"Comrades, Comrade Chen Tiezhu said it very well and insightfully. In fact, this is a difficult test that our companies will face in the future. If we cannot pass this test, we will be eliminated."

Walking out of the warehouse, Mayor Sun said seriously.

"Because we will face a lot of competition in the future, and do our companies really have such competitiveness? How much residual value do our companies have after squeezing out the water?"

"After returning, please carefully count all the companies for me. I want to see the real numbers, and I want to see what the real problems are in the companies you manage."

"I am not going to deal with anyone. If we can find the problems earlier, our companies may still be saved. Waiting, delaying, turning a blind eye, when you really pay attention to it, it is already terminally ill."

"Like this paper mill, it was originally a very good company that could contribute a lot of fiscal revenue to the city. But it is not just a company, because there are still many employees who rely on the paper mill to make a living."

"When a company goes bankrupt, it is not just a simple number like how much money it loses on the books. How many families are involved behind this, can that be measured with numbers?"

"When you manage these companies, you should not only be responsible to the city and the companies, but also to the employees of the companies."

" I have visited the mechanical factory after Comrade Chen Tiezhu's acquisition. The mental appearance of the employees has changed a lot. This is not only because he has improved the benefits of employees, but let these employees really see hope. "Or, when there is an emergency production task, how many employees can stay willingly and work seriously?" "So I ask you again, how many people are hitting a day for a day, how many people are thinking about the future of the company?" If you ca n’t go out, you tell me directly that I will arrange other people to take responsibility. These words were very serious, and also showed his attitude. If the operation of these enterprises does not improve in the future, some people must be replaced.

"Leader, if you want to educate people, just educate them. Why do you have to use me as a gun?"

After these people left, Chen Tiezhu complained.

"Hahaha, who else should I find if not you? Finding others does not have this weight, and they will not listen to what you say." Mayor Sun said with a smile.

"There are many benefits to calling you. At least the future development direction of the paper mill is also much clearer. The operation of enterprises is much more complicated than imagined."

"If it is not complicated, then everyone will make a fortune, and there will be no bankrupt enterprises." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"You kid also has something to say, just say it directly." Mayor Sun said.

"What can I say, the mentality is somewhat different." Chen Tiezhu said.

"The purpose of our private enterprises is to make money, so we will rack our brains to consider the direction of enterprise development."

"And many of your state-owned enterprise leaders are officials. In terms of enterprise development, there will be some deviations."

"Not to mention that these enterprises also serve your government departments, and more profits will be handed over to you. How much money can be left for enterprise development?"

"If this fundamental problem is not solved, then even if there is some improvement now, it will return to the old state after a few years."

Mayor Sun nodded, "That's indeed the case. When the city needs funds, they will be the first to think of."

"Such a situation also needs to be adjusted. Because their own development will also become very difficult. Under different policies, the difficulties faced are also different."

"So I came up with a very bold idea. Can we recruit capable people from the society to be responsible for the relevant work of the paper mill in the future?"

"Uh..., your idea is very bold." Chen Tiezhu was stunned.

"NoBut if you do this, you will face many difficulties. Even though the paper mill is a hot potato now, there should be many people eyeing the position of the factory director, right? "

"After all, no matter who takes over, this level must be raised appropriately. As for whether the paper mill can turn losses into profits in the future, that is also a matter of the future."

"Do you have to say it so directly?" Mayor Sun asked helplessly.

This can be regarded as a real poke at the pain point. At present, many people in the city are indeed eyeing the position of the factory director.

Chen Tiezhu shrugged his shoulders, "You called me here today to tell the truth, so I can't lie to fool people."

"Anyway, I feel that the city still has to face many difficulties. Even if you talk tough with these people today, it is hard to say what will happen next."

"On the contrary, our county is easier to manage, because it is originally small in size. It is said that it is easier to turn around when the boat is small. Some enterprises are not doing well, so they will go bankrupt directly. "

"You can't just say that bankruptcy means bankruptcy. Those that can be saved should be saved." Gao Xiaoguang added.

"Hehe, the difficulty coefficient is a bit high." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Because for many enterprises, they are no longer adapted to the current environment. The reason why they existed in the past was that they were rigid demands."

"In the process of reform and development, a large number of enterprises will inevitably be eliminated. Even if we don't want to admit it, this is a fact in the future."

Mayor Sun and Gao Xiaoguang fell silent, because they all knew that what Chen Tiezhu said was a fact.

But if you want to change it fundamentally, it is too difficult, because this is a kind of institutional adjustment, and they don't have such great ability.

"Let's not talk about these first. What are you going to do with the feed factory under the Animal Husbandry Bureau? "Mayor Sun asked.

Chen Tiezhu scratched his head and threw the car keys to Zhou Fengxia. He definitely couldn't pick up his daughter on time today.

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