"Okay, leaders, this is the current situation. I'm stewing meat at home. Let's go to my house for a drink?" Chen Tiezhu stretched his body and said with a smile. "That's fine. It's always a good thing to be invited to dinner." Mayor Sun was happy. I have to say it, but I'm in a really good mood today. Although the solution given by Chen Tiezhu is a bit bloody and bold, it can only be done for the current paper mill. "Old Cui, let's go together. Let County Magistrate Gao's car take you back when you come back. Anyway, there's nothing to do in the factory now." Chen Tiezhu said. "Uh..., okay." Director Cui nodded. It's really not so good to refuse in this occasion, especially since Chen Tiezhu is his serious leader. "Manager Chen, this mission is indeed a bit difficult." Director Cui said after getting in the car. "Anyway, I have confidence in the skills of our comrades in the factory." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile. "Let's talk about the transformation of the production line. How much earlier than expected? In fact, it is also because the province and the city attach great importance to the reform of the paper mill, and there is not so much time to delay."

"The main reason is that we have sent people to the feed factory now, and their production units have to be cleaned up." Director Cui said.

"I will study it carefully later to see how to allocate all the manpower. The feed factory will also be our serious business in the future, and we can't delay it."

"Anyway, I am very confident with you. The factory director who is in charge of production technology is also the factory director who has led the machinery factory for so many years. If you don't have this strength, it won't work." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Manager Chen, don't praise me. If you didn't take action, I would have become a sinner of the machinery factory." Director Cui said with emotion.

"Old Cui, you can't say that." Chen Tiezhu laughed.

"For small machinery factories like yours, it is really not your fault. It is not that you can change the status quo by working harder. That is impossible."

"Because the overall environment has changed, your fate was doomed in the early years. Not only you, but also the textile factories and canning factories in the county. Do you think these two factories can do business?"

"In my opinion, it is impossible. Just say how much are the restrictions on these two businesses? Do we have cotton producing areas and large orchards in front of us?"

"Even if these two factories work harder, no matter the output or cost, they can't compare with similar enterprises with natural advantages."

"The final result will inevitably be eliminated. Our machinery factory The area it occupies looks large, but there is not much content in it. "

"But at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, these factories undoubtedly made the greatest contribution to the region. It is precisely because of their existence that the foundation for our development has been laid. "

"It's just like our farmers growing crops. Even if you had the conditions earlier, you didn't grow mushrooms or greenhouse vegetables. Why? Because people couldn't fill their stomachs, and grain was the hard currency. "

"The situation has changed now. Every household has stored grain, otherwise infectious diseases such as hemorrhagic fever would not become popular. So if you want to make more money and live a better life, growing grain is no longer the first choice at present. "

Director Cui opened his mouth, but he didn't expect Chen Tiezhu to use such an example to persuade him.

In fact, for him, he has always had a knot in his heart. Even though the current machinery factory has shown a good momentum, his knot is still there.

No matter what, the machinery factory was originally prosperous, but it failed in his hands.

Now after Chen Tiezhu's words, his heart is somewhat open.

Driving to the house, I saw Doudou playing happily with the animals in the yard.

"Dad, why did you bring so many people back?"

Doudou asked curiously after seeing Chen Tiezhu get off the car.

"Haha, who told you not to play with me? If you go with me, you will definitely have a lot of fun." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Then Doudou is willing to play at home." The little guy said seriously.

"Hey? Tiezhu, what did you talk about with Director Cui on the way? Why do you feel that Director Cui seems to be a little different?" Gao Xiaoguang asked curiously.

"Hahaha, nothing, just a few words of advice." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Old Cui, he has always taken the responsibility for the poor management of the machinery factory on himself. He wants to take credit. How capable does he have to be to bring the machinery factory up?. "

"Take me for example. If it weren't for the bone plate project, I wouldn't dare to take it over. Because the machinery factory also has a certain threshold. If it was so easy to operate, there would be machinery factories everywhere."

"The burdens that should not be carried must be put down, so that we can go into battle lightly. Just like some of the burdens of our paper mill, we have to unload them when they should be unloaded."

"At least in terms of future operations, we must leave enough funds for the development of the paper mill, and then we can think about dividing the money."

"What I mean is that the debts that should be cleared must be cleared at that time, and some debts cannot be denied. Because there will be a chain reaction at that time, and it will not be a matter of one or two companies."

Mayor Sun nodded, "This makes sense. The next issue that the city will address is the issue of triangular debts. If this knot is not untied, it will only become more and more serious."

"Take these three companies now, they have all been greatly affected. If this knot can be untied, it will be of great help to many enterprises. "

"That's right, it's just that these debts are transferred back and forth, which will restrict the development of enterprises. It seems that you owe others money, and you seem to have taken advantage, and others can also owe you money, right?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"My eldest daughter, how is our braised meat? Anyway, when dad is away, I miss Doudou's braised meat. It has been a long time since we have braised it."

He didn't want to continue on this topic. If you always talk about these work matters, it will make people feel very burdened.

"Dad, dad, Doudou's braised meat is delicious. Doudou tasted two pieces. It doesn't take people at all, and the lean meat doesn't get stuck in your teeth at all."

"Hahaha, I knew you couldn't help it. "Chen Tiezhu picked up the little guy at once.

Listening to the little guy's excuse of trying to satisfy his craving, the big guy was also very amused.

There's nothing we can do, who makes Doudou so cute?

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