"How is your master?"

"Shut up your mouth, you don't deserve to mention my master." Ye Wei drank coldly, her eyes slammed, her wrists flicked, her enchanting and cold smile jumped up her lips, "Cang wolf, I only give it to your old part You have the opportunity to prepare, just wait not to die too badly."

The pale wolf's pale face paid a lot of sternness, and the eyes that had been silent for a few years showed an absolute domineering, and he and Eleven were all such characters, and he clearly felt the murderousness of the wolf.

The wolves laughed loudly, their gray hair fluttering in the night, without the wind, and they startled the birds in the forest and flew away. The strange forest under the night added a kind of forceful coercion.

"It's worthy of her proud disciple. I'll clear you up today." The wolf said extremely coldly.

Eleven sneer "Why not give it a try?"

Ye Wei smiled enchantingly and closed the silver gun. "Hidden for a few years. I didn't expect you to hide under the Mafia. I really didn't grow. How come, do you fight? Heads up or fight in groups, and I will all accompany you."

Eleven cold shots burst, "Less nonsense, I don't need a gun, just use the martial arts taught by my master to clean up you."

Mo Ju suddenly said: "Wife, are you going to fight? Dabai helps you."

In front of his wife, it is necessary to be diligent and diligent.

"Go away, it's okay for you." Ye Wei swept coldly, Mo Qiu grievously raised the corner of his lips, and suddenly, gunshots sounded in the direction of the prison. After a while, one after another.

After a while, there was a very violent explosion.

Ye Wei eleven heart sigh, promised to start?

Oops, she was a little girl, only to succeed, how can it be beaten?

Cang wolf saw their anxiety, their eyes suddenly opened, their sleeves fluttered, and the claws' five claws spread out, and they looked like the most fierce wolf, and murderously rushed towards Ye Wei and Eleven.

Ye Wei and the left and right sides of Eleven One were separated at the same time. The next turn of the foot, one person greeted with two palms, one person swept under the feet, both faced the blue wolf, as fast as lightning.

In the dark night, Mo Juchun's eyes watched Ye Wei's every move nervously, ready to rescue his wife at any time, Ye Wei would not let him participate, he really stood by the side, the strong wolf, he had long been I feel it.

Ye Wei and Eleven are not weak, but... most of them can't resist.

The three silhouettes are in the woods, and the painting is the battlefield. They are indistinguishable. There is no fancy play, no dazzling tricks, and some are just a quick kill, ruthless, accurate, and no one is sympathetic. Ten thousand pieces of each other.

Eleven and Ye Wei have rarely had such close combat melees, but the cooperation of more than ten years is still tacit, and the power is amazing. The one-on-one fight of the blue wolf will definitely defeat them, but Ye Wei and Ten Together, in a short period of time, it is obviously a situation of close competition.

But it is also limited to balance in a short time.

After more than 30 strokes, when Ye Wei's palms hit the back of the wolf and eleven-leg swoosh kicked at his heart, the wolf sneered and seemed to be waiting for such a move. He grabbed Ye Wei's wrist with his backhand, and suddenly used force. The position of him and Ye Wei suddenly changed. He was shocked to find that his leg kicked at Ye Wei's heart.

Eleven quickly picked up the move, but was too late to avoid Ye Wei's palms. He was swept back by this force for more than ten steps, his back pressed against the trunk, and he rebounded fiercely, spouting a sip of blood.

Ye Wei was furious and tried to break away from the old capture. When the figure flashed to the back of the wolf, he would grab his spine. Melee melee. Many people specialize in the spine. If they break here, they will definitely die.

Cangwolf had long expected Ye Wei's movements, and she was restrained by a backhand stroke. A judo attack threw Ye Wei fiercely.

Seeing his wife being thrown hard, Mo Ju immediately rushed out to catch Ye Wei, wiped the blood at the corners of her lips on eleven, turned her hands over and attacked again, the force was fierce and big, with a fierce force Murderous.

Ye Wei was held by Mo Ju, without saying a word, pushed Mo Qi away, swept the branches under the ground, and swept fiercely towards the blue wolf, for a moment, and cooperated with the eleven to attack, both of them were on the offensive. Type.

This is the most common style of play for killers, specializing in attack, and not defending, because their goal is to let the other party die, and Ye Wei and Eleven apparently regard the blue wolf as their main target.

Excluding their hatred, the previous first killer and the current first killer, this is also a contest. Ye Wei and the eleven bones are proud and belligerent, and they will certainly not let go of the blue wolf.

"Wife, how fierce." Mo Ju opened a pair of clear purple eyes and muttered to himself, watching this fierce battle vigorously.

Another round of attack was defeated. In the dark night, the eyes of the blue wolf gleamed with bloodthirsty light, cold and hard, and swept across with a strong wind, "Want to hurt me a cold hair, you are still tender Writing."

The tone was disdainful and cold.

Ye Wei, looked at each other eleven, smiling coldly, without fear or fear, Ye Wei looked with an elegant domineering look, "Cang wolf, know oneself and know the other, one hundred battles and one hundred victories, do you know what you lost?"

The eleven consistent ice and snow, the senran interface, "We have almost figured out your way, blue wolf, you have lost." She spoke decisively, throwing a sound, "You are too sad, leave the first terrorist organization these There are no new tricks in the year, and we, when the old witch personally ordered to kill you, knew that there would be such a day sooner or later, you die."

The eleven words just fell, and the blue wolf's eyes widened. I saw the figure of eleven in the dark like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara. It moved quickly, almost besieging him all together, as fast as lightning. Which one is the real body.

Ye Wei, however, played the oldest Tai Chi in China. His moves were very slow, gradually approaching the blue wolf and gently pushing out with two palms. The gray wolf clearly saw Eleven passing through Ye Wei's body, obviously Seeing his palm wind has forced Ye Wei back.

But in a blink of an eye, Ye Wei appeared on the other side, palms slapped behind his back, the wolf only felt that the whole body's meridians had been shocked, and had not stood still, Eleven really shot.

There seemed to be thousands of hands, pinching his throat.

The wolf was furious, screamed, his feet fell, his palms flew, and the ground retreated a little, and Ye Wei's tricks were also weak.

But for a moment, he was sleepy again.

Like a layer of dense nets, he was trapped to death.

Even those who are as strong as Mojue can't see for a moment, where the flaws of Ye Wei and Eleven are used separately. They are all used by one enemy, let alone cooperate so well.

The wolf's lips sneered differently than the first panic. This time, he appeared calm, and his lips smirked coldly, "She will teach you these tricks, hum!"

Turning his eyes closed, the blue wolf listens to the wind to identify tricks. The eleven thousand-handed Guanyin and Ye Wei’s Tai Chi seem to have no effect on him. He can quickly respond to changes in breath and wind, respectively, and is very accurate with Ye Wei. And eleven tricks.

Mo Ju applauded!


Between men and men, there is a problem of advocating strength. Whoever is hard will be admired. The wolf really shows his extraordinary strength.

The eleven lips twitched like a smile, but Ye Wei was a little bit normal and extremely cruel. Their wrists started together, and they no longer used any tricks. The figure moved quickly.

Mo Ju clearly saw that this was a step of five elements and gossip. While Ye Wei and Eleven were moving, there were some transparent silk threads trapped around the gray wolf. When the gray wolf felt wrong, he opened his eyes.

The hands, feet and waist have long been surrounded by a very clever force...

As he opened his eyes, Ye Wei and Eleven stood back at the same time, raising his hands and tightening the silk thread, trapping the blue wolf.

"Cang wolf, die!" Eleven laughed coldly, hooked his feet, and swept over while holding the silk thread, and Ye Wei also took the line, opened his hand, and shot him violently. Heavenly cover.


On the other side of the forest, after the stone entered the minefield, the explosion exploded and more than a dozen chasers laughed.

The Asian branch did not dare to take a breath with Ning Ning and the promised atmosphere, promised to be a little weak due to blood loss, and leaned to the side, the small milk bag stretched out to hug her tightly into her arms.

Bai Nen's face was panic-stricken. Since he knew the promise, she has been alive and kicking and has always been incomparably powerful. Never seen promise so fragile, he was very nervous.

As soon as she held the promise, she was awake and pushed Ning Ning away, but it was too late. Ning Ning's tentacles were warm, spread her hands, and a blood stain...

The little **** Bao Tong's eyes also seemed to be stained with red light, and his fingers could not help shaking, but fortunately it was the night, which covered his mortal defeat at the moment, this is the blood of the promise...

Bloody, thick, and... cold...

"Nuo Nuo, what's the matter with you?" Hearing his own trembling voice, Xiao Daibao took a deep breath and tried hard to calm down, but failed, he was afraid.

"It's okay, a little injury, what are you shaking?" Promise sounded the same, and with the same domineering as before, whispered in a low voice, "Smelly stone, it's shaking like this, nothing good."

Where is the minor injury, his tiny hand is wet, she said clearly that it was stoned with bruises, but why did it bleed so much blood, the small milk bag is not a fool, he quickly wanted to transfer the promise View the scar on the back.

Promise snapped his hand and sullenly said: "Don't look at it, I have suffered a lot from this injury. I have been used to it. I have to get used to it first. It's important to escape first.

The little baby bag was very quiet, and the eyes in the dark night were very scary, without the grace of the deliberate camouflage on weekdays, and looked at the promise dumbly. The Asian branch can be seen. This sturdy little girl may be the wife of his future master. He is a pair of young masters. He dared not disturb them to speak and took one to the forest.

It’s a hideout for the dark night.

He promised to support the body of the Asian branch by supporting the body casually, trying to support it, without showing any weakness, and the small milk bag coldly sullen his face, no expression.

"Nono, you turn around and show me."

"Don't look at it, what's so beautiful."

"Turn it around!" he said in a deep voice, ordering that for the first time he drank such an imposing promise, and the Asian branch was more convinced that this is the little master, this imposing, many ordinary children can have.

So calm, so cold, even a big man of him will be shocked by this momentum, can not help but listen to his orders.

In a word, command the strong men.

"I said stone, the girl's back is just looking at it, are you ashamed?" Promise to smile, and slap on the face of the little baby bag. "You see me as spiritual, it seems something is wrong Is it?"

Xiao Baobao did not know for a while that she was telling the truth, and promised to be very energetic, but why did he feel so uneasy?

"Did I just knock down my injury?" He was a transparent character, recalling the horrified glance that promised just before he threw down, and the mumble.

"You're so much nonsense," Promise promised hummingly, and said casually, "I promised your aunt to send you to her completely, maybe she will be my second sister-in-law, and I will please her."

"What about you?" Ning Ning asked in a deep voice.

"That's it."

The little milk bag was quiet, the night was quiet, and the woods were quiet. The two little milk bags sat on the shoulders of the Asian branch and stared at each other for several times. Ning Ning's demeanor was completely lost.

He almost shouted, he was very upset, he even promised to please his aunt... extremely upset.

The Asian branch could perceive his anger, and the small milk bag originally wanted to show an elegant smile as before, and suddenly remembered the hypocrisy that promised to hate him most, and the corner of his lips he pressed down again.

"It's a guilty conscience." He scolded coldly, and the little milk pack gritted his teeth, holding back this quiet uneasiness, and said, "Nono, if we leave this time, don't you come back, are you successful?"

Promising eyes looked at the dark night, the wind was blowing slowly, a little bit hot, the forest was quiet, not far away, the gunshots were still ringing, but the feeling here was calm and birdy.

She suddenly gave birth to a little yearning, did not go back, did not have such rigorous training, when lonely, did not need to speak to the sea alone, and stones can be bullied. It seems that this day is very moist, beautiful, and worthy of longing.

However, forget about the island, that is her only home. She has lived there since her memory, with unspeakable feelings.

"I like to forget the island," promised.

But the little baby bag misunderstood her meaning, he said so clearly, the promise was rejected? The small milk pack is very unpleasant, at this point he is very inherited Ye San, has an exclusive domineering, he is not a person who promises to be able to pass a word.

"I asked you what it has to do with whether you like Wangyou Island?" Xiao Xiaobao said. He didn't understand why he was so persistent that he promised to leave. She always felt that she should leave.

"Stone, I'm a little bit puzzled to hear what you said. What do you ask me to leave?" Promise smiled, struggling to support reason: "Continue to strike you?"

The baby bag is silent!

Promise can't tell what it feels like in his heart, joking: "Uncle, look at what he means?"

I have been silently looking for a way to avoid the thorns from hurting the Asian branch of the two children, saying: "This is simple, if you are more than ten years old, it will be a bit like courtship."

The small milk bag was said to be the central thing, and the skin of the copper wall and the iron wall had been cultivated for a long time, and even a red cloud burst into bloom. He was glad that this was the night, and promised that he could not see the red on his face.

Otherwise, it’s humiliating.

He decided that he would get out of danger in the future. He wanted to distribute the Asian branch to Antarctica.

Promise smiled generously and followed the Asian branch's words: "I said that stone likes me, he doesn't admit it, uncle, he is thin-skinned, you just stop and don't tease him."

The Asian branch is silent. Who is teasing this?

But he was bitter in his heart. The promised injury was very serious... If he was not treated in time, Ning Ning knew nothing.

"Nuo Nuo, don't avoid the topic." Bao Xiao asked perseveringly, not swearing an answer.

No matter how clever he is, he is also a child. He wants to be with the little girl he likes. This is normal, and the rest, for the time being, don’t think about it for a while, promising to laugh huh: "Let me follow you?"


"What kind of welfare job?" Xu promised to ask. She was used to it, and she had a joke in front of Ning Ning, and she seemed alive. "I'm very demanding."

The **** were so sulky that she had nothing to say.

The Asian branch said abruptly: "Ning Ning, gave her the position of the first lady. With this position, you will have all the benefits. You can kill two birds with one stone."

This Asian branch is also a wonderful person. He is very funny. After all, he is older and he can see a lot of things. Both of these children are dragons and phobias. They are very thoughtful. This one is not difficult to see. They all hide and tuck, just refuse to say.

He promised to be silent as soon as he heard it. He just looked at his face and said nothing. Ning Ning was also silent and did not speak. The atmosphere that was a little joyous suddenly changed his tone. The Asian branch had a deep heart, did he say the wrong thing?

Promise's head was a little dizzy, and his body was a little unbalanced while sitting on the shoulder of the Asian branch. It was shaking, and the Asian branch put all its attention on the promise.

Suddenly a branch hit the promised forehead, and she was awake again, but the silent baby bag said, "That's fine."

"What did you say?" Promise asked, rubbing his forehead hit by the branch.

Xiao Xiaobao smiled faintly, "Nothing, I will tell you again when I go out."

The Asian branch took the two children further and further away. There was a gunshot not far away, and soon it was quiet again. He paused and went on, and told the two children not to speak.

The sound of the ocean tide is getting closer and closer. This forest is actually above the cliff, and what they can't think of is that they just came out of the cold, and the Asian branch flashed after the boulder of the cliff before the breath of relief. Several young men.

The number is actually seven, all fierce.

"Don't move!" a young man shouted. The Asian branch quickly put the two children down and pulled them behind him. His eyes were cold, damn, he was imprisoned for several years, and his vigilance dropped sharply.

"I knew you would come up here. Do you think the following tricks can deceive us?" The man sneered and disguised, anyone would.

They came over and smirked coldly with their guns against their heads, "The commander above said to live, fortune tells you!"

"Order under the blue wolf?" Xu promised that his eyes were sharp and sharp.

The man was furious, and when he raised the gun, he promised to fight. The little milk bag said in a deep voice: "Stop it, are you a big man hitting a girl, is it humiliating?"

"You..." The man was furious and took his gun. Another man said, "Don't talk nonsense, press them down."

Promised to clenched her teeth, and it’s all about this. She lost her mind, and she was very unwilling, obviously, she was about to succeed, but her current state is not good, the Asian branch... If there is an accident, Ning Ning’s life is lost, she can’t dare .

Thinking about it this way, there was a strange noise in mid-air, and at the same time, the yacht was roaring not far from the sea. At such a sensitive moment, no one knew which side of the assistance came from.

The people pressed Ning Ning to promise to quickly descend the cliff. The helicopter was fast. Two fighters hovered over the sky faster. The cliff was much empty. A man looked through the telescope and exclaimed. , "Not good, the people of the first terrorist organization."

On the fuselage, it is clear that there are black five petal petal marks of the first terrorist organization.

The Asian branch almost cheered...

The first reaction promised was to push away the gun pointing at Ning Ning, the man was angry, promised to shoot coldly, and killed him, pulling Ning Ning to hide behind the rock, and the Asian branch also hiding behind the rock, the group of men wanted Moving forward, he fired a few shots and forced them back.

At this time, gunshots were heard from the air, but because it was too far away, there was no time for rescue. Chu Li ordered the aircraft to approach quickly, and the fighter was on standby. Because of the attack on the cliff, a little carelessness would endanger Ning Ning.

The group of men were also anxious, and they seemed to know that they might not survive today, and they must pull their backs as hard as they could. They swept over and rushed over. They promised to be shot in the arm, and they just barely fired when they fired. Running Ning Ning, but... no way back...

The cliff, the tide is raging!

The helicopter suddenly descended, Chu Li personally aimed and shot, a row of bullets on the cliff, seven men fell down five people, and the two men burst into their hearts, rushed over, the Asian branch fired, but found that there was no bullets, He was shocked, his hands suddenly supported a man's gun, the muzzle was facing the air, and he fired more than a dozen shots...

"I killed you." Another man rushed over with red eyes, and the power of the little baby bag suddenly caught the promise in the arms after the rock flashed aside, blocking her with her thin body, arms A shot was accidentally taken.

It hurts...

Promise can no longer be hurt for him, once, he can't stand it, let alone he can protect her again and again in front of his eyes.

Promise was shocked and dizzy, and the back of the severely injured back hit the rock, and the pain almost passed out. "Stone..."

Before he could speak, he saw the man sneer and raised his gun, shooting at the small breast pack on her body, promising Xing Xuan's eyes, his weak hands, and suddenly pushed away the small breast pack, shouted and got up, several times in a row The bullet that the gun was supposed to hit Ning Ning hit the promised heart...

Direct blood...

The man saw that the promise had been shot, and then aimed at the silly baby bag, and wanted to shoot, but when he saw that the promise came and blocked the muzzle, he was shot two more times. The man was shocked. In an instant, he promised to use his strength to push the man back...

"I will die with you!"

Both fell off the cliff...

"Don't..." The torn heart-shaped roar resounded through the cliff.

This happened so quickly that Ning Ning was too late to reflect. He intended to protect the promise, but he didn't want to hurt her. He pushed away at the promise and was shot several times. Ning Ning was stupid...

The mind was blank, staring blankly at the promise that his chest was all red, and red and black blood kept flowing out...

His eyes were scared, and Nono was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't get out of it. Even the man shot him at him...



He almost climbed to the edge of the cliff and reached out to grab the skirt that promised to raise. He caught it, but heard the sound of tears in the air. His heavy hand suddenly became empty...

Only a broken skirt...

He could only see the promise of fiery red body, leaving the hottest and tragic scene in front of him.

The fiery red, stained Ning Ning's eyes, a blood red...

The Asian branch resolved that the last man also flew to the edge of the cliff, only catching the body where Ning Ning wanted to jump, "Ning Ning, don't..."

Promised heart, more than 5 shots...

Under the cliff, the rocks bulged and the tide was turbulent. She fell down without any damage and there was no way to live, not to mention... so many fatal injuries...

Stone, this life is shallow, we will see you in the next life.

He seemed to be able to hear the promised cold voice... when he looked again, it was nothing.

Severe pain, broke the heart.

He tried for the first time, what is better than death.

"Ah..." Ning Ning shouted suddenly, and the Asian branch was shocked, catching him in a coma.

However, the cry of despair echoed again and again on the cliff...


Today, there is a sudden situation. When I come back late, I will come to code anyway, regardless of what. Although it is late, I will still change it after all. There are seven thousand, and I finally have time to make up.

Continue to work hard tomorrow.

At the end of the month, ask for a gold medal. (^o^)/~

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