Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 473


Thought of this, but gave up.

She is unwilling to use this to save anything.

Because this always feels that this feeling will be mixed with impurities.

"I think you should understand Xuecai. If she knows about such a thing, and if you break off relationship with her, she might not work, and then..."

Then, needless to say, Lin Ye knew what would happen.

Suicide may have a small heart, but it still has a great impact on Xue Cai!

He took advantage, but it was not a lot of good or bad, and it was not intentional.

What's more, their relationship is still a couple.

This physical touch should be acceptable!

But looking at Dongma like this, Lin Ye knew what he was explaining, and if Xuecai wanted to cooperate, he really had nothing to do.

"So, what is the relationship between the two of us!"

This is the top priority.

Dongma avoided the relationship between the two of them, but the daughter of Lin Ye didn't want to let it go.

"We are……"

The relationship between siblings can no longer be talked about. As for the others, they simply can't.


Best friend?

Or men and women...

None of this.

"Even you don't know what the relationship between the two of us is, so why are we talking about being three people together!"

Lin Ye sighed slightly.

He knew that there were many reasons why Dongma was entangled with the three of them, and even some of them did not understand.

Then, either cut off, or just...

Thinking of the two people's bit by bit and thinking of giving up the winter horse, Lin Ye only felt unwilling to give up.

"I have an idea, Kazuya, how about you becoming my girlfriend too? So that we can be together just right."

Dongma looked back at the scum.

Lin Ye just shrugged and said that he only admitted this suggestion.

I thought that letting Dong Ma know that they weren’t a sibling relationship would break this connection, but who knew Dong Ma would continue to struggle with the three of them?

Author's message:

PS: Happy New Year!Thank you readers for your continued support!

Chapter 481

"you are serious?"

After a few minutes of silence, he stared at Lin Ye with an extremely angry expression. Finally, Dongma asked in a low tone.

"I'm serious."

"You really think that if you have the nationality of the Central Asian Federation, you can open a harem and do whatever you want. Are you really worthy of Xuecai?"

It provokes one girl after another, and has been trying to get Lin Ye to give up other girls and concentrate on treating Xuecai, but now, after losing his sister status, Dongma no longer knows what to do!

Should have left this man, this man who has been deceiving her, but the moment he really wanted to be separated, his heart was full of reluctance.

Her heart was filled with unbearable pain that kept reminding her that she couldn't just let this man leave her.

Without her, her life will lose the color that she has so hard to possess now.

A man who exists in life, the first best friend in life.

Lin Ye wanted to destroy the relationship between the three, she... would never agree.

"Aren't you the one who connected Yukina and me, Dongma and Miss Sa."

Without the anger of you and Yukino, and without you expressing this will at the time of the fireworks party, how could Xuecai and I be what they are now!

It was just a student I met in the cram school. At the time, she was still wearing a rustic ponytail and black glasses, looking just like an ordinary girl.

The two of them who had only had this relationship did not become the relationship between the boy and girl friends because of Dongma's tie-up, and the relationship became complicated.


Dongma was silent for a moment.

It is an undeniable fact that if she did nothing at the time and didn't force Lin Ye to confess to Xuecai, then nothing later would happen.

Gorgeous relationship between three people, but now it is finally ushering in the last moment of passing away!

Or maybe, I really promised Lin Ye...

This guy clearly knew that he couldn't agree to it.

Because Lin Ye is trying to find a woman, but she must not be there.

Because this is her betrayal of Xuecai.

"Since it can't be done, then so be it! I will tell Yuk Cai that the momentary discomfort is better than the pain of the first life."

"Do you really want to see Xuecai's sad expression!"

The happy girl showed a sad expression, which is absolutely cruel.

However, sometimes, I really have to do it.

Xuecai can't accept that he has other girls, what else can he do!

Do your best to let Xuecai accept it!

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