Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 472

Since you are looking forward to it, I am as you wish.

Lin Ye drank half a bottle of red wine like drinking water.

For him, red wine does not make him fall into a drunk state except for making him blush.

Tonight is the day of the showdown between the two.

Before that, it's better to meet Dongma's requirements as much as possible.

Author's message:

PS: Yesterday, Xuecai’s birthday, I wanted to desperately code words, but it’s not working anymore. As compensation, there is one more tonight.At the same time, I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year!

Chapter 480

"Why, why are you still not drunk?"

After drinking half a bottle, Dongma opened an unopened bottle of red wine and handed it to Lin Ye, and asked him to drink it all. However, when the bottle bottomed out, Lin Ye still showed no signs of drunkenness. This made Dongma couldn't help but say it.

"I don't want to be drunk, I usually can't drink it."

His current physical fitness has reached this point. The alcohol content of red wine is not high. Although he usually doesn't touch wine very much, it is not a few bottles of red wine that can be drunk. What does it do.

"Then you give me..."

Dongma did not speak anymore.

Enduring the complex emotions in her heart, Dong Ma stretched out her hand, drank all the red wine she hadn't finished, and put the glass on the table forcefully, making a "boom" sound.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

Lin Ye was waiting for Dongma to speak.

"Are all the things recorded above true?"

Even though she already knew that what was in it was absolutely true, she still had an expectation in her heart.

If the relationship between Lin Ye and her brother is lost, then what is the meaning of everything she has done.

What is the significance of the compromise she made.

In the future, how should she treat the man in front of her.

"The Central Asian Federal Intelligence Investigation Department conducted an investigation that lasted four months. Because it took a long time and was still before the founding of the federation, many of them could not be found, but the information that can be found is already on it."

"That's true!"

Dongma knew she could not escape this fact.

Only the Central Asian Federal Intelligence Investigation Department...

Who is Lin Ye?

She is very curious!

"Yes, there is no concealed information inside. The information that can be found and confirmed to be true is on it."

Looking at the girl whose face gradually became ugly in front of her, Lin Ye's expression was plain.

"Although I don’t know what you think of me as your brother, in fact I am not your brother. There is no blood relationship between me and you. If you need further evidence, we can conduct DNA Testing. The commissioning agency can be your choice."

Worried that Dongma thinks he is making a fake, Lin Ye made suggestions.


Dongma squeezed his hand tightly.

Why did the other party's answer make her so angry? Why did she want to beat him so much.


Countless whys came to mind, making her feel extremely bad.

"Student Dongma, your previous persistence has lost its meaning, so starting tomorrow, the two of us will..."

"You want to breach the contract. Didn't you agree to Xuecai and want the three to be together?"

The body went forward, grabbing Lin Ye's skirt, Dongma's face was full of anger.

"So, Dongma, are you willing? The promise of the three being together. Moreover, I know that there are more than one girl around me, and Xuecai and you will not agree. Instead of continuing to suffer, we might as well cut it off. Got it!"

"Is Xuecai bad? You still don't want to give up those women, that woman under Xuexia..."

"It's not Yukino, it's other girls, I have promised them to be with them..."

"So Xuexia, you don't want to say that Xuexia will agree to this kind of thing, how could that cold woman agree to your unreasonable request, and how many women did you find? "

Lin Ye shut up and said nothing.

"Are you determined to violate the three-person agreement?"

Dongma, who was staring at Lin Ye, saw that Lin Ye had no response, and her heart sank. She knew Lin Ye would not change this idea.

"Since you have made this decision, then you should talk to Xuecai about this. If you make Xuecai cry, I will definitely not let you go."

Dongma thought for a while and knew why Lin Ye invited them both here today.

He wants to let himself and Yukina show that the relationship between the three of them ends here.

Why, why should she be this villain.

A gentle girl like Xuecai would definitely cry because of it.

She didn't want to see Xuecai crying.


"I will tell Xuecai that you took her back to the room today, took off all her clothes, and took advantage of the opportunity."

What a girl cares most about is her innocence.

If this happened, a girl like Xuecai would definitely be responsible for Lin Ye.

As far as Dongma's understanding of Lin Ye is concerned, Lin Ye is definitely not the kind of irresponsible scumbag.

With this, perhaps something can be saved.

As for herself, she couldn't think of any more reasons.

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