"Leader, this is the greenhouse now. Um..., forget about the corn over there. We ate it with beans this morning." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"It looks really good, much better than before." Gao Xiaoguang said with emotion.

"Now it has fruit, and we have distributed some vegetables to the villagers. Come and taste it." Chen Tiezhu said.

"But I put beans and cucumbers, which need to be raised, in the back, including corn. The sunlight is poor every day, so the yield is relatively affected."

"But this thing is fresh, and now we can have such a yield, and the people in our village also recognize it. The strawberries in front are amazing, and beans are lined up."

"In addition to coming here every day to pick a few, if there are too many red ones, I will take them to the kindergarten to share with the children. The children in the village are also lucky and can taste some."

"There are some peanuts and soybeans in the shed on the other side. They need to grow a little more, and then we can boil some peanuts and soybeans. In fact, we just eat them for fun and have them with wine."

"Only you can use such a precious place in the greenhouse like this." Gao Xiaoguang said helplessly.

"Haha, it's just for everyone to watch the fun and see how these vegetables are grown." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"We still have a lot of vegetables here. My advice to everyone is that no matter what you plant, just plant the same thing in one shed, so it's easier to take care of it."

"There are too many varieties, it's troublesome to take care of them. No matter what you plant, when there are no vegetables in winter, they are very precious."

"You are determined to develop the county's economy, but I still hold the same view. Your county only needs to be responsible for guidance. Let the people choose what to do and what to do."

"At the beginning, Yingzi was also very angry. Some poor households in the town, I We have delivered all the benefits to the door, and people don't want to play with you. What can you do? "

"The first batch of mushroom growers have made money, and then those people are jealous. Now you don't have to worry about it. You don't have to look for them, they will come to you on their own initiative."

"In this regard, it would be a bit unreasonable if our Golden Bean Company didn't share the pressure with you. Your agricultural science institute is actually just a decoration, so you don't need them."

"It's the same as growing mushrooms. Our Golden Bean Company can help you provide some appropriate guidance on planting techniques. It's also a two-way choice, but You can also entrust us to acquire them by ourselves. Daha, the main thing is to have a confusion. If the number of times is too much, the final result will definitely have an impact. The help of planting are impossible to teach them. But we can't get everything in the future. It must be to take care of our cooperative farmers. "" But if you do this, isn't it lost? He really couldn't figure this out.

"Leader, in the early days, it seemed that Brother Chen was at a disadvantage. But in fact, in the future, even those who choose to sell by themselves will entrust Brother Chen's Golden Bean Company to sell." Zhou Fengxia said with a smile.

"Because Brother Chen has a market, he is not only looking at our local market, but also wants to continue to spread out."

"The current mushrooms and the future vegetables are actually the same. More varieties can reduce his market expansion costs."

"And there is another reason, that is, the output of those farmers who sell by themselves is definitely not as good as that of the farmers who cooperate with the Golden Bean Company."

"Why? Don't you have any good ideas that you don't spread?" Gao Xiaoguang was even more puzzled.

"Because there is a problem of production cost here." Zhou Fengxia said.

"When individuals growAt that time, the use of fertilizers must not meet the standards. Fertilizers are too expensive, so it is difficult to use them according to the standard dosage. "

"Of course, this is just what I can see now. Maybe there are some other factors here, but I don't know. "

"That's basically it." Chen Tiezhu said.

"At present, the cost of fertilizers is still very high. Although we have won the quota for agricultural product exports, it is still unclear whether our melons can be recognized by others in the future and whether we can exchange them for fertilizers. "

"If we exchange them, we will definitely give priority to selling them to our cooperative farmers. As for the rest of the people, I am afraid that even if they want to use more, they may not be able to buy them. "

Gao Xiaoguang nodded, which is indeed the case.

The biggest problem facing farmers now is fertilizer.

"All the situations you mentioned are very pertinent. I will think about it carefully after I go back and do appropriate publicity. "Gao Xiaoguang said.

"And even if you want to do it this winter, I think it will be difficult. After all, it is a new thing. People will be interested only if you show results here."

"That's about it. I hope you can run the business in the county steadily." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"It is a blessing for our enterprises to have a good leader. Otherwise, who can afford to do this today and that tomorrow?"

"You are praising me. I don't have such ability." Gao Xiaoguang shook his head.

"As for economic development, I am completely in the dark. If I knew how to do it, I wouldn't have to run to you so often, right?"

"You are wrong. It doesn't mean that you have to be capable to be a good leader. I don't have much ability, but I have a lot of strength." Chen Tiezhu shrugged.

"But I am like you. I can listen to advice. We won't pretend to understand things we don't understand. Listen to what others have said, let's do it this way. "

"For example, you first see that greenhouse vegetables have a future, and promote them regardless of anything. You have good intentions, but what about the final result? It may not be very beautiful."

Gao Xiaoguang frowned.

Chen Tiezhu's words were a bit harsh, but they were very real.

Because this is in line with the current trend, many places do this.

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