Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 504

"It's not because the Ministry of Service received a commission regarding the election of the president!"

"There is this commission, but it has nothing to do with me, because I am no longer a member of the Ministry of Service since yesterday, and I have already submitted an application for withdrawal."

"Why? What happened between Xuexia and you." The events of the first two days made the relationship between Dongma and Xuexia a little better. At this time, Lin Ye actually said that he had quit the ministry, and Dongma was a little bit doubt.

The three of them had a life and death relationship, and they slept in the same bed.

After that incident, the relationship between him and Xuexia should get better.

Moreover, Lin Ye confessed to her and Xuexia.

Although he did not accept it, he did not refuse either.

But is the girl’s true heart always...

The atmosphere of Xuexia yesterday and today was a bit wrong, but she didn't think much about it, but now she guessed what happened between Lin Ye and Xuexia, and she had to let Lin Ye choose to quit the ministry.

No matter how you think about it, it won't be a trivial matter.

Dongma is a little concerned.

"Hey, what happened between Ye Sang and Xuexia, wouldn't it be a confession or something that was rejected? This is great, so that my game has new material."

After thinking of some good idea, An Yilun quickly took out a notebook and recorded it, ready to make it into the game.

He didn't notice the changes in the expressions of the other girls after he said this.

"You shut up, what's great. And An Yilun." When Yilun An also mentioned this, Ying Lili raised her brows, and the golden double pony tails began to sway, and she wanted The appearance of the shot.

"No, no, Yinglili, I just want to say that this subject matter is too good, not that Yesang confessed that it was a great thing." Seeing Yinglili calmed down a bit, An Yilun continued to die, "and , The subject is the rumored Xuexia, it’s not normal to be rejected or something."

In his opinion, isn't it normal for the iceberg beauty in school to refuse to confess?

No, according to Xuexia's attitude at the time, he had already accepted it.Dongma rejected An Yilun's conjecture in his heart.

"And, besides, there is..." An Yilun, who didn't notice the change in the atmosphere at all, continued, "Yesang has left the Ministry of Service, so he can join our club, and there is no need to do part-time jobs, and he becomes full-time. How great."

"Well, classmate An Yi, even if I quit the club, I will not join your club and become a full-time member. I just said I will run for the president."

In the face of An Yilun's somewhat nonsensical Second Yuan Mansion, Lin Ye also had no good solution, and could only explain it based on facts.

"Ye Jun, are you sure you want to become the new president?"

The question was Kasumigaoka Shiyu, with her legs crossed, revealing a pair of charming black silk-covered thighs into the air.


"Why didn't Ye Jun go to the Ministry of Service, even if you retired, according to Xuexia's character, you won't refuse your request."

"No, this time, if I put forward the relevant commission, they will definitely reject it. Moreover, it is very likely that it is not right. It should be determined that they will become my competitor to the chairman."

Recalling the reminder to Bai Qi and the four of them last night, Lin Ye promised that they would be able to find the answer they said right away if they asked for a request.

If it is now known, many advantages will not exist.

"So, in order to take advantage of time, to take advantage of one step ahead of time, and to keep confidential related work, the object of my notice today is to find people who have no relationship with the Ministry of Service. That is everyone here."

"Ye Jun, why are you so sure that the Ministry of Service will participate in the presidential election?" Xuecai was very curious about the fact that Lin Ye was so sure that the Ministry of Service would become an opponent.

For those present, Lin Ye did not intend to conceal this information.

"They may not have this plan now, but they will have this idea in a while. The president of the General Wu Gao student council can force a student to join the student union during his tenure, so..."

"You mean..." The golden double ponytail became more energetic. Ying Lili was a little surprised at Lin Ye's thinking circuit, and even this had already been considered.

It feels so powerful.

Author's message:

ps: I updated it!Update again on weekends.I have been getting a new computer these days, and then the new computer was returned to the factory smoothly. The hundreds of g data I transferred have to be transferred back again.

so tired.

On the official website of August News Agency, I saw that the Shepherd of the Great Library has released a new game, but the game platform-style switch, is this not asking me to buy a switch, but I still need to support the game I like, and wait quietly With the arrival of the July sale day.

Chapter 511 She... is afraid of me!(modify)

"Yes, in the final analysis, I left the ministry because of the affair between me and Xuexia. As for other people, they don’t know why I left. As far as I know, Bai Qi and others will definitely try their best to get I go back, but want me to go back...Since I choose to leave, I won't make the choice to go back again, so they will do everything they can. Of course, this may just be me thinking too much."

Lin Ye smiled as though he was self-deprecating, as if he was sentimental, but to be honest, the possibility was really high, and they would definitely do everything possible in the Ministry of Service.

"Then, they can only use the rules of General Wu Gao, and among them, this right of the student council president is just in line with it, and it is the easiest to obtain at present."

By the way, it happened to be a commission from Yi Huei Yu.

"So Ye Jun wants to become the president, so he refuses to become partners in a club with Xuexiamen?"

"No, you got it wrong, Xiaomu... Xuecai," noticing Xuecai's dissatisfied expression, Lin Ye had no choice but to change her name and call the other person by name.

"I want to become the president for other reasons, and they don’t know this rule at the moment, but their commission continues. They should discover this rule sooner or later. Therefore, I want to take advantage of this time difference and try my best Expand their influence and lay a better foundation for their election for president at that time."

"Entrusted? I don't know who entrusted the chairman of the Chief Wu Gao?"

"When I handed in the application for withdrawal from the club yesterday, it happened that the vice president of the city tour took a first-year school girl to discuss about the president. That school girl was maliciously elected as a candidate for the president, so Come and ask the Ministry of Service to discuss related issues. I remember if I didn't do it, it should be called Yi Huei Yu."

At that time, he was'intimidated' by a wave.

Lin Ye couldn't help being a little amused with the expression of the color feather at the time.

If one's own bad taste is a little more serious, maybe they will come in contact with them one by one next.

But...Sure enough, forget it.

"That's it! Then I promised, Ye Jun, I will definitely help."

Since Lin Ye said that the reason for the election was not because of Xuexia and the others, Xuecai was relieved to help.Moreover, this was the first time Ye Jun asked her for help, even if Lin Ye was for Xuexia, she would not refuse.

Because she is a kind girl after all.

"Dongma, how about you..."

Lin Ye cast his gaze on Dongma and Sha who was sitting on the piano seat.

Now that Xuecai agreed, the probability of Dongma's agreement would be close to 100%.

Moreover, the relationship between the two of them is so ambiguous.

"Xucai agreed. I have no reason to refuse. Besides, if you did something wrong, apologize to the woman under Xuexia. Don't think about letting us clean up the mess for you."

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