1979 Golden Age

Chapter 33 Audition

The work of "Lushan Love" and the tea stall was carried out in an orderly manner.

Chen Qi rushed back and forth between Beijing Film Studio, Qianmen, and Menkuang Hutong. He looked lazy, but he actually enjoyed the feeling of working hard for his career.

In June, summer finally arrived.

The temperature seemed to rise overnight. Long sleeves could no longer be worn. Gray and white short-sleeved shirts were everywhere in the city. Female comrades wore similar clothes. At most, there were some small flowers printed on their shirts. If they had a parasol and a pair of high-heeled sandals, they would be the most fashionable girls.

These days, clothing and dressing are linked to a person's character. Simple and plain is a good girl. If you wear too fancy, you will not be selected as a three-good student or an excellent employee.

Qianmen Arrow Tower.

The west side was gloomy, and the east side was full of joy.

Huang Zhanying bought 50 large bowls, several water storage tanks, several pots, and several large tables, which could be spread out for dozens of meters. She put her sandals on the table, bought popsicles and raincoats, and bought mung beans to cook mung bean soup.

The popsicles were packed in boxes, painted white on the outside to look clean, and kept warm with thick quilts inside.

The three-cent ones were fruit popsicles, with bayberry, orange, and sour plum flavors; the five-cent ones were red beans, cream, and red fruit; the most expensive ones were double-stick ice cream, which cost 1.5 cents each.

These cream popsicles are genuine, and 200 kilograms of fresh milk can be used for every 10,000 sticks.

In the future, you have to look at the ingredient list to see if it is fresh milk, vegetable cream, or cocoa butter substitute...

"I won't come tomorrow!"

"Are you going to the literary and artistic front again???"

"Well, the main thing is that the problem here has been resolved. You just do what I say. I hope I can see our own store next time I come."

Chen Qi sucked on a red bean popsicle without any sadness, but Huang Zhanying was a little sad. She felt that the distance between the two was getting farther and farther, and they could not return to the revolutionary friendship they had at the beginning.

Perhaps after several years, he will call him Runtu, but she can only call him Master...

But this also gave Huang Zhanying the determination to work hard, and she was already reading the book "900 English Sentences".

"Okay, I'm leaving!"

After Chen Qi finished eating the red bean popsicle, he rummaged through the box and took out a double-stick popsicle.

"Hey, that's expensive, take a cheaper one!"

"You pay!"

"Let's go!"

Chen Qi waved his hand, got on his bike and left.

The friends were not surprised, and only said things like "Teacher Chen is gone again", "Female stars corrupt people", "Sooner or later, you will turn to the bourgeoisie", which made everyone sad.

They knew that Teacher Chen was not from the same world as them.


Beijing Film Studio, small conference room.

The production team of "Lush Mountain Love" has been formed, with director Wang Haowei and photographer Li Chensheng, who is also her husband. This couple is quite similar to Yang Jie in "Journey to the West".

The production director, assistant director, art director, lighting and so on have also been confirmed.

Chen Qi sat in the corner, not having a strong presence. Wang Haowei asked him to participate out of respect, but he also had to be sensible. At this moment, Wang Haowei sat in the main seat, holding a pile of information.

"Let me tell you one thing first. Director Wang approved 700,000 for "Love in Lushan"!"

"700,000! Everyone knows what this means. This is regarded as a key film in the factory."

Everyone was buzzing and excited.

Chen Qi was silent. 700,000 is not enough to compensate for my short play...

"The reason why we approved so much money is that we are going to Lushan for on-site shooting. Secondly, the heroine is an American Chinese. We want to highlight her foreign style and buy her some beautiful clothes."

"Where can I buy clothes? Shanghai? Guangzhou?"

"It's not foreign enough there. I want to buy it from Hong Kong. Please ask Comrade Fu Qi and Shi Hui."


Chen Qi blinked and asked in a low voice: "Who are these two?"

"Comrades from Hong Kong Great Wall Film Company!"

The person next to him paused and added: "They are all first-class figures!"

He looked quite admiring. Looking at other people, he also unconsciously revealed a sense of admiration when mentioning these two.

"When our heroine is decided, we will contact them...Okay, now everyone has a piece of information in their hands. It contains some candidate actors we have found recently, including those from the drama troupe, the Beijing Film Academy, and the Central Academy of Drama..."

Chen Qi took a look at the information and found that they were all acquaintances.

Central Academy of Drama, Class of 1976: Xu Yajun;

Beijing Film Academy, Class of 1978: Zhou Lijing, Wang Yue, Zhang Tielin, Fang Shu, Shen Danping, Liu Dong.

China Children's Art Theater, Chen Baoguo.

Shanghai International Studies University, Chen Chong.

August 1 Film Studio, Tang Guoqiang.


He saw the list and crossed out Chen Chong first.

Then he crossed out Chen Baoguo, who had hard facial lines and a cold temperament, and was not suitable.

After thinking about it again, he crossed out Wang Yue, who was the first version of Tang Monk in Journey to the West, with dark skin, thick eyebrows, big eyes and a loyal face, and was not suitable either.

This was his own idea, and others didn't know it. Everyone also looked at it, and someone raised a question: "Director, aren't there too few candidates for the heroine? They are all male actors?"

"We tried our best, but there were not many who met the basic requirements. I mobilized my friends to help me find candidates, and we'll see later."

Wang Haowei knocked on the table and said, "Starting tomorrow, they will come to the studio for auditions. We are not afraid of trouble, but we are afraid of making the wrong choice. If you think that multiple people are suitable, that's fine. We will train several groups of candidates at the same time to see which group is the best."

"Let's adjourn first, and we'll see tomorrow!"


Beijing Film Academy and Beijing Film Studio are next to each other, and the distance is very close.

In 1978, enrollment was resumed, and a group of young and beautiful young people were admitted to the acting class. They contributed a series of good works in the 1980s and 1990s, and then they retired.

But few people mentioned the achievements of the acting class, because the director and photography department of the 1978 class was more brilliant. They formed a cultural term called the fifth generation.

After breakfast.

The students in the acting class were all sitting in the cafeteria. They knew that someone would go for an audition today, but they didn't know the list.

Zhang Fengyi, Xie Yuan, and Zhang Tielin are good friends. They sit together and whisper, "Do you know what kind of play it is?"

"It seems to be a romance."

"Oh, then we're done!"

Xie Yuan looked dejected and said, "Zhang Fengyi and I don't look like we're in a romance movie. We're more like a murder movie."

"Hehe, I'm different. I should be able to go!"

Emperor Zhang Tielin was quite proud. He hadn't become a handsome man yet. He was also handsome when he was young. Suddenly, he whispered, "Who do you think the girls are?"

"Do you even need to ask?"

Xie Yuan was incredulous and said, "I don't know about the others, but Fang Shu is there!"

"Yes, Fang Shu is there!"

"Zhou Lijing must be there too!"

They looked at a girl sitting alone in front of them, and a boy sitting alone. These two people didn't seem to fit in, but their temperaments were very unique. They were also eye-catching and stood out from the crowd.

The girl's name was Fang Shu, and the boy's name was Zhou Lijing.

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