"Is this kind of report the result of the provincial discussion?" Han Lishan asked.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "It's about the same, with a slight deviation. We are not bragging. In the current reform activities in our Northeast, our county is indeed at the forefront."

"In addition, some of the people-friendly measures launched by Yingzi are indeed worthy of reporting, so there is the birth of such a special program."

"But after we held a meeting yesterday to discuss the relevant issues of medical system reform, we also talked about some problems in our county. In other words, it is some problems that many state-owned enterprises currently have."

"In fact, this matter was started by County Mayor Gao. I just mentioned it yesterday, and then Governor Li remembered it and wanted to discuss it at the meeting later."

"Tiezhu, what did I say?"

Gao Xiaoguang was a little confused in his ecstasy. How did this matter have anything to do with you?

"Did you forget? Didn't you force me to go to the paper mill at the beginning? It looks like there is no problem at the sewage outlet. Who would believe it if it was said that there was no problem?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

When he said that, Gao Xiaoguang remembered it.

But this was not the point at that time. The point at that time was to worry that the paper mill would not be able to operate, which would affect the livelihood of the residents working in the paper mill in the county.

After thinking about it, he understood that Chen Tiezhu was forcing him to take credit.

Although he is also an old soldier who has been through many battles, he is a little embarrassed now.

After all, they are all "family members" here, and Chen Tiezhu is just making connections for him.

Governor Li must do something, and he will almost become the vanguard. There are risks, but the future gains will be much greater.

"What is the specific situation?" Han Lishan asked with a frown.

"It means that some of our companies are seriously polluting the natural environment during the production process." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Such pollution will definitely affect the health of the people over time. When Governor Li heard me say this, he was very concerned, so he wanted to report this issue."

Han Lishan frowned even more. Even if he only heard what Chen Tiezhu said, he knew how much risk this matter contained.

If this lid is lifted, it will be like firing at many companies across the country.

"I'll call your province first and postpone the meeting." Han Lishan said after a little consideration.

"Baoqin, let Xiao Hu take you to the provincial capital tomorrow. Tiezhu and I will learn about the situation in this regard. Such problems must be taken seriously."

"Yes, it's important to do business. Tiezhu, don't bother tomorrow." Zhou Baoqin said.

"Uh..., that's also good. Otherwise, let Master Hu drive my car to take you there." Chen Tiezhu thought for a while and said.

"The journey is not too short, it's more comfortable to sit and not too tiring. Zhenwen and Wenwen are both in the provincial capital, so you should take care of him when the time comes, don't be too playful, and don't just focus on dating."

"Hahaha, okay, I'll take care of him." Zhou Baoqin said happily.

In her heart, the more she looked at this son-in-law, the more satisfied she was.

While talking, Han Lishan also walked to the phone and communicated with the province about this matter.

That was a very stylish one, not a discussion, just a notice.

Even Chen Tiezhu was mentally prepared for such a situation, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he really felt the charm of power.

Fortunately, he is not a person who likes to worry now, otherwise he might really get involved.

"Okay, tell me what the situation is." Han Lishan said after hanging up the phone.

Chen Tiezhu briefly explained the situation, and Han Lishan's eyebrows, which had just been stretched out, frowned again, and he squeezed out the word "chuan".

"Actually, it's not just the problem of these factories." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"Zhenwen is also studying a topic now, that is, "The harm of asbestos fibers to the human body". Dandan also has some information. Let's go to the county tomorrow to take a look."

"I just assist in the research, assist in the research." Lu Dan said hurriedly.

"You guys, you're ahead of everyone else again." Han Lishan nodded.

"In fact, we have also noticed some situations, but we haven't considered them as deeply as you have. What we noticed is that the mining of some mineral resources has caused a certain degree of impact on the local area."

"It seems that in our previous operations, there are indeed many problems that we have ignored. The times are different, and we have to consider the problems from different angles.Follow the changes. "

"That's right, otherwise we can't live a good life." Old man Han spoke.

"There was no way before. When we lacked steel, we had to smelt it. When we lacked various materials, we had to mobilize the power of the people across the country to organize production."

"Now life is getting better and better, and grain production has made great progress. We must pay attention to these problems. Whether Xiao Li wants to achieve results or perform, he can pay attention to this issue, which is a very good comrade."

"If an official does not serve the people, he might as well sell sweet potatoes on the street. What's the point of being an official if he only focuses on his bright side? "

"This problem must be taken seriously. If you can't handle it, I will go over and have a good chat with them. Anyway, Tiezhu said that the natural environment is important, so it is important."

"Dad, don't worry, I really want to take this matter seriously." Han Lishan nodded with a smile.

"We are carrying out reform and opening up to correct existing problems. Make our country prosperous and strong, and make people's lives better. ”

Knowing that his old man would not tolerate any injustice, and he really took it very seriously in his heart.

“Well, I’ll go and prepare the food first. Talking about work is important, but eating is more important. Leader, you report your work to County Magistrate Gao and our father, and leave the cooking to me.” Chen Tiezhu said happily.

“Hey, I’ll go help Master.” Lu Dan said with a smile.

“She’s also a sensible girl.” Zhou Baoqin praised.

“Grandma, the topics that Master just talked about are too high-level, and I can’t understand them. It’s better to help Master and save worry.” Lu Dan said.

Although she seems to be heartless sometimes, she is actually very clear in her heart.

“She’s also a naughty girl, no less worrying than Doudou. "Han Xiuying said cheerfully.

Lu Dan stuck out his tongue and went to the outer room with Zhou Fengxia.

Anyway, I don't call her "grandma" for nothing, I have a backer now.

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