"Sister-in-law, what did you eat tonight?" Chen Tiezhu asked on the way to Liu's house. "Nothing, just scrambled potatoes with eggs, some pork head and shredded radish. My child and I ate it and it was fine, but he started to feel pain after lying on the kang for a while." Liu's sister-in-law said hurriedly. "Don't worry, I'll see what the specific situation is in a while. I've been busy delivering manure to the fields these days?" Chen Tiezhu asked. "Well, I'm at home watching the mushroom shed. It's almost time to harvest mushrooms, so I have to get it ready." Liu's sister-in-law said. "Finally, I'll see the return on money." Chen Tiezhu nodded. He also knew that the villagers, like him, valued this first batch of mushrooms very much. It wasn't far away, and they arrived at Liu's house in a few words. Liu Sange was lying on the kang, rolling on the kang in pain, with beads of sweat on his forehead. "Tiezhu, come on, come on, this guy is in pain too." Brother Liu said with all his might.

"Where does it hurt?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

Brother Liu scratched his stomach and waist with his hands, "It hurts so much in this area, it hurts like I'm stirring it with a knife."

"Dandan, give me the preliminary diagnosis." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Ah? Oh, it doesn't look like lumbar dislocation. You can't turn over when you have lumbar dislocation, so appendicitis and acute cholecystitis are more likely. Can you diagnose it manually?" Lu Dan asked after a moment of surprise.

Chen Tiezhu nodded.

Lu Dan hurried forward to check, first found the McBurney point, and gently pressed it with his hand, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts, I feel pain all over this area now." Brother Liu said with all his might.

Even if he just lay flat now, it would be hard to hold on.

Lu Dan frowned, this was a little hard to judge. If it was just the reflex pain of the McBurney point, it would basically be appendicitis. But this kind of wide-ranging radiating pain is not the basis for judging appendicitis.

"Brother Liu, let's do another check." Lu Dan said softly, and then put his left hand on Brother Liu's right rib, and pressed his thumb on the outer edge of the rectus abdominis and the focus of the hypochondrium.

Chen Tiezhu nodded with satisfaction. This is palpation of cholecystitis.

For many patients with acute abdominal pain, appendicitis and cholecystitis are common cases. Lu Dan did a very solid job in the examination of patients with abdominal pain.

However, in today's examination, due to lack of experience, there were some things she overlooked.

"Brother Liu, take a breath." Lu Dan said.

Brother Liu didn't say anything and took a deep breath.

"Master, appendicitis and acute cholecystitis can basically be ruled out." Lu Dan said.

"You are still a little bit not careful, although your current examination is also very good." Chen Tiezhu smiled and nodded.

"Brother San, turn over and lie on the kang. I'll press you later. If you feel any pain, give me a response."

"Master, can't you turn over? It shouldn't be a problem with the lumbar spine." Lu Dan asked in confusion.

"I didn't say it was a problem with the lumbar spine." As he said that, he pressed on the position of Brother Liu San's left kidney.

"Hiss..., it hurts, right here, my god, it hurts..."

Brother Liu San was in so much pain that he couldn't speak clearly.

Lu Dan was dumbfounded. How could the master be so powerful? Why did he find the right position in one go? Is there something wrong with the kidney?

"Brother Liu San, sit up." Chen Tiezhu said, and then looked at Lu Dan.

"In fact, for some patients with acute pain, there is another common disease, that is kidney stones. However, because the pain is severe, it is often difficult for patients to describe the specific location of the radiating pain."

"When we first came here, Brother Liu San gestured with his hands. You only paid attention to his gestures on the abdomen, but did not notice that his hands had already moved to the lower back."

"Tiezhu, what medicine should be taken for this kind of stone?" Sister Liu San asked hurriedly.

She didn't care how Chen Tiezhu taught his apprentice. Now that she knew what the disease was, it was a disease she had never heard of, and curing it was the key. It hurt so much, it must be very serious.

"Kidney stones, you have to take medicine to expel them slowly. Let's try it at home first, and then go to the Chinese medicine hospital tomorrow to see what medicine is prescribed to treat and expel stones." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Bear the pain, stand up, and jump in the yard. If you are lucky, it's just a small stone stuck, and it will be fine after jumping."

"Let's observe first. If the stone is very large and can't be expelled, I will drive you to the county hospital and we can only perform surgery to remove it."

"Because if we don't take it out, it mayThe kidney is damaged. Then the whole kidney will have to be removed, and it may be life-threatening. "

Hearing him say this, the Liu couple were terrified.

For ordinary people, hearing about surgery is a serious illness. How can you not be afraid of life-threatening things?

The pain of kidney stones is really known to everyone who has experienced it.

Brother Liu got off the kang and squatted on the ground in pain before he took a step.

"Bear it up, jump a few times in the room first. Jumping can change the position of the stones, and you have to bear the pain yourself. "Chen Tiezhu said as he grabbed his arm and lifted it up.

This is often the case. It's not enough to just feel sorry for the patient. There is currently no extracorporeal lithotripsy machine in the county. Even if you go to the county hospital, it will be the same work as it is now.

At least give it a try. If it can be discharged on its own, there is no need for surgery. At this stage, kidney stone removal surgery is also very invasive.

Brother Liu gritted his teeth and nodded, forced himself to stand up, and jumped hard.

Even though his movements were slow and the amplitude of the jump was not large, it was still very painful, he was still trying to persevere.

"Tiezhu, is there no other way?"

Looking at Brother Liu's torment, Han Xiuying asked worriedly.

"There is really no other way at the moment, just hope that it can be discharged on its own." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Because even if it is a stone-discharging and stone-removing medicine, it needs to be taken for a long time to be effective, unlike insecticide, which works as soon as it is taken."

"Tiezhu, it really hurts. "Liu Sange said after trying a few times.

"You have to bear the pain. This disease can only be treated in this way." Chen Tiezhu said.

Liu Sange nodded and continued to jump.

He still trusted Chen Tiezhu. Since he said so, then this must be the only way. It is better than surgery, right?

But this pain is really uncomfortable, and he was sweating all over.

In fact, now without instrument inspection, Chen Tiezhu is also gambling on luck, betting that the size of the stone is not that big.

If the size is too big and forms an obstruction, then jumping is useless, and surgery can only be performed to remove the stone.

"Hiss..., the painful place seems to move a little."

After jumping a few more times, Liu Sange said.

Chen Tiezhu was happy, "It seems that your luck is not bad. Drink some water and continue to jump. "

I felt a little relieved, the situation should be better than expected.

But after jumping for a few more minutes, a new problem appeared.

Brother Liu San was in so much pain that he couldn't jump anymore...

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