"It's nothing, actually. I just went to the provincial capital with Yingzi and met the leaders. Otherwise, we wouldn't have turned this mushroom planting into a pilot project." Chen Tiezhu said.

"You must have known about this a long time ago, so I'm not hiding anything. Is that right? Then there's nothing to worry about, right?"

"You're too cunning, I know about this, but there's nothing else?" Gao Xiaoguang asked.

"What else can it be? I just think that if our county takes the initiative, it will benefit both of us." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

"I'll make money, and then I can promote the mushroom planting industry. Even though our company is just a makeshift team, we will pay taxes in the future."

"In fact, the county has an obligation to do your mushroom planting. I said earlier that the county has been tied to you. Whether you grow mushrooms or contract land, it can now be said to be a pilot project." Gao Xiaoguang said.

"What I am more concerned about now is why the provincial hospital sent a letter to our county to cooperate with the county hospital. After thinking about it, I think you are related to this."

"Ah? There is such a thing?" Chen Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"You don't know?" Gao Xiaoguang was also puzzled.

He learned the news in advance through a friend's channel. Such cooperation has never happened in the province, so it seems a bit abrupt.

But in connection with Chen Tiezhu's fertilizer and mushroom pilot work, some clues can be seen.

He is the only one involved.

"Leader, I am conscientious. What do I know? Director Fang Zhiyong of our county hospital seems to have made further breakthroughs in the appendectomy operation." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

"Why do we need to renovate the operating room? Even if the provincial hospital gives some subsidies, it will be around 8,000 yuan." Gao Xiaoguang frowned and asked.

Chen Tiezhu was really dumbfounded. Fighting with a master was so dangerous.

After fighting with Gao Xiaoguang, he left a tail and issued a formal document to announce Liu Dayou's resignation.

What about the fight with the provincial leaders? Although he agreed to his suggestions on operating room reform, he also kicked himself and had to implement it in the county hospital.

He didn't believe that this was a sudden whim of Old Lu from the provincial hospital. He wanted to make a loss and gain publicity by going hand in hand with the county hospital, because this was completely unequal.

And his fight in the provincial hospital back then was based on the status of his mentor and his own skills, which really didn't have much value.

"What else do you have to say now? You made me very passive." Gao Xiaoguang continued.

"Hey..., I really didn't expect the leader to arrange it this way. I just wanted to get some cheap fertilizers, and I got myself a lot of Luo Lan." Chen Tiezhu complained.

Then he briefly explained the original proposal to Gao Xiaoguang, and the root of the problem still lies in the province.

"But this also means that this matter is very critical. Right?" Gao Xiaoguang frowned and asked.

"How should I put it? Although I think it has a certain role in promoting the medical industry in our county, it is not very big." Chen Tiezhu scratched his scalp.

"The leaders will make such an arrangement, and they must make a comparison. Let's see how much such reforms will be put into the medical system. It must be promoted in batches."

"Because our county hospital is fundamentally deficient. Whether it is personnel or equipment, there is a big gap."

"When I chatted with them at the provincial hospital, I talked a lot, saying that there are many advanced equipment abroad now. For example, blood tests, our county hospital is still purely manual, and the provincial hospital is semi-automatic."

"But what about foreign countries? They are fully automatic. After drawing blood, put it in the machine, click, click, click, and then all the results come out, which is much more precise than our manual testing."

"But even the provincial hospital can't afford some equipment. It is said that there are advanced machines in the capital, called tomography, and the power of that thing is definitely not comparable to X-rays."

"So I think the county can pay attention to this matter, but don't pay too much attention to it. Unless the county has sufficient funds in the future, it can make appropriate investments in this area."

"How much will the investment in this part be?" Gao Xiaoguang asked.

Chen Tiezhu sighed in his heart, "Leader, the follow-up investment here is never too much. Advanced medical equipment is a bottomless pit of investment."

"My advice in this regard is to rely on our current conditions and strive to improveIt will be done in one go. After all, Director Fang's small incision appendectomy is also the best in China. "

"Okay, I understand." Gao Xiaoguang smiled.

"How many tractors do you need for such a large area of ​​land? Are two enough? Isn't the land a little frozen now? Is it easy to turn over?"

Some things should not be said explicitly. Chen Tiezhu seemed to have said a lot just now, but in fact he had said a lot.

"Leader, this is actually the first time I have done this job. I estimate that even if it is a little frozen, it is only the upper layer, and two tractors should not be a problem." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Okay, then I will approve two tractors for you first. It's not easy to owe you a favor." Gao Xiaoguang nodded, and then started writing a note.

"As for the situation at the county hospital, you have to control it. After all, it was you who started it. Even if the county hospital cannot reach the scale of the provincial hospital, it should have the necessary improvements."

"Leader, don't worry. Later, I also plan to send Yingzi's brother to the Sai County Hospital and let him learn from Lao Fang. "Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"In fact, the only constraint we face is that the population is too small. If we invest a lot of money to improve the medical level at this stage, it will be a bit of a waste, and it is inevitable that people will gossip. "

"When our county's finances are rich in the future, we can manage it well. But I feel that the medical industry is always a bottomless pit. "

"Because medical technology is constantly developing, the top level we know now may be nothing if we look back in two years. "

"No wonder you didn't take this matter to heart at all. Go ahead, grow mushrooms well, grow economic fields well, and use Liu Dayou well. "Gao Xiaoguang said.

Chen Tiezhu grinned. The leader was not willing to suffer any loss. He would give him a beating whenever he got the chance.

But in his heart, he was still very happy. The purpose of coming here to further test him today was achieved.

Although Gao Xiaoguang was a bit strong, his strength was not arbitrary and he would not listen to advice.

Let's say that today he had put his mind on the medical field, but after his implicit persuasion, he was able to let it go.

This is indeed not simple.

The development of his business should have a relatively good prospect in the future.

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