pick your sister back, don't do other things."

Shizuka Hiratsuka directly stated Yono's purpose.

"I almost forgot! After all, Lin Yejun really interested me too much."

Xue Nao knew very well what Yang Nai said about interest represented.

If you are not interested, ignore it, if you are interested, you will play him badly.

However, Xue Nao didn't worry about Lin Ye's psychological quality.After all, he got off the battlefield in terms of psychological quality.

"Then Yukino, go back!"

Seeing that Xue Nao didn't plan to leave, Yang Nao added, "My mother is waiting for you."

Yukino's eyes changed rapidly, and then after nodding slightly, after sweeping the crowd, he finally stayed on Yuihama Yui's face.

"Yui Yi, I'm sorry, I can only help you with tuition next time."

On the way back, when Shizuka Hiratsuka mentioned that there was a final exam, facing Yubihama who had already panicked for help, Yukino said to help her review.

Just now...

"Sorry, excuse me, Miss Yangnai, this car is a bit familiar to me... It seems... it hit me once in April..."

Where is it? This car was the one that hit him.

Xue Nao is depressed. As a boyfriend, he must find her courage.

He wants to give her courage and confidence.

"If it was the last car accident, I would apologize. If Lin Yejun needs any compensation, just speak up."

Everyone's eyes were placed on Lin Ye.

However, Lin Ye showed a bright smile, and after supporting the glasses on the bridge of his nose, he spoke.

"I think that Miss Yang Nai won't deny this!"

Yang Nao didn't know what Lin Ye wanted to do.

Suspicious eyes flashed, but his expression remained smiling.

"Of course, if you need..."

Although Yukino was in the car at the time, the driver was the driver.Xue Nai has little responsibility for being rich.

Do you want to use this to take Yukino away?

This... is impossible at all.

And Yukino on one side was also confused.

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