"Dad, take a look. The production has been stopped for so many days, but the water here is still bubbling."

The next morning, Chen Tiezhu said after arriving at the sewage outlet of the paper mill.

Because he was wearing a gas mask, his voice was a little muffled.

"It's really serious." Han Lishan said.

"Look at the dead fish on the side. If such water flows into domestic water, it will definitely affect people's health without careful treatment."

"I didn't expect the problem to be so serious." Gao Xiaoguang also spoke.

"I will take some water samples from different locations first, and then take them to the laboratory of the county hospital for testing. After the crew comes, I will take samples regularly for testing." Chen Tiezhu said.

"It's a good thing that the paper mill has stopped production now. Otherwise, if it continues to discharge, it will be difficult for us to deal with it."

"Issuing an administrative order to stop production will definitely affect the efficiency of the paper mill. Taking this opportunity, it will be easier to deal with. You should stay away first. This place is really not good."

Han Lishan nodded, walked a little further away, and then took off his gas mask.

Even though he was far away and still in the upwind position, there was a faint smell in the surrounding water that penetrated into his nose.

"Director Han, in fact, even if I brought Tiezhu here to take a look, I didn't expect the problem to be so serious." Gao Xiaoguang said.

Even though he knew that this was Chen Tiezhu's forced credit into his hands, he didn't dare to take the credit.

"These are all irrelevant." Han Lishan said.

"In the process of our work, the most important thing is to find problems, not the size of the problem. Because small problems will gradually become big problems."

"Next, we will all face the changes brought about by the new situation. If we can pay more attention, find problems early and deal with them, we can also reduce a lot of losses to the country."

"In fact, the problem of sewage discharge from the paper mill cannot be said to be someone's responsibility. We can only say that we didn't find it before, or we didn't understand it at all."

"Now that Tiezhu has discovered and raised it, we treat this problem as a real problem to solve it. This is what we should do."

Gao Xiaoguang nodded and understood the subtext of Han Lishan's words.

That is to say, no one will be held responsible for this problem, because it is a problem that arose in the previous development process.

"Dandan, I'll leave this pollution research to you." Chen Tiezhu said while sampling.

"Master, you are not responsible for it yourself?" Lu Dan asked curiously.

"Where do I have time to do this? I have a lot of things to do every day." Chen Tiezhu said.

"But for your studies, such research is somewhat unprofessional. It's nothing more than making your achievements more impressive so that you can look better when you are evaluated for professional titles in the future."

"Hehe, if you follow the master, you will definitely get something to eat." Lu Dan said with a smile.

"It's true that you can get something to eat, but your professional skills can't be wasted. General surgery is also a large department, covering a wide range of areas, and there are many surgical procedures." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Master, don't worry. I will just follow Brother Fang. If you have time, you can give me some guidance. There will be no problem. Even now, Sister Xia can't run faster than me. I'm far behind her."

Chen Tiezhu nodded with satisfaction. Although this girl is sometimes naughty, she is also very serious in her studies.

Speaking of physical exercise, it's not that you can do it one day, but you need to persevere.

And this time, the sampling is not just done at the sewage outlet, but extends to a length of ten kilometers downstream.

Although it takes more time, the test data can be more solid.

"Okay, let's go to the paper mill. Tiezhu, do you know about the work of sewage purification?" Han Lishan asked after the sampling was completed.

"I really don't know about this." Chen Tiezhu said.

"But I think this thing should be a chemical reaction process. The types of pollutants in the sewage discharged by each factory during the production process must be different."

"So different pollutants require different purification processes. In fact, the investment of this type of factory in sewage purification will also account for a high proportion of the entire factory operation."

"It is necessary to add other substances to generate new harmless or easy-to-handle substances after the reaction? This requires continuous investment."

Han Lishan nodded.

Although Chen Tiezhu said it better thanIt is more general, but it is not far from the truth.

And this aspect is basically a problem that all domestic enterprises have never considered.

We drove to the paper mill. Although it has been preliminarily cleaned up, there are still many traces of the fire.

But this is not the issue to be discussed today, but we went directly to the sewage treatment workshop.

After the staff on duty at the paper mill opened the door of the workshop, the smell became even more sour.

"Let's put on a gas mask. When we put it away in the future, we must also ensure the health of the staff." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

Everyone listened to the advice and put it on directly.

Walking into the workshop and looking at the current sewage purification system, Chen Tiezhu didn't know what to say.

Although he didn't know much about this aspect, he could see that the purification device here was mainly based on filtration.

But how effective can this purification method be for the purification of chemical substances?

And these filtering devices seem to have not been cleaned for a long time. How much effect can they play is an unknown question.

It's not an exaggeration to say it's shocking.

No wonder the water outside is bubbling so much. Even with the strong physique of the third brother, he doesn't dare to try it easily.

"One problem will lead to many problems." Han Lishan said.

"The reform of this paper mill requires more funds, which is a great burden for the city. I'm afraid that your province will have to give some support at that time."

"Well, Governor Li is also considering this now." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Anyway, there are two ways, either sell it directly. If you want to keep it, you have to invest a lot of money for rectification."

"I don't know how many such companies there are in the country. If this money is spent, it will be a lot. Anyway, this time I am more or less aware of stirring up a hornet's nest."

Han Lishan glanced at him, and what he said was absolutely right.

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