"Grandpa Gao, let's eat roasted corn and boiled corn. They are so delicious."

Doudou greeted happily.

"I also brought some fried dough sticks and soy milk. Isn't today Sunday? Why do you eat so early?" Gao Xiaoguang asked.

"Rural areas are different from counties. Rural work and rest time is also very different. In our village, we eat late. Other families have gone to work in the fields." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile, and added a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

"Grandpa Gao, let's eat boiled corn." Doudou also greeted.

"Okay, Grandpa Gao eats boiled corn. This thing is a new thing now. It seems that this greenhouse is really amazing." Gao Xiaoguang said with emotion.

This is really emotional. Such a table, you can't eat it outside no matter how much money you have now.

"Leader, why don't you rest at home today?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"I can't stay idle at home, so I thought about coming to see you." Gao Xiaoguang said.

"These days I have been thinking about what path our county should take next. After thinking about it, it still has to focus on agricultural production."

"As you said before, our county does not have so many convenient conditions, so we can only focus on the basics. Can the economic fields really be developed by then?"

"Leader, whether this thing can be developed or not depends on what everyone thinks." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Our company has definitely set its direction here. So far, we have achieved some results. In fact, I don't think it matters what we grow. What matters is that we sell these agricultural products."

"Take the boiled corn for example. It is so delicious when we eat it now. When the corns of each household are harvested, it will be the same when we eat it again."

"So we have mastered this time difference and controlled the sales situation in advance. I think it is nothing. After the scale is formed, we don't need to sell it outside. People will contact us in the future."

"Take our mushrooms for example. Some people have contacted us now. But our current production is still a little small, and people's planting time is too concentrated, so we have to stagger it as much as possible in the future. "

"In this way, we can sell mushrooms every day, and let the people know that they will not have to worry about eating mushrooms in the future."

"But in the current situation, my personal suggestion is to control the quantity. Don't do all the same agricultural products at once. In that case, even if you make money, I'm afraid it won't be much."

"Isn't what you said a bit contradictory?" Gao Xiaoguang asked while chewing corn.

"Hahahaha, I didn't say it clearly." Chen Tiezhu laughed.

"What is it actually? An estimate of production and sales. In the early stage, we cannot let production and sales be out of touch. When people accept and get used to it, and the price tends to stabilize, it is suitable for large-scale planting."

"And at this time, we must also open up new sales areas. Otherwise, the final result will be oversupply, which is not conducive to future operations."

"Some people in our Jindoudou company are responsible for this work. Their task is to count the sales of various vegetables in the vegetable market every day, and then see how much impact our mushrooms have on the market."

"It's nothing now, but when the vegetables in the garden come down, there will be a big impact. Even if we lose money, we have to lower the sales price of mushrooms, which is in line with the development of the market."

"Our company is mainly engaged in the business of agricultural products, so we must grasp the information in this area as much as possible. Then, based on this information, we can make future situations. An estimate. "

"It's similar to Xiao Zhou's situation. He knows the jade market all the time. So the last time we went out, we spent about 20% more than the expected price. "

"If we go by our original price, we will be happy to get half of the harvest. The market is really active, and it's not so easy to do business. "

Gao Xiaoguang nodded, "That's true. The first group of people who followed to buy goods didn't have enough to sell, so they went to buy again on their own."

"It's also because we were more conservative last time and bought less goods. This time, I guess we can buy more, and some other people are asking the county."

"I just think that the road in the county night market is not enough for business. I also want to ask you this, is there any other way?"

"Well, there is really no other way, unless a second row is separated on both sides of the road." Chen Tiezhu said.

"ButThis will definitely have an impact. Otherwise, we can open two more rows in the middle of the road and sell them back to back. "

"This has its disadvantages. It will make the road narrower and people will not be able to pass through it easily. Anyway, there are pros and cons. The county has to consider it on its own."

"Xiao Gao, is the business at the night market so good?" Old Man Han asked curiously.

"Yes, it is really good." Gao Xiaoguang nodded.

"If it weren't for this, they wouldn't have bought more goods. They all took the initiative to go there, and the county didn't have to arrange it. Those little things look inconspicuous, and each one is not expensive, but the profit is high."

"It seems that the overall economic environment has indeed changed." Old Man Han nodded.

"Take your time. When the people have more money in their hands, the economic situation will be better. "Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"In fact, all walks of life are thriving, and the economy of this place will definitely develop. People can only spend money if they can make money."

"How hard were the days in the past? Who would be reluctant to spend money because it was too difficult to make money? We worked hard to earn so little this year, and we don't know what will happen next year."

"Our county's economy has improved internal circulation, and then we can make money outside, which can also promote external circulation. It's hard to imagine a bad day."

"I'm looking forward to that day coming soon. This potato is not bad, it's all sandy, it's really fragrant." Gao Xiaoguang said.

"Grandpa Gao, it tastes good with chili and fennel sauce." Doudou said happily.

"Okay, then listen to Doudou. "

Gao Xiaoguang said cheerfully, taking a bite of the chili fennel sauce and giving a thumbs up.

Doudou's recommendation was not bad, the taste was really good.

Doudou was very happy, and put the half-eaten roasted corn into Chen Tiezhu's hand.

Although the roasted corn was delicious, it was a bit tiring to chew. The tofu pudding that Grandpa Gao brought was good, so I could have two spoonfuls.

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