"Uncle Jianguo, do we also sell asbestos tiles here?" Chen Tiezhu asked after thinking for a while. "Yes, that stuff is pretty good." He Jianguo said. "It's very light, made of cement and nothing else. If it's used as a roof, it won't break down for several years, and it won't break down even if it's burned. It's sold in the county, and it's said that there's a factory in the city." "Brother-in-law, are you saying that this asbestos tile is not good?" Han Zhenwen asked curiously. "Hey..., what can I say, it's okay or not." Chen Tiezhu sighed. "Asbestos tiles, as the name suggests, are made by mixing asbestos fibers and cement and then pressing them into shape. What are the uses of asbestos? There are indeed many." "Let's put it this way, it's a very important fireproof, insulating and heat-preserving material. It's not just used to produce asbestos tiles, it's very useful in many places." "Isn't that good?" Han Zhenwen asked in some confusion. He also knows this brother-in-law. Anything that can attract his attention is definitely not a trivial matter.

What he meant at the beginning was that asbestos tiles are not good, but then he praised a lot of asbestos's benefits.

"In fact, the key harm is still in production and after use." Chen Tiezhu said after organizing his words in his mind.

"Asbestos fibers are very light, and there will naturally be a lot of dust during the production process. If you don't take good protection, you will inhale the dust into your respiratory tract, and the fibers will adhere to it."

"This thing can't be decomposed or metabolized. Do you think it will have any effect on the human body over time? This is still in the production process."

"What about after it is made into a finished product? Because other materials are added, it will be fine for the time being. But after a long time of use, it will naturally wear out."

"For example, the asbestos tile we just talked about, when it was first made, there must be no problem, because the presence of cement is equivalent to a reinforcement."

"But will there be friction during transportation? Will there be dust if there is friction? Or let's put it on the roof, let's say on the top of a small shed."

"It may be fine for three to five years, but what about ten years? No matter how corrosion-resistant it is, it can't always be as good as new, right? If it is corroded and damaged, will the asbestos fibers float out again?"

"This thing is In our home, we use more and more asbestos products are damaged. Are there more and more of them floating in the air? "

"If you meet a diligent person, it may be okay. If you see something damaged, you will replace it. But where should you put the replaced ones? It's okay if you throw it far away, but if you throw it close, it's the same as not throwing it away. "

"It doesn't mean that using this thing will definitely cause very large irreversible damage to the human body, but this risk does exist."

"Let's do this, Xiao Zhou, I have to trouble you again. Ask your friends to quickly check the use of asbestos products in developed countries abroad and see if there are any restrictions to a certain extent."

"Zhenwen, I will go to buy asbestos tiles tomorrow. Then use the equipment in the county hospital laboratory to do experiments. This is your new topic."

"What should I say? I hope I am worrying too much, because I haven't studied this thing in detail. I have read too much information and I have forgotten where I saw it."

He said so much, but everyone was dumbfounded.

If the danger he said really exists, it is not a small matter, but a big deal.

Let’s not talk about the degree of harm to the human body. As long as he puts forward this point of view seriously, it is a charge against the entire asbestos industry.

This is not a small matter, it is a big deal.

“Tiezhu, is this thing really that powerful?” Mr. Han asked with a frown.

“Old man, I’m still a little unsure now.” Chen Tiezhu said.

"Let's wait for Zhenwen to do further research on asbestos fibers to see what they are like. In fact, we are bound to be exposed to many dangerous substances in our lives."

"But what can I say about this thing? Production safety is strictly controlled. When using it, if you use it according to the normal method, there will generally be no problem."

"For example, a liquefied gas tank, how convenient it is. How easy it is to release gas, light a fire, and cook? But you must pay attention to safety during use."

"It's nothing, I just thought of this by chance, and I have to cook eggs for Doudou quickly. When I come back and see that I haven't done anything, I will be angry with me."

After Chen Tiezhu finished speaking, he ran into the house.

In fact, he was a little worried, after all, people nowadays really don't pay attention to the harm of asbestos pads. EvenAsbestos is not mentioned, and many pollutions are not taken seriously.

This is the source of his headache.

He can slowly summarize it, but many things are really hard to explain.

For example, the wells used by every household now are not very deep wells. The water pumped out must have a lot of microorganisms in it.

After all, life is better now, and the aquaculture industry has slowly developed. When it rains, many pollutants seep into the ground.

Before it can continue to seep down, it is pumped up by people using wells.

But if you tell people that we can't drink our own well water like this anymore, this stuff is dirty. Just wait, I will glare at you, and you will be happy if I don't punch you.

Because our ancestors have had such a living habit for generations, why is there pollution here?

But he is still a person who likes to be serious.

Now thinking of these, if he doesn't intervene, he may not be able to sleep.

As for the asbestos tile, it is indeed cheap and good quality, but it will really have an impact on people's health.

And the drinking water issue, even if he can't make a big fuss, he still has to control the situation in Erdaoling Village.

Even if he is a young leader, he can't "give orders at random", right?

Even if he makes a rigid regulation, everyone will have a big knot in their hearts.

So he is a little worried.

And these people outside, after hearing what he said, are also very concerned.

After all, there are a lot of "experiences". You often think that Chen Tiezhu is talking nonsense, but he may really make you an egg.

"Dad, Dad, Grandpa Xu said he will come over in the evening. Have you boiled the eggs?"

At this time, Doudou ran back from outside.

"It's boiling, all the eggs are picked good-looking. When it's cooked, Doudou will help Dad put them in the jar, okay?" Chen Tiezhu replied.

"Yeah, Daddy is so good."

Doudou praised happily, and then started playing with his friends in the yard.

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