"Hey, are you scared?" Chen Tiezhu said cheerfully.

"Let's say that if we take down all the middle and upper management cadres of the paper mill, there will definitely be accidental injuries. If we take down one-third, there will definitely be some who slip through the net."

"What kind of general leads what kind of soldiers, and what kind of style the big leaders have, it will be the same for the lower levels. The only difference is the question of courage."

"If you don't make some big moves, I think even if this paper mill survives in the future, how long can it last?"

"This is cost-saving, reducing some departments and leaders. No matter what happens, reduce the transmission chain, and just issue it and it will be executed. I'm quite curious, how many deputy directors does our paper mill have?"


Mayor Sun said in a muffled voice.

"Tsk tsk, five, our machinery factory only has three. This means that the gap between our strength and the paper mill is really big." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

"What are you talking about? This aspect does need to be readjusted. The organizational structure of the paper mill should be simplified as much as possible, and those that can be merged should be merged into one office." Mayor Sun said.

"I wonder why the situation of the machinery factory is not as serious as that of the paper mill? Although you have also cleared a lot of people over there, many of them are ordinary office staff, right?" Gao Xiaoguang asked curiously.

In fact, he didn't want Mayor Sun to be too embarrassed. After all, what Chen Tiezhu said just now was quite sharp.

"Because the machinery factory is a government office with few people, it can only accommodate a limited number of people. The paper mill is different, it is very rich. If you squeeze in, you can earn a higher salary than the machinery factory, and it is still under the management of the city." Chen Tiezhu said.

"So the machinery factory hasn't been able to recruit people in the past two years. No one wants to go there even if they beg. But the farm has recruited more people. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to assign so many people to work for Director Hu."

"The situation of overstaffing is too common in these state-owned units. And how much money will it cost to pay for all these people's salaries in a year?"

"Ding Di"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Liu drove back.

"Director Cui, I have to trouble you to take a look at how long it will take to repair and rectify the filter device at the paper mill." Chen Tiezhu greeted.

"Hello, leaders, Manager Chen, I don't know much about this, I can only take a look at the mechanical parts." Director Cui said.

"Well, most of them are some filter devices. They have been used since the factory was built and have never been replaced." Chen Tiezhu smiled and nodded.

"Well, let's go and take a look now." Director Cui said.

"Mayor Sun, you have found the right person. At least the investment cost in this area can save a lot of money compared to if we find someone outside to do it." Gao Xiaoguang said with a smile.

"Yes, otherwise it would be impossible to agree to his harsh conditions." Mayor Sun said.

"However, this is also our current case. If there are similar situations in the future, we still have to rely on our government's funds. If we can save it, we will save it. If we can't save it, we will sell it."

"Others may not have such kindness as Tiezhu. This is purely to help the powerful. Even if we are thinking about the company, we can't leave them loopholes and let them transfer the company's assets to them at a very low price."

"Yes, there are not many good people like me." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

After a few words, they also arrived at the sewage treatment workshop.

When entering here, you still have to wear a gas mask.

"Manager Chen, the work here is not easy."

Just a glance, Director Cui frowned.

"So we can only take a little loss, at most we can charge a processing fee, and the labor costs have to be paid." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Let me take a look first. If you look at the equipment here now, most of them have to be replaced. When the paper mill was in production, there were too many corrosive substances in the wastewater. This is terrible."

Director Cui said, and kicked lightly with his foot, and a large piece of the filter device in front fell off.

In fact, this piece is already in terrible condition. Although it looks like a complete piece, it is because there are many filtered impurities attached to it.

"Tsk tsk, this thing basically has to be replaced. And the sieves here, even if they are made of stainless steel, have to be regularly maintained and replaced, right?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

Director Cui nodded, "It is true. The paper mill used too many chemical substances in the production process. Look at the cement pool over there, it also needs to be rebuilt."

"Lao Cao, you estimateHow much does it cost to redo this?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Not counting the labor, the material cost alone is about 70,000 or 80,000. It seems to me that the rest are useless and have to be made new." Director Cao said.

"And this does not include the labor spent on cleaning these things. If we want to do it, we have to figure out the treatment method and see which materials are better in which places. There must be special materials here."

"The price of these materials is definitely much higher than ordinary steel. It should be counted as special steel. It is uncertain whether we can buy it at that time."

"Let's put aside whether we can buy it first. Tomorrow we will bring a team to understand the technical issues." Chen Tiezhu said.

"The cleaning here can be done by the employees of the paper mill. You have to use a short period of time to thoroughly understand the treatment process. After all, it is a technology that has been around for some years and should not be difficult."

"After understanding it thoroughly, combine it with the current papermaking wastewater treatment process. Anyway, Mayor Sun will definitely be able to find this new technology, and then we can make a new set. "

"What is the goal? It must be economical and durable. A manual must be made for the relevant maintenance work, and our machinery factory will send people here to guide and supervise in the first half of the year."

"For such a project, how long can we complete it at the fastest? Without affecting the normal production of our factory, we may work overtime."

"Manager Chen, this is a difficult task." Director Cui frowned.

Mayor Sun and Gao Xiaoguang on the side were also a little nervous, because this time would affect the time for the paper mill to resume work.

"Manager Chen, it will take nearly 40 days, and it must be on the premise that Mayor Sun can get all the materials." Director Cao said after consideration.

"Try to get it within a month. If not, I will ask Governor Li or my father-in-law for the materials, which can be obtained in a few days." Chen Tiezhu said.

"It must be completed by overtime, and the overtime pay should be paid directly from the machinery factory. The county will then allocate another truck to transport the materials. "

"Manager Chen, do your best and ensure that the task is completed." Director Cao nodded seriously.

Mayor Sun and Gao Xiaoguang breathed a sigh of relief. They found the right person.

They have also encountered this matter. Just for the renovation of this sewage workshop, their best estimate is that it will take two months to complete the rectification.

Now they can resume work one month earlier, and they can also reduce one month's loss.

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