"Zhou'er, are you here to have a sweet time with Lu Dan, or are you here to join me in the fun? This is a fun event that the provincial, municipal and county governments are paying attention to." Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Don't say that. You're just afraid that you can't finish the work and delay picking up Doudou. Let me pick him up then." Zhou Fengxia rolled her eyes at him.

"Haha, let's go. Dandan, study hard." Chen Tiezhu said cheerfully.

In fact, he was also very curious in his heart, wondering how the paper mill issue would be resolved in the end.

When they arrived at the paper mill, there were quite a few cars parked here, and Mayor Sun was talking to the comrades around him with a serious face.

"Tiezhu, come here. If I had known that you were coming to the county today, I would have called you over earlier." Mayor Sun waved his hand.

"Hello, leader, I didn't expect such a big thing to happen today. Is this a conclusion?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

Mayor Sun nodded, "We also have to consider the paper mill's self-rescue. Although the city's funds are also very tight, we can't wait for others to do this job."

"Next, we also need the cooperation of the county. The pollution of the paper mill must be considered. The place that is directly affected is the drinking water in the county."

"Isn't that very simple?" Chen Tiezhu asked in confusion.

He really didn't understand why he was called here. This matter has nothing to do with him.

The city and county governments cooperate with each other, do a good job in operation and supervision, isn't that the end of the matter?

"Tiezhu, I called you here to ask you to help take my pulse." Gao Xiaoguang said with a smile.

"The current efficiency of the paper mill has shown a serious downward trend, not only because of the inaction of the original management, but also because of the problems in the entire operation."

"You are a capable person in running a business, so we have to see if you can give some suggestions and make the paper mill competitive in the next operation."

"The loss of the paper mill this time is really too great. If we don't make a good plan for future development, it will not be so easy to operate even if we resume work."

Listening to Gao Xiaoguang's words, many people looked at Chen Tiezhu seriously.

Many people here are from the city, and they have heard of Chen Tiezhu's name, but they didn't expect that even such a thing needs to be consulted for his opinion.

Chen Tiezhu frowned, "This thing is very complicated to operate, and I don't know anything about the papermaking industry."

"Just say it boldly. I feel that in terms of business operations, in addition to having their own characteristics, enterprises should also have many common points, right?" Mayor Sun asked with a smile.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "There should be. Then let me first talk about how my business is run. The lifeline of an enterprise is actually technology and quality. If you keep them, you will have a certain degree of competitiveness."

"In the process of operation, this will involve many problems. Standardized management of the enterprise and an appropriate salary system are also indispensable."

"Technology and quality, this involves specific products. In terms of production technology, our paper mill should have no problem. After all, there is a full-material papermaking process, which gives us more freedom in the choice of raw materials."

"Another technical category is our production series. By the way, what kind of paper does our paper mill produce? I haven't learned about this yet."

"There are many types involved, such as newspapers, magazines, paper for books, daily paper, etc. Let's go directly to the finished product warehouse to have a look." Mayor Sun said.

Chen Tiezhu nodded and didn't say anything more.

"Leader, didn't you receive any news in advance?"

On the way to the finished product warehouse, Chen Tiezhu asked in a low voice.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let you go." Gao Xiaoguang nodded.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the city is going to take the initiative. I thought the province had a clear opinion, which is good." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

Gao Xiaoguang looked at him helplessly. This guy's brain turned too fast.

People also saw the two people's mumblings, and their ideas were slightly different.

The door of the warehouse opened and everyone walked in.

"Dear leaders, newspapers and books are in the finished product warehouse. This side is closer, mainly storing some products such as Tianzi grids, calculation books, and toilet paper."

The warehouse manager of the paper mill hurriedly introduced it.

"How about it, do you have any ideas?" Mayor Sun asked with a smile.

"In fact, when I listened to the introduction just now, my first impression was that our paper mill is broad but not deep." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

Hearing his words, many people frowned. Is it notIs he too arrogant?

"I really don't know much about this industry, but according to my current understanding, our paper mill can produce all the products involved in the entire industry to meet the full range of supply?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"That's true. Although there are some problems with our management, our technology is state-owned." An accompanying comrade from the paper mill said somewhat unconvinced.

Chen Tiezhu didn't care, "So, this is even more of a test of the quality issue. Because the more production items involved, the more difficult it is to control the quality."

"I just heard that there will be production of paper for books and newspapers, right? I feel that this should be the main profit project of the paper mill. It was also the life source of the paper mill in the past, but the current sales volume must have declined a lot."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the comrade from the paper mill.

This is the beginning of the pulse, giving a diagnosis.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the comrade from the paper mill nodded.

"Tiezhu, how did you see that?" Gao Xiaoguang asked curiously.

"Because this is a common problem of state-owned factories. In the planned economy era, such special supplies would definitely not worry about production and sales." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"But now we have begun to transition to a market economy. Newspapers and publishing houses have a wider range of choices. In addition to the remaining needs, they will buy more high-quality and low-priced ones from us."

"Our county machinery factory is actually a microcosm of these state-owned enterprises in the entire reform tide. It is equivalent to having some technology but no solid products."

"In addition to the rigidity of enterprise management, it can even be said that the original people would not even consider the future development of the paper mill. They are thinking about how to consolidate their position and how to get benefits for themselves."

This is a very sharp statement, but no matter who listens, there is no chance to refute it.

The truth is always so harsh.

Some people know it, but they dare not say it, because it is also a criticism of the city.

"Tiezhu, then do you have any suggestions?" Mayor Sun asked.

The eyes of these people turned to Chen Tiezhu again.

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