Everyone was present, and the comrades at the Provincial Court Guesthouse began to prepare the dishes.

Chen Tiezhu was very serious about eating, no matter who he was eating with. He was not pretending at all.

Han Xiuying was a little disappointed, and she was a little worried. She didn't know what Chen Tiezhu was going to do.

"Okay, you've almost finished eating, and you're not the kind of person who needs a bite of food. Tell me what you think."

After Chen Tiezhu had finished his speech, Leader Li spoke.

"Leader, I really don't know much about this matter." Chen Tiezhu said as he put the ribs he had just finished eating aside.

"But I still agree with your idea. The purpose of making this documentary is not only to publicize our achievements, but also to expose our shortcomings."

"It's not that the good side can provide experience for everyone. I think the bad side is more important. Because everyone knows it, they can make appropriate avoidance."

"But if you want to arrange an interview for me, I really don't think it's necessary. What can I say? In fact, I think it's good to interview more comrades at the grassroots and on the front line."

"The beneficiaries of reform and opening up are not the leaders of a certain unit or the managers of a certain enterprise, but actually many ordinary people."

"Shouldn't the pollution problem of the paper mill we discussed earlier be exposed? Even if it is not to be eliminated, we have to find a way to sort it out, right?"

Han Xiuying only had a small bite of food left, and her heart was beating.

Minister Liu also felt a headache, but he didn't know what it was. But the paper mill is definitely a scar in the province, and now Comrade Chen Tiezhu is going to scratch it with his fingers.

On the contrary, Director Hao felt more relaxed. It was originally a political task. You decide and we implement it.

"Don't always say half of it. Say it in more detail." Leader Li said calmly.

"Since we are going to carry out reforms, it proves that the part that needs to be reformed now has failed. We can't avoid this problem. Instead, we might as well admit it openly." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"But all reform activities are also adapted to local conditions. It doesn't mean that all these enterprises with poor operating conditions can be sold and sold."

"If there is the ability to save themselves, or it is just a problem of lack of funds, the province can provide certain assistance, which is completely possible."

"Personally, I think the purpose of our special film is to tap the internal capabilities of the enterprise to carry out the reform. It is to give people a reference effect, and it is also a kind of publicity."

"You might as well say it directly. You can't report good news but not bad news." Leader Li said with a smile.

"Hehe, the meaning is about the same." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Another thing that this documentary needs to reflect is that our reforms must be adapted to local conditions. What suits us may not be suitable for others."

"Take Yingzi's labor export project for example. It is really a very good project. I can guarantee that after our county launches it, other regions will wait and see."

"After our documentary starts to be broadcast, labor service teams in various regions will spring up like mushrooms after rain. Then the question is, with so many people emerging all of a sudden, can the labor market in the provincial capital accommodate them?"

"Or can the labor market in other regions accommodate them? When they send out these service teams, can they manage them properly?"

"This is also a very critical issue. It seems to be a very simple matter, but in fact, there are many issues that need to be paid attention to. When Yingzi is at home, she thinks about these things every day when she works overtime at the unit, and the same is true after she goes home."

"In the past, after we had dinner, we would..."

"Let's talk about serious things, don't talk nonsense."

I really don't know what this guy is going to say, so Han Xiuying quickly interrupted him.

"I have also heard Mayor Sun's report on this matter. Comrade Xiuying has indeed put a lot of thought into the labor export project." Leader Li nodded with a smile.

"Yes, they can indeed learn from our experience." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"But people are different. There will definitely be a lot of contradictions in the later operation process. How to properly resolve these contradictions is also a very critical issue."

"You have said too much and gone too far. The significance of our documentary is very great. It depends on Director Hao's skills. We have to plan it well."

"Yes, it is also in the selection of materials.We need to put more thought into it. Just as Tiezhu said, we can't just report good news without reporting bad news. "Leader Li said.

"We need to let others know where we have made achievements, so that they can learn from us. We also need to let people know where we have shortcomings, so that they can avoid them."

"You should pay special attention to the situation that the wastewater produced by the paper mill will be polluted to a certain extent. Even after Tiezhu goes back, we can send people to collect materials."

"No one dares to poke this hole, so I will do it. When it comes to the health of the people, there is no small matter. It's okay if you don't know, but you must take it seriously after you know it."

Chen Tiezhu gave a thumbs up, "We need such leaders to see real results in our reform."

"You don't have to sing praises for me. After the crew goes there, you must fully cooperate with the relevant work and participate in it." Leader Li said.

Chen Tiezhu nodded with a bitter face, "I also know that I can't escape. "

"That's right, everyone, just enjoy your meal, or you'll be robbed by this guy in a little while." Leader Li said with a smile.

Hearing him say that, everyone felt relieved.

Minister Liu knew something about Han Xiuying's identity, but he didn't know that Chen Tiezhu, the future son-in-law of the Han family, also had such an important position in Governor Li's heart.

Chen Tiezhu's question just now was so sharp, involving matters related to medical reform, and I don't know what he would say.

Next, the province may not be so peaceful.

Is it so easy to poke holes and uncover the lid?

This involves many issues in the province, and if you are not careful, you will make mistakes and cause big problems.

But now is not the time to question these issues, and we have to wait and see the subsequent developments.

It may cause a lot of discussion at the Standing Committee.

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