"Brother Tiezhu, what a generous move. Did you bring the official seal? Take a look at the contract."

The next morning, after arriving at the forest farm, Wei Dabao said with emotion.

"What's the matter? Is it also because of Liu Dayou?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

Wei Dabao nodded, "Although no one else said it, I guess you must have contributed to Lao Liu's result, otherwise it would not be possible."

"Don't think that I am only in the town, I have seen a lot in these years. There are many people who take advantage of others, but few who help others in times of trouble. You are really kind."

"Ah..., I won't say whether it's kind or not, after all, it has something to do with me." Chen Tiezhu sighed.

"If it weren't for helping me, the county probably wouldn't have taken him down at this time. At least, he can spend the New Year in peace."

"What's the use? After a comfortable New Year, who knows what will happen by then." Wei Dabao said.

"I think this is the best result for him. At least he has a decent reputation. Otherwise, what else can he expect?"

"Liu Dayou's situation is similar to mine. During the holidays, other units will come to ask for some benefits."

"It's better here. At most, it's the town. He has to deal with more. There is only one breeding farm in the county. If we want to get some benefits, we can only go to him."

Chen Tiezhu was happy. "In fact, the leader also knows about this situation. Otherwise, do you think I can play such a big role? If he put all the money into his own pocket, it would definitely be a capital crime."

"It seems that I have done a great job, but in fact, I owe you a favor. I will just stamp it directly. I have to go to the county today to ask for some benefits."

Wei Dabao didn't know how to sigh. In Changlin County, only Chen Tiezhu dared to say this.

After stamping, Chen Tiezhu drove directly to the county.

"Liu, is the leader busy now?" Chen Tiezhu asked after finding the secretary, Xiao Liu. "Uh..., I just finished a meeting. What do you want?" Secretary Liu asked after a pause. "I just signed the contract with our forest farm and was thinking about asking the leader for more support." Chen Tiezhu said. "Then wait a moment, I'll ask the leader." Secretary Liu said. If it were someone else, he would have replied for the time being. But this Chen Tiezhu was not someone else, and he was a little unsure. After waiting for a while, Xiao Liu came out of Gao Xiaoguang's office and waved to him. "What are you doing here again?" Gao Xiaoguang asked with a smile. "I'm here to ask for benefits." Chen Tiezhu said it very frankly. Gao Xiaoguang was so angry that he laughed, "You just open your mouth and say it. You have been given so many benefits, what else do you want?"

"You are calculating against me, so I have to ask for something, right? Otherwise, I will feel unbalanced." Chen Tiezhu said.

"The contract has been signed, please take a look. With so much wasteland, should we support two tractors to deep plow it? Otherwise, it will delay the planting in the spring next year, which means the first crop will be delayed."

"You are shirking responsibility." Gao Xiaoguang said.

"That's not the case. Now people outside are talking about it. Gradually, I became a scapegoat." Chen Tiezhu said.

Gao Xiaoguang shrugged his shoulders, "What does that have to do with me? He was supposed to be dealt with, but you stopped him and gave him a decent treatment. I gave him the money, so it's my fault?"

"Leader, you can't be so dishonest. How can such a big leader be so dishonest?" Chen Tiezhu said helplessly.

Now it's a hammer, this is Gao Xiaoguang's deliberate backhand.

"Even if you don't come here, you can get this approved through normal channels, right? Why did you make such a trip?" Gao Xiaoguang asked curiously.

"Yingzi criticized me for a lot when I went home yesterday, so I felt uncomfortable. So I came here, and I must take advantage of it." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

Gao Xiaoguang didn't say anything, but looked at him playfully. Anyway, he didn't believe that Chen Tiezhu had only this reason, there must be other circumstances.

"Leader, this is not a difficult thing, right?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"It's not difficult, I'm just afraid that I will be fooled by you." Gao Xiaoguang said.

"I have to be careful when dealing with you. You are so petty, so don't you think I have to save some face for the county?"

Xiao Liu, who was cleaning up on the side, didn't know whether he should avoid it, as if this was not what he should hear.

"How can I do that? I don't have that much to worry about. I just have to till the land, and I'm planning to pay the full amount for the manure from the farm."Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Except for the money for the land, I didn't give it. After all, it was specially approved by the leader. But we have to follow the rules for other things. For example, the money for turning the soil should be as much as it should be."

"This is even more problematic. If you don't make it clear, I really can't write this note for you." Gao Xiaoguang said calmly.

"Liu, can a leader be so shameless?" Chen Tiezhu asked suddenly.

What can Xiao Liu say? He can only grin awkwardly.

Can I get involved in such a high-end bureau?

"Leader, I really don't have any other ideas. I just feel that I have suffered a loss, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't take advantage of it." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Of course, it would be better if the leader could pay more attention to our mushroom cultivation. For example, it would be great if Mayor Ma could do it himself."

"Your fox tail is exposed, right? What is it for?" Gao Xiaoguang was really interested.

"It's for the promotion of our mushroom cultivation in the future." Chen Tiezhu also put away his playful expression.

"Although I am confident that I can promote mushroom cultivation better in the future, in order to achieve better results in the future, I still need to rely on the power of the county."

"No matter how you look at me, I have to say these words today. Because when this industry develops, the subsequent sales will become a very critical issue."

"Although I can shamelessly tell the provincial leaders about this, I think it would be better if we can use our county's own strength to get this done."

Gao Xiaoguang did not speak, but tapped the desk with his fingers.

"Well..., leader, I think I should have something else to do. I'm leaving first." Chen Tiezhu stood up with a guilty conscience.

"Is it too late to leave now?" Gao Xiaoguang asked with a smile.

"Why is my life so miserable? Why did I run into the gun again?" Chen Tiezhu was very worried.

"That's right, why are you so good that you just run into the gun barrel?" Gao Xiaoguang said with a smile.

Xiao Liu beside him was dumbfounded, this is a real high-end game.

He is always with the leader, but he doesn't know the situation here at all?

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