1979 Golden Age

Chapter 32 Leadership 2

If Chen Qi wanted to fight in business, he would have too many dirty tricks.

But he doesn't want to deal with people like this, and the environment is different. It's easy to shoot him these days.

In the capital of later generations, there was a famous folk culture attraction called Lao She Teahouse. Established in the 1980s, there are big bowls of tea for 2 cents, high-end refreshments, and operas to watch.

At that time, young people were following the trends of Hong Kong and Taiwan and did not like to go to the theater. Old people found it too expensive and were reluctant to come.

Lao She Teahouse suffered losses for a while, but later found a development path: package itself as a representative of BJ folk culture, perform for foreigners, and get government recognition.

When foreign heads of state come to Beijing, they always go to Lao She Teahouse. Later, the tourism industry boomed, and outsiders and ordinary foreign tourists also went to see it, queue up to check in, and drink the big bowl of tea that cost 2 cents.

In later generations, drinking a big bowl of tea was a check-in for Internet celebrities, but tracing back to the origin, it was the group of educated youth who set up tea stalls despite discrimination and ridicule...

Chen Qi's idea is to build it in the direction of Lao She Teahouse, and to expand its business, starting with a department store.

In short, the tea stall exploded again and the opponent was defeated.

The effect brought by foreigners is remarkable, and the leaders are finally coming to inspect!


All inspections by leaders must be arranged.

The higher the level, the longer the arrangement. Some people are told months in advance, and the people below are busy cleaning up the mess, working hard for 100 days, just for those 20 minutes.

It's relatively fine now.

Chen Qi thought that he would be a deputy in the city at most, but he was shocked when he received the notice. The full-time position was coming, and this level was high. But it's normal. There aren't such big natural barriers these days, and you can often see high-level leaders.

For example, Yuan Kuocheng was interviewed by the big guys one by one because he talked about "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Yuan Kuocheng left Zhongnanhai that day and calmly went to the opposite side to drink a bowl of soy milk.

General Wang also wrote him a letter, saying: "I am your loyal listener, and so is my grandson. I tell my children, if you listen to Uncle Yuan's words, you will have a good teacher for learning Mandarin. Thank you..."

The leaders themselves are also very casual, often running to one place without saying hello. There are many such examples, so I won’t go into details.

early morning.

The sky was slightly bright, and Huang Zhanying was banging on the door like a ghost: "Chen Qi! Chen Qi!"

"I'm coming!"

He hurriedly put on his shoes and the same good-quality shirt, informed his parents and ran out. Chen Jianjun and Yu Xiuli have a strong sense of frustration. They increasingly feel that there is a tragically thick barrier between themselves and their son.

"Are you guys done?"

"Okay, look!"

Huang Zhanying carried a few wooden boards and wooden shelves. Chen Qi fiddled with them and found them to be quite strong.

"Let's go!"

The two set off on their bicycles and took their things to the Qianmen Arrow Tower.

The friends were already busy with their work, sweeping the floor, wiping the tables and wiping the dishes, and the teachers from the opera school took the initiative to come to the door and bring the students to help. They were now active and willing to be prostituted for free.

Chen Qi commanded as usual: "Put up the blackboard!"

"That, Peking Opera masks, hung in rows and rows."

"Put the handkerchief in an open position, don't get it wrinkled!"

"Where are the English books?"

"Here it is! Here it is!"

Someone quickly brought a copy of "900 English Sentences". Chen Qi handed it to a bookish friend wearing glasses and said: "Don't pretend to read, but let people know that you are reading all the time."

"Teacher Chen, I am stupid and stupid, so you should speak plainly."


Chen Qi pressed him down, threw the book next to him, and said: "For example, if you are sitting here, busy cleaning the dishes, but there is an English book in your hand, doesn't this image of being diligent and studious become established? "

"But I don't know English!"

"Only those who don't know how to learn! By the way, everyone, come here, come here!"

Chen Qi waved to everyone to gather together and said: "I am also self-taught in English. I don't know much. I will teach you some simple vocabulary. I made up a few words, which are very easy to remember. Listen up!"

"Come is a come and go is a go!"

"Nod yes and shake no!"

"To say hello, say hello, hello, hello, haha..."

"Teacher Chen, why do you still have a bit of Tangshan flavor? The United States sounds like it's not far from Tangshan?"

"Stop talking nonsense and learn from it. If foreigners come again in the future, you can handle it. Don't let others laugh!"

After everything was arranged, he wiped away the non-existent sweat and exhaled: "Is it easy for me? Mental work is more tiring."


In the morning, the students started singing and the tea stall opened.

There was still a huge crowd of people, and there was no special situation due to the leader's inspection, but there must be security personnel inside, and maybe the people buying tea were plainclothes people.

At about ten o'clock, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

Then they separated to the left and right, and several people came forward while saying hello to the crowd. They were all dressed in a tacky style, a cotton long-sleeved shirt, gray pants, and cloth shoes. The leader was in his 60s and had an average appearance, but at first glance he looked like an old revolutionary.

This person's surname is Lin.

He is a man of action. He has been in charge of Shanghai, Tianjin and Beijing within two years. He is the only one who often plays the role of firefighting captain.

For example, in Tianjin, the college entrance examination has just been resumed and there are so many applicants that many students who have passed the score cannot be admitted.

Once these people are idle, they will become the "unemployed youth" at present. Leader Lin directly expanded the enrollment of colleges and universities, and planned to build several branch schools, absorbing more than 8,000 candidates.

Do you think that the expansion of colleges and universities is a thing of the 1990s? It is happening now.

When he arrived in Beijing, he also cut the Gordian knot, allowing nearly 20,000 young people to enter college, and strongly supported cooperatives, making a great contribution to solving the employment problem.

"Welcome, welcome!"

"Warm welcome!"

The students of the drama school temporarily served as the welcoming team. Leader Lin smiled and spoke in Shandong dialect, waving his hand and said: "Okay, okay, there is no need to make such a big scene!

I have wanted to come and see it for a long time, but I have been delayed by something. Recently, it is even more incredible. It has been involved with foreigners. It is very powerful. I can't come again."

People from the district and the street were also there, and they chatted with him for a few words.

Leader Lin didn't like to listen to them. He walked around the tea stall, looked at the teapots and bowls, and pointed at the Peking Opera masks on the shelf and asked, "What are these for?"

"Recently we have cooperated with the drama school. There are performances every day. Hanging some masks to decorate the atmosphere." Huang Zhanying stammered.

"Oh, you have a flexible mind."

Leader Lin didn't comment, asked about the situation again, and suddenly said, "Who is Comrade Chen Qi?"

"Hello, leader!"

Chen Qi stood up.

"You are quite famous. I read your letter and heard that you also wrote a script?"

"Uh, it was just random."

"Was it adopted?"

"The Beijing Film Studio adopted it."

"Not bad, not bad. The Beijing Film Studio is very strict. If they can adopt it, it means you wrote it very well. We want this kind of spirit of always loving learning and being positive."

Leader Lin nodded and glanced at "900 English Sentences". Of course, he could see that it was arranged here, but he didn't point it out. He said: "This is next to Qianmen Hotel, which is related to foreign affairs. More international friends may visit in the future.

When receiving foreign guests, you must be neither humble nor arrogant, don't be nervous, and don't be a coward. I won't forgive you for bringing shame to the country!"

The older generation spoke very directly and used vulgar language. Chen Qi smiled and said: "We have several people who are self-studying English. I just can't learn the language well."

"Oh? Can you say a few words?"

"I can only say a few words, hello, good and so on."

"Haha! It's good to have this spirit... By the way, do you have any difficulties? Just tell me!"

Huang Zhanying was shocked, remembering someone's words, and hurriedly said: "No, we can overcome any difficulties, and our business is getting better and better. We don't have enough manpower. I hope to absorb new people and help more unemployed young people."



After hearing this, Leader Lin finally smiled sincerely. Now the government is most worried about the unemployed army. He said: "Look! This is the style of our new era and new youth! We must encourage it and spread it!"

He stayed for about half an hour and talked about the play with the young actors with interest.

There are almost no older generation who don't like to watch plays.

"Oh my god, I'm so nervous!"

Everyone was tense, Huang Zhanying's calves were cramping, and it was only when the leader left that he seemed to lose his strength and said, "I don't know what I'm saying, did I say anything nonsense?"

"No, no, you did a good job!"

Chen Qi encouraged her and said with a smile, "There's only one step left. When the newspaper comes out tomorrow, you can post the newspaper where the leader talked to us here!"

He pressed the small blackboard, "The task is completed!"

(No more...

A full month, please give me a monthly ticket!)

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