"Master, what can we do?" Lu Dan asked.

"There's no other way, I have to do it." Chen Tiezhu said, and then squatted on the ground.

"Brother San, I'll carry you on my back and jump. Although the effect is a little worse, it's still effective. Then let's go outside for a run, and my movements are larger."

"Tiezhu, how can this be done?" Brother Liu San was anxious.

"What's wrong with that? The treatment is important." Chen Tiezhu said.

Brother Liu San gritted his teeth and then lay on top.

"Tiezhu, what's wrong?"

Just when he ran out of the yard with Brother Liu San on his back, the villagers passing by asked with concern.

"He has kidney stones. I have to take him to jump. Maybe the stones can be expelled." Chen Tiezhu said, and then he did a high jump run.

In fact, jumping on the spot is more effective, but even with Chen Tiezhu's physical strength, it may not be able to last for long. Although this running state is less effective, it can last longer.

It's not a big deal that he ran away like this, basically he alarmed the whole village.

"Wow, my master's treatment of a disease is so vigorous." Lu Dan said with emotion.

"Dandan, can this stone be expelled? No need for surgery?" Han Xiuying asked.

"It should be possible, but it will be very painful." Lu Dan grinned.

"Dandan, you should popularize the knowledge about kidney stones to the villagers."

At this time, Chen Tiezhu also ran back with Liu Sange on his back and shouted.

"Okay, everyone listen to me."

Lu Dan said happily.

"There are many causes of kidney stones. Basically, everyone has some in their bodies, but the size is different."

"Sometimes when we urinate, if you pay attention, there will be some powdery substances, which is basically it. This is called urine sand in medicine, sand of sand."

"This stone is produced in the kidneys, and it wants to wander outside. And our urine wants to be discharged from the body, it has to go from the kidneys through the ureter, and then to the bladder, and the route is quite long."

"What is this ureter? It is a very thin tube, and this tube is not thick on one side. It has narrow places, which makes it easy for stones to get stuck here."

"My master's current treatment method is to use gravity to allow the stones to pass through these narrow places smoothly and eventually be discharged from the body."

"But what should we pay attention to here? This process is actually very painful In addition, the stones will scratch the ureter and urethra during the discharge process, which will cause hematuria. "

"In general, don't be afraid of such a situation. The body can still repair such a small injury by itself. If the hematuria is very serious, you have to find my master immediately. If my master is not at home, go to the county hospital immediately. "

"Oh, by the way, there is something else. It is to drink more water at ordinary times, especially when we sweat more when we work, we should replenish water even more. "

"Replenishing water is not only good for the body, but also increases the amount of urine. Some small stones will be discharged before they become larger, and they will not be given the opportunity to cause trouble. "

"Then people with urine sand should also jump more at ordinary times. During the jumping process, the stones will also jump in the kidneys, increasing the possibility of excretion. Master, is this okay? "

"Yes, it's very good. "

Chen Tiezhu responded happily.

"Dandan is really amazing. I understand it now."

"Look, isn't this Tiezhu's apprentice? I seem to have that sand. Sometimes I pee with sand."

"I haven't heard of this thing before, but it should be very powerful."

"Dandan, what if it can't be fixed?"


The villagers nearby also discussed it curiously.

"Well, if it can't be fixed, there will be big problems." Lu Dan said.

"No matter where it is stuck, it will have a serious impact on the body. The most dangerous situation is that the kidneys will be damaged. If the stone is not removed in time, the kidneys will have to be removed."

This scared the villagers.

Because at the beginning, they were just watching the fun. When they heard that they might have their kidneys removed, this matter was very serious.

They looked at each other and jumped with it. What if they have it too? Get it fixed first, don't let it cause trouble.

With a leader, more and more people followed.

Lu Dan was stunned. He had never seen such a scene before.

"Dandan is really amazing." Han Xiuying smiled and praised.

"Hehe, generally, the powerful"Oh, not as good as the master." Lu Dan said happily.

My little mood is so good.

Although she is a big girl, she has the same thoughts as Doudou, and she also hopes to be praised and recognized by others.

"Girl, very good. When we were eating, she said that she didn't learn well, but now she has used it all." Old Man Han also praised her.

"Yes, it doesn't mean that you have to do the surgery very well, but you are really good. These knowledge are all very good." Erye also expressed his opinion.

"Hehe, the master taught well. These basic knowledge are for us to learn repeatedly, but I still didn't diagnose it all at once today." Lu Dan said a little embarrassedly.

"Take it slowly. After you have experienced more and seen more, you will be a very good doctor." Erye said.

"Besides, you can't compare with your master. Are his skills comparable to those of ordinary people? Just compare yourself to yourself. If you are better than before, then you are really good. "

"Well, listen to Second Grandpa and compare yourself." Lu Dan waved her fist happily.

For her, this is also a very rare affirmation, and it also strengthened her determination to learn medical skills.

However, this purely physical method of removing stones is indeed not so easy to handle. Even if Chen Tiezhu has good physical strength, he has to do it slowly.

He has to rest in the middle, otherwise he can't run.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

At this time, Doudou, who had a lot of fun playing with the crew at school, came over with his friends.

I really don't understand what's going on in my little mind. Why are you jumping around?

"Dad is helping Third Grandpa treat his illness. "Chen Tiezhu said.

Doudou wrinkled his nose, not knowing what it was all about.

Forget it, let's not think about such an important issue. Jumping around is fun, so let's jump along.

Not to mention, with Doudou joining in, other children in the village also saw the fun and jumped along, making the scene even more joyful.

Only Brother Liu was very worried. This was really painful.

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