The old man led people in the woods, and searched closely for the traces of Ye Wei, Eleven, and Mo Ju. More than 20 trained wolfhounds were jumping and roaring, and their sensitive sense of smell played a role, slowly searching. The hiding place of Ye Wei and others.

This is more sensitive than ordinary wolfhounds, coupled with exceptionally fierce and well-trained, has always been a good assistant for hunting.

Quietly in the forest, the moon tonight seems to perceive that there will be a very fierce war, hiding in the clouds, the whole night is dark and thick, especially in the forest, the lush foliage blocks all light, No trace of light and shadow was visible. Because it is not a minefield nearby, people are usually rare here, and the forest is silent all year round, revealing a deadly pale and rotten black.

Eerie, occasionally accompanied by a few wolf dogs howling, not far away from the ocean tide beating on the rock, there was a thrilling tension in the strange forest cold, those young men who were instructed to search for it all felt very strange, fully alert .

None of them are timid people, but in such an environment, they are faced with such top-level good hands, and everyone will have a sense of uneasiness and fear.

As the old man entered the forest, he was in the position of the commander. Both sides had no lights. Because they often walked and acted in the dark, their eyes were well adapted to the darkness, and it was not difficult to distinguish people from scenery.

On the ground, a row of young men sounded clattering clatters, the branches were shaking, the leaves rustled, they were nervous, the submachine gun shot desperately in the direction of the shaking, and only a row of bullets could be heard in the woods.

Everything went to peace, nothing, unfortunately a poor bird was shot and fell off the tree, a sudden silence.

Quiet, very quiet.

On the other side, gunshots also sounded on the other side, firing at full strength, and gradually turned into one after another, they turned around in panic, their nerves tense.

The old man's eyes narrowed, but he was quiet and motionless, just stood there, listening to the gunshots on both sides, no expression, but standing with his hands down, his expression calm, the muddy eyes in the dark night, so bright Scary.

For a moment, the other side sounded again and again, they turned around suddenly, and it was another kind of alert. This one after another, scared them all to be neurasthenic, not knowing what to do.

Can only look left and right, moving forward cautiously.

The group of wolf dogs also seemed to be infected with the tight breath in the woods. They didn't have the kind of assault force at the beginning, and appeared a little weak. The wailing cry was abrupt in the silent night.

On the ground, the young people moved in the direction of the wolf dog, the guns went up, ready to fight, Ye Wei from the tree sneered, brought you in, if you want to go out alive, see if you have such luck.

The hairspring shot and shot straight on the tree trunk. Ye Wei put on the iron ring. As the hairspring slipped over, at the same time, the silver gun shot and fired eight shots in a row. The first time he rescued the twelve wolf dogs.

This silver gun was compensated by Mo Ju, who was originally Mo Ju's gun, but because Mo Ju lost her, Ye Wei was very angry and wanted to compensate Mo Ju. Mo Ju is now obedient to Ye Wei, naturally What she said was what happened, so the polar silver fox, the number one gun chart, fell into her hands.

The world of short guns, the polar silver fox first, the North African lion second, and the desert eagle third, are the shortest weapons with the highest lethality. The three guns have their own lengths, even Suman, who claims to be able to build the best guns It takes a lot of effort to build it.

Ye Wei’s original gun was also a polar silver fox, the designer was Suman, and the creator was Suman. He spent time and energy to build this gun. The exchange condition was that Ye Wei’s men were merciful, don’t chase him away.

For the beloved gun, Ye Wei had to endure the pain and cut off Suman. On that day, she pulled out eleven and disappeared. Mo Ju lost her. One can imagine that Ye Wei was angry, so she paid his polar silver fox. Don't feel guilty.

This pistol is extremely lethal, plus Ye Wei is the king of the gun king, one bullet can solve two huge wolf dogs.

The young man was shocked as soon as he shot, and he could hardly believe what he saw. Originally, the wolf dogs were divided into three groups to track, and there were 8 chasing Ye Wei. After all the deaths, her activities were free.

By the time these men reacted and shot at a moving place, Ye Wei had moved quickly, once again avoiding the danger. In the jungle battle, she and Eleven dare to admit the second, and absolutely no one dared to say the first One.

Therefore, it took only a moment to follow Ye Wei's team. Eighteen people were silently reduced from behind, leaving only seven or eight people. They finally realized that she had already gone behind them.

Too fierce, too...perverted, the skill can reach such a state.

They were shocked and angry.

I was also deeply hit, and I clearly understood that the gap between each other was a world awareness. For these men who have always considered themselves strong, this is undoubtedly a slap in the face. on.

Stepped on their self-esteem.

What a pervert!

Gunshots and screams also sounded in two other places in the deep forest. Obviously, Ye Wei and Eleven Moju have a very good cooperation, and they have a tacit understanding. Ye Wei and Eleven don’t need to say that Moju is his wife. Of course, he was not willing to be outdone.

Gunshots, screams, and roars of horror among forest animals, and the surviving wolf dogs... intertwined with a terrifying atmosphere.

The men were creepy and endured to the limit.

"Fuck, Laozi killed you." The man was terrified and panicked, causing extreme anger. He raised his submachine gun and blasted violently around, bursting with fire, breaking the strange atmosphere of the entire forest.

Pull the real atmosphere to the most tense point.

He was mad, anxious, and afraid of being crazy, so a submachine gun fired so unruly, preferring to kill a thousand by mistake, and not let go of one person's violent behavior.

Ye Wei just coldly hooked her lips. In the dark night, the woman's eyebrows were stained with a cold murderous spirit. The enchanting was gone, and her hands and feet were all Yan Luo's breath, so hard that even the ants in the forest could feel her coldness. .

Lips were slightly hooked, Ye Wei's body was hooked on a branch, and he stood upside down. He grabbed the head of a man with one hand, his wrist turned, and he twisted it off.

Two other men were resolved.

Ye Wei is also a super character, the more you are afraid of something, the more she will let you enjoy, so she does not solve the man who is crazy, specializes in solving the man next to him. The hidden weapon is a precious thing, it is not indiscriminate. Exhausted, inexhaustible, so Ye Wei always cherishes.

Not to be confused, she slid down the branches, bypassed them, and solved all the youths in the same way.

When the man's madness was over, he was suddenly shocked that his companions had all fallen, and he was left alone to fight. The man's eyes widened, a horrible cry, and he ran away...

Ye Wei shrugged her shoulders and enchanted her voice, "Isn't that so arrogant, the slaves haven't packed you yet?"

She swept the gun under her foot, held it, and skillfully pulled the insurance. She fired a shot at the man and was killed. Ye Wei sneered and looked at the gun, "Good thing!"

The quality of the arms of this group of people is really good. They are all new rifles. Ye Wei picked up a hand at random, and found several magazines on the man, and then picked up a few short gun magazines. The direction of the old man moved quickly.

Ye Wei, Eleven and Mo Ju arrived almost at the same time. Eleven and Mo Ju also solved everyone. The three formed a circle and surrounded the old man. Ye Wei just wanted to say that Mo Ju invited sweet credit, "Wife, I'll help you solve them."

The old man's eyes squinted, and the darkness seemed to them like the daytime. He could see that Mo Jiu had moved his hands and feet. The pair of purple eyes was very impressive, but his face was made up. He didn't expect that it was actually ink. Ju.

Lips, sneer, what is the code of this play?

Ye Wei enchanted, "Good."

Mo Jiu saw his wife praise him, and she was not happy when she was applauded. She smiled more sweetly on the face, very satisfied, very wives and slaves.

If the situation is not allowed, she might hold Mo Ju a good kiss, this girl is so cute.

A character who wants to pounce at a glance.

Eleven icy voices sounded, "Cang wolf, are you? Traitor!"

In the forest, the **** air permeated. The cold air on Eleven seemed to freeze the blood flowing in the air. The **** air was more dignified. With the wind and snow masterpiece, it was cold and pressing.

Cang wolf, the first killer forty years ago, and the old witch and the white fox are also called the empress of the killer world.

At that time, there was no first terrorist organization. At that time, it was just an agent team, also known as a mercenary. It was specifically responsible for the assassination missions between governments and major gangs, and almost half of the global dark information was mastered.

They dominated for more than 20 years. Later, because the training of Agent Island was too cruel, they had trampled on the dignity of the human being. The island owner uprooted the Jason family again. Jason, Black J, Chu Li fought back, the wolf, The white fox secretly helped each other, and finally the revolution succeeded.

The creation of the first terrorist organization was actually formed on the basis of annexation of Agent Island. Agent Island is the most basic force, and the information it holds makes Black J, Jason and Chu Li unfavorable in the arms industry.

Finally formed the now perfect first terrorist organization.

At the beginning, it was said that Jason was the main three, and this organization was also the hard work of them. The blue wolf and the old witch only leveled the obstacles behind, and did not contribute on the bright side, so the formation of two power centers of one light and one dark is everyone. Unanimous decision.

But the blue wolf was not satisfied. The first terrorist organization became more and more dominant in the arms world. The blue wolf became more and more jealous. He was cruel and overbearing. Jason's temper was explosive. Black Jack and Chu Li were extremely short-sighted. In the event of conflict, Jason must have won. The old witch generally does not matter, she is only responsible for training talent.

Gradually, the light and dark leaders began to have conflicts and became more and more fierce. The blue wolf felt that he was not valued, and Jason was disobedient. Because Jason was a disciple of the old witch, he thought he could command him. Jason thinks that you, a person behind the scenes all year round, go to Mingli to do fart, it is not better to do your job.

The blue wolf finally betrayed, he secretly reported to the fbi, and provided information to the anti-terrorist organization, and combined with the Colombian government army and the Mexican army to conduct a devastating bombing of the two major bases of the terrorist organization, destroying all the hard work of Jason Black Jack and Chu Li Fortunately, the Chief Executive reported the news in a timely manner, and the main force began to withdraw from the war zone, but some of them were still trapped and suffered heavy casualties. Terrorist organizations in Colombia and Mexico have nearly 100 scientists, weapons experts arrested, and more than 20 top talents. After being brutally murdered, Chu Li blasted the Mexican prison in a rage and officially tore his face. Since then, the first terrorist organization has not been bound by any national force.

The old witch had no choice but to transfer all the information from the personnel on Agent Island and bombed Agent Island himself, sinking all the evidence to the bottom of the sea and destroying it completely.

That year was the first time a terrorist organization took shape and was hit hard, almost even its foundation was destroyed.

The cause of all this is because of the wolf.

Jason and others hated him, and he almost killed him that year, but in the end he was an old witch and husband. There was no killer. Later, the old witch ordered it. Later, the first terrorist organization personnel saw this person. , Kill without amnesty.

Jason just started sending people to find him and clear the portal.

Ye Wei and Eleven were trained separately. After they were successful, they ran around the world. They were rarely in the organization. Moreover, the organization was so large. Many branches were single-line contacts. The two parties had not disclosed information. Listening to Jason, Chu Li and others scolded him, but never saw him.

But they hated him more than Chuli Jason and others. The two of them are the two female disciples who are the most proud and favorite of the White Fox, so they hurt their respected people, Ye Wei and Eleven. Extreme short-term protection, hate this person.

"Ye Wei and Eleven." The blue wolf smiled coldly. "Neither of your masters are my opponents. The two of you are qualified?"

Ye Wei looked cold, "Have you ever heard the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave, has the front wave died on the beach?"

"Crazy!" The blue wolf was quite disdainful, and there was a bit of anger in the old face. "Forgive you, but you can't help me."


Ten thousand words today! !

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