"If I were to give you advice, it would be to specialize and be good at it," said Chen Tiezhu.

"For example, we can produce so many items now, so when we sell them, we need to find the corresponding market."

"And such a scattered sales market requires a lot of manpower and material resources to conquer. It seems that every item is OK, but in reality? Every item is a little bit unimpressive."

"But I have to state in advance that I really don't know much about the papermaking industry. I don't know what the main sales products of the paper mill are, so I can't say much about this aspect."

"Try to make some trade-offs as much as possible, just like our machinery factory. The next step is to produce medical devices Mainly, other mechanical products are supplementary. "

"We will not let go of the money that should be earned. We will not think about the money that cannot be earned. There are more things involved here, and the next manager has to consider it. "

"It is equivalent to a restaurant. No matter what dish you order, I can make it for you. But the taste of these dishes is just like that. "

"This restaurant can definitely be managed by fooling around, but because it does not have its own signature dishes, it is difficult to make a lot of money. "

Mayor Sun nodded, and Chen Tiezhu's words made sense.

It is precisely because of this reason that a lot of product inventory has been accumulated. These inventories have also become a huge burden on paper mills.

If you can't sell it, what's the point of producing more?

At this time, Chen Tiezhu walked a few steps to the right. This is the storage area for toilet paper. It can even be said that nearly three-quarters of such a large finished product warehouse is stored with toilet paper.

After casually tearing open the outer packaging and picking up a roll of toilet paper, Chen Tiezhu grinned.

"Is there any problem with this?"

Noticing his expression, Mayor Sun hurriedly asked.

Chen Tiezhu didn't say anything and directly pulled down a pack. After tearing open the packaging, he handed the toilet paper inside to everyone one by one.

Everyone was confused by his action.

What for? What's the point of leaving a souvenir?

"Everyone feel it carefully. If this thing is given to you, would you want it?" Chen Tiezhu asked calmly.

"Tiezhu, are you saying that these toilet papers are too rough?" Gao Xiaoguang understood a little.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "This thing should be the most inconspicuous product in the paper industry, right? The scientific name is toilet paper, which is to say it is toilet paper."

"This thing is really good. Even the most cruel person can hardly use it to wipe his butt. It's almost as bad as sandpaper. Why are you torturing yourself?"

"I can more or less figure out the purpose of producing this paper. It must be thought that this thing is originally used to wipe the butt, so there is no need to give such high requirements on quality."

"But why can't you think about it? People who are willing to buy toilet paper to wipe their butts, can they not care about the quality? They have already bought the toilet paper, and they still need a few cents to let their butts enjoy it?"

"This is a pig's brain. A good product has ruined itself. Not to mention anything else, if this toilet paper is made well, there is such a large consumer market around us, how much profit it will bring."

This is also very harsh, without any mercy, and the people who followed the paper mill are also very uncomfortable.

What Chen Tiezhu said before was somewhat implicit, so now he said it directly.

"Comrade, lowering the quality will naturally reduce the cost. We also have an advantage in terms of sales price."

After a short silence, a comrade from the paper mill spoke up.

His words undoubtedly confirmed Chen Tiezhu's speculation just now. It's not that they can't produce better toilet paper, but they deliberately lower the quality.

"So what? What's the use of such a warehouse of toilet paper?" Chen Tiezhu asked lightly.

This sentence made the comrade from the paper mill blush and unable to refute.

"So, in the process of operation, you didn't really understand the market. So some of your decisions went against each other. It looks good, but it's getting more and more biased." Chen Tiezhu said.

"No matter what a company produces, if it doesn't work hard on quality, it's doomed. Some people might say, if I reduce costs, can't I make small profits but sell more?"

"But that depends on what you do. Toilet paper can also make small profits but sell more. But if you want to sell more, you have to at least get consumers to accept it, right?"

"For this thing, it's a one-time deal. People who buy it once will definitely not buy it again.. Not only will he not buy it himself, he will also try to promote it, because this is his painful experience. "

"The reputation of this paper has come out, and the result is in front of us. Looking at the books, our production capacity is really good, but in fact, what we produce are all inventory goods, and no one wants them even if they are given away."

"If the most basic requirements of toilet paper cannot be met, is this still a qualified product? Even if you set the price lower, it is still inferior. "

"I am a little excited because I have discovered the fundamental problem of the paper mill. It is not that it has no competitiveness, but that it has killed itself."

"If this business philosophy is not changed, then no matter what kind of investment and support is given to the paper mill in the future, it will be the same."

Mayor Sun nodded, "Although I don't understand the operation of the enterprise very well, what you said makes sense. No matter what kind of enterprise, if it can't even keep the product quality, or even artificially lower it, how can the enterprise operate?"

"It's right to call you here today, at least you can remind us. According to you, this humble toilet paper can also become the flagship product of the paper mill? "

"Why not?" Chen Tiezhu shrugged his shoulders.

"It has inherent advantages and is a necessity in people's lives. Although many people still use straw and sticks, who will use that stuff when their lives get better?"

"While meeting the basic quality, it can also produce softer and more comfortable toilet paper. This, even if the price is a little higher, is also very marketable."

"With the development of the economy, people with some money in their hands really don't mind spending a few cents to make their lives more comfortable."

"What the market situation is like is not something we can think of with our heads. We have to get feedback through surveys, and that is the real market."

"For this market, we can launch products that the market needs. What is this equivalent to? Now our paper mill is begging for food with a golden bowl in hand, which is amazing. "

This was even more harsh, and Zhou Fengxia was surprised to hear it, wondering why Chen Tiezhu was so angry.

On the contrary, Mayor Sun was very satisfied after hearing it.

This kid is really smart, and he knows why he called him here.

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