Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 505

Lin Ye smiled and shook his head slightly, "If I was really wrong, I will apologize, but I promise that it will never be me who is wrong. If Dongma is uneasy, you can ask, just Just don't reveal the news that I am running for president."

Wrong...this world...

"Who would ask that woman! Don't look like I don't trust you. If you don't believe it, get out of this classroom for me now."

"So, Eiri, how about you?"

"Hmph, how could I refuse when you said so. No, I didn't agree with you for your sake. I just wanted to show that woman and dare to agree with you to quit the agency. This is simply unreasonable. No, it seems to be. For you, I just..." At the end, Ying Riri lowered her head shyly, and her whole voice became quieter.

The more anxious, the more unclear the explanation.

"So, Shiyu, what about you?"

"Miss MISS, the three-time champion Wu Gao, has agreed. I don't think I have a reason to refuse, but can I ask you a question about Ye Jun."

The calf trembles slightly, Xia Zhiqiu is obviously a little curious and nervous about the questions asked later.

"What happened between you and Xuexia Xueno."

With a move of her beautiful eyes, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu saw with curious eyes.

Among all the girls around Lin Ye, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu instinctively noticed that Lin Ye's attitude towards Xuexia was different.

"Why are you asking this?" Lin Ye looked at Xia Zhiqiu through the flat lens, hoping to give a suitable reason.

"My writing has fallen into a bottleneck again. I hope to find a breakthrough, and I feel that what happened between Ye Jun and you and Xuexia can definitely be the subject of the novel."

Your instinct is really accurate.It is absolutely no problem to write a novel with a few volumes of hundreds of thousands of words based on what happened between me and Xuexia.

"I can't say the specifics, it will only cause trouble to Xuexia. All that can be said is Xuexia. She should be very contradictory now, a little scared of me!"


Lin Ye nodded and continued to explain, "I'm afraid I will approach her for any special purpose."

"This..." Thinking of the situation in Xuexia's home, Xia Zhiqiu was silent at this point, and if she continued to ask, she might really have some privacy.

She was very curious, but she also knew that it was better not to know some things, and Lin Ye didn't plan to say it. Xia Zhiqiu, who was familiar with Lin Ye's character, knew that she couldn't ask anything.

I just think that if the relationship between the two is closer, maybe we can know it!Even if Lin Ye looked normal now, it would definitely not be a trivial matter to let him choose to quit the club.

Moreover, after looking at the other four girls around, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also knew that they had similar ideas to her.

However, Xia Zhiqiu also feels good if he can think of helping them, at least he can rely on him.

"Okay, let's talk about other issues." Lin Ye pointed and continued, "At present, the main thing is to inform you. The specific matters will not be difficult. It is different from your hobbies. It will be too far apart."

"For example, Xuecai and Dongma are responsible for music. They can help me in this aspect. Yinglili is fine for art. Posters and everything need illustrations. As for Shiyu, your words, slogans, etc. But it’s indispensable. And you, An Yi, just do the overall planning work."

"Okay, I am best at this." An Yilun also looked confident.

It is because you can't find any special place, so I beg you.However, An Yilun is also very strong in entanglement. When he encounters a problem that he can't solve, he may get some unexpected results when handing it to him.

Author's message:

PS: Let me just say, I remember the code word, how did I find that it hasn't been updated for so long? It turned out that I forgot to upload it. Now it is done.

Please refresh the ones that are not displayed. 510 has been modified and updated.

Chapter 512

Lin Ye thought for a while, it seemed that he had forgotten something, and then recalled the people present from beginning to end again, scanned around, and saw the girl who had been quietly standing aside.

Even if the memory is as strong as him, one is careless, and once again ignored.

Lin Ye can only sigh Kato Megumi's weak presence.

"Kato-san, if you ask me, I'll leave it to you for everything else."

After thinking about it, Lin Ye couldn't find other suitable things to ask Kato Megumi.

"So the senior still remembers me! I thought you forgot too."

The expression on his face was as flat as ever, but Lin Ye also saw the joy under the other's eyes at noticing her existence.

He was called here for help, but was ignored in the end.

Even if she knew it was because of her special physical relationship, she would still be a little sad.

"In the future, this kind of thing won't happen, I promise."

Even if he noticed the other party, he did ignore it again before. In order to make up for the girl, Lin Ye made up his mind.

As long as he reminds himself repeatedly, he will never forget.

Lin Ye has this confidence.

"Then, thank you senior. Please remember for a lifetime..."

The look of the girls around changed slightly.

Remember this kind of promise for a lifetime, it completely requires the lover to make a promise.

The promise of a lifetime.

This girl with calm expressions also makes people have to pay attention.

"This is the general policy I set out. You can take a look at it first." I printed out ten copies of the strategy that I formulated after thinking for a few hours last night, and six of them were distributed to the six people of Xuecai.

Quickly flipping through the A4 printing paper with a thickness of about one centimeter, Xia Zhiqiu was a little shocked.

"Ye Jun, you said that this is your general policy."

This is called a general policy...

"Yes" Lin Ye nodded affirmatively, "Teacher, Mr. Hiratsuka did not give me feedback. I can't make some effective and valuable evaluations and judgments. This aspect is still vacant."

"So, what about this! Including several responses from the Ministry of Service. For each of them, you have formulated at least three sets of plans to deal with, and there are also a few people who are not among them, such as Ureshino, Serizawa, and the vice chairman of the city tour. Those who belong to the Ministry of Service but are not among the few of us have conducted thousands of words of behavior and psychological analysis, and each of them is based on evidence. You have listed what impact it will have on the president’s election. , You said this is just a general policy."

Xia Zhiqiu couldn't believe it, that the thing on hand was made by Lin Ye alone.

Moreover, psychological behavior analysis and judgment, and every set of counter-attack responses, are completely not the ability of a person of this age.

Compared to what he knew, what else would Lin Ye have.

The mist made her think.

"I’m not afraid of things that are too simple. Are you tired? So I did a little bit more carefully. Also, although I want you to help me become the president, I must at least show my strength and let you know that I have become The strength of this guild leader, are you right?"

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