Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 503

"I, I... how do I calm down! Xiao Algae." Bai Qi, who put down the bowl and rushed directly on Ying Ting's body, cried directly, "Obviously I am still very confident in my cooking, but I ate it today. After that, I discovered that the place where I had always been confident had been deeply shocked. Why would a boy make such a delicious thing, and how would I be a good wife in the future!"

In the future, she will not want to be Lin Ye's wife and spend her life with her, but she has failed in cooking, and the part of the responsibilities she should have failed has failed. How could she not make her sad and uncomfortable.

"Wife?" Ying Ting was taken aback for a moment.Following that, he glanced at Lin Ye carefully.

I will be... right in the future!

"Oh! Wife! I don't know whose wife Bai Qi wants to be?"

Suzuki's words are full of ridicule.Even if he knew it well, it was very interesting to say it at this time, especially the reaction of Bai Qi-senpai afterwards, Suzuki was looking forward to.

"No, no, it's not Ye Junra!" Bai Qi shook his head vigorously, wanting to veto, and immediately spoke out, she also reflected, "Xiaozao, you bullied me again, I don't want to live anymore."

If Suzuki wasn't there, it wouldn't matter. After all, everyone knew it well, but since Suzuki existed, Bai Qi didn't dare to pick the words too obvious, so he could only get confused.

"So, Senior Ye, I wonder if you are willing to have a wife like Senior Sister Bai Qi!"

Although it was a ridicule, Suzuki was not to confirm Lin Ye's feelings, or to give himself a break!

She knew about the situation of the Ministry of Service. Maybe it would be good to keep going like this, but she still felt a little lost. This time, Suzuki wanted to see the reaction of Senior Lin Ye.

As soon as Suzuki's words were uttered, Bai Qi, who was lying on Sakura Ting's body, carefully glanced at Lin Ye, looking expectant and nervous.

Ying Ting and Yu Yuan were not much better, both of them looked a little nervous.If Lin Ye spoke at this moment, it would prove his relationship with Bai Qi.

At least externally, girls, no matter how good the relationship is, I hope to be one step ahead.

"Of course I do!" Lin Ye smiled and replied directly.

"Ye Jun..." Bai Qi smiled joyfully.

"Then...puff..." Ying Ting just wanted to say congratulations, but was dizzy by Lin Ye's next sentence.

"But I would rather you four marry me together!"

Lin Ye gave Lin Ye a very dissatisfied look.

Mix things up, but together, it's really going to be together, except for Kana.

"Yes, Xuechang Ye, even if the four of us want to marry you, it is not legally allowed. This is forbidden."

"This..." Ying Ting thought of something, but felt that she couldn't say that the idea that came up in her mind was absolutely wrong.

"Oh, it seems that Sakura Ting is thinking of something. It is indeed Sakura Ting. As long as I have the nationality of the Central Asian Federation, I can marry four wives. The problem you worry about does not exist at all."

The fact that the three girls had known for a long time, Lin Ye took it out again, but'get it?'

The three of them understood that this was Lin Ye's excuse to fool Kanai.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Bai Qi was so excited that Bai Qi was quickly put out of the fire, pouting his mouth very dissatisfied, "Ye Jun is too greedy, hit him, let everyone go together..."

The four girls looked at each other and rushed forward together, joining the ranks of playing forest leaves.

Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I vented all the little dissatisfaction in my heart.

Listening to their laughter, Lin Ye felt really satisfied at this moment.

Sure enough, being just one person in life is really too lonely and lonely.

Update update update

According to the title, the update will be available in the evening, and I have been busy ignoring it recently. When that time comes, I will update it on the weekend. There is absolutely no tj, and I don’t know how to tj.

The following content is the number of supplementary words copied

According to the title, the update will be available in the evening, and I have been busy ignoring it recently. When that time comes, I will update it on the weekend. There is absolutely no tj, and I don’t know how to tj.

Chapter 510: Help Me Become the President

Thousands of requests finally made Dongma agree to borrow her second music classroom for a day, and Lin Ye finally called his first batch of supporters here.

If you want to become the president, your own strength is really not enough, but if you can do it, you want to spend a lot of energy and time.

Therefore, Lin Ye decided to use the power of these people in front of him.

It's just that among the people who helped me, there was no Qianli, no Bai Qi, and no Ying Ting, because they were all members of the ministry.

Their own plea will only make them hesitate.

Therefore, it is better not to contact and let them make their own choices.

The remaining unconnected people are Ureshino Sa Yumi and Serizawa Mizuki.

These two people, Lin Ye decided to contact them after finishing this meeting.

However, it is very difficult.

I might sell him.

Therefore, you need to choose a better time, and conceal it, it won't work.

After all, it is a girl who is close to herself, and it will make her sad to keep such things from her.

Lin Ye didn't want to see their sad expressions.'

And if he is alone and unhappy, but doesn't show it, then he will be even more guilty.

"Everyone, I have informed that I am here today. I have only one purpose, which is..." After scanning the six people present, Lin Ye said, "Help me become the student president of this school."

Even An Yilun, as long as she is willing to work, can burst out of amazing strength.

After all, he brought all three of his members here, and couldn't leave him behind.

"Eh" X6

A loud exclamation sounded.

"Isn't Ye Jun a member of the Ministry of Service? Why did you think of becoming the president?" Xiao Mu Zeng Xuecai asked curiously, sitting on the chair.

As the first boy in her life who can't figure out her constant relationship, she certainly welcomes help if she can ask for help, but, is this a request?

However, it was still too sudden.

Intuition told her that what happened to Lin Ye and the Ministry of Service was probably what happened to Xuexia Xuena.

As a girl, I feel a little fortunate, but also a little self-blame, thinking that I shouldn't think so.

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