For Doudou, a little foodie, the beggar's chicken with the aroma of zongzi leaves really makes the little guy greedy.

Although he is really greedy, he has been eating more homely food recently. Today's beggar's chicken is a new thing.

"Okay, stop teasing her and give it to her quickly."

After returning to the house, Han Xiuying couldn't stand it when she saw Chen Tiezhu still bullying Doudou.

"Hey, it's because he's afraid that she will get burned." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

He is not ashamed of greedy for his daughter, but full of pride.

But the little guy is polite Doudou. Even if he is drooling, he will wait until the meal starts before he really eats it.

If you smoked chicken, the little guy will naturally take the lead to have a bite first. But this beggar's chicken is a new thing, so we have to wait until everyone eats it together.

Finally, the time has come, and the little guy hurriedly picked up the chicken leg from the bowl.

She opened her mouth, her shining teeth came over, touched the chicken, shook her head, and then she was stunned.

This is a bit wrong.

Judging from her own experience as a foodie, the chicken skin on the outside has been roasted dry, and the chicken inside has to be bitten off with some force, just like smoked chicken.

But why is this chicken so easy to chew? I almost threw it out.

I didn't have time to think about these things, because the chicken in my mouth was too tender, and the big piece I bit off was about to fall down.

I quickly raised my little head and stuffed the chicken leg meat into my mouth with my other little hand.

The more I chewed, the more fragrant and beautiful it became, and my big eyes were so happy that only a slit was left.

"You know what, this thing tastes really good. The meat is so tender that even people without teeth can eat it." said Mr. Han, who tasted a piece of chicken breast.

"I have heard of it before, but they all said that it is wrapped in lotus leaves, and the finished product has the taste of lotus leaves. I think it is also good to use this zongzi leaf, and the taste is good, but it is not greasy at all."

"The principle is actually the same." Chen Tiezhu said.

"For example, when we boil zongzi, we also put eggs in it. The egg tastes better than tea eggs. When we boil zongzi, we have to put more."

"Dad, when are we going to boil zongzi?" Doudou asked after eating a bite.

"We have to wait a while. Let's make soybean paste tomorrow. Do you want to help daddy? Otherwise, daddy may not be able to do it well." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Yes, Doudou is good at making soybean paste." The little guy agreed readily and took another bite of chicken leg meat.

"It's not good enough for you. Do you know how to make soybean paste?" Han Xiuying asked with a smile.

"I don't know, I learned from my dad."

Doudou answered confidently, and everyone was amused.

"Should I say it? There must be a child in the family. This guy has a lot of things to be happy about, so lively." said Mr. Han.

"Don't worry, Yingzi and I will definitely work hard to keep this lively." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

Han Xiuying has basically reached the level of immunity to this guy's talkativeness. If you get serious with him, there will be no end.

"Don't just focus on eating chicken, the gizzards in the chicken's belly are also good." Chen Tiezhu said.

The first one to respond to his call was naturally Doudou.

As soon as the little chopsticks were extended, a gizzard was picked out by her.

First took a small bite, and then a big bite.

Although the gizzards are not as tender as chicken, they also have their own unique taste.

The gizzards in the chicken's stomach were also very mushy, not even sticky at all, and completely different from the fried gizzards.

"Yingzi, is the second batch of labor export coming soon?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Yeah, this time we'll give priority to Xiaowangzhuang." Han Xiuying nodded.

"Their village seems to be better off than ours, but it's not much better. Especially the village has no money at all, and basically every household owes money to the village."

"It's probably because of this that even though the school was already in bad condition, it was delayed and not repaired. This time we decided to give it to their village first, and this debt can also be cleared."

"This is also difficult to deal with. It's good to get the money, but it's hard to take it out." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Especially for those who have owed money for many years, it's a lot of money, who wouldn't feel pain when they take it out? When I owed Murakami money, I felt pain when I took it out."

"What about you? Don't you think about how you lived before?" Han Xiuying rolled her eyes at him.

"After meeting you, I turned over a new leaf and lived a good life." Chen Tiezhu said proudly.

"Eat well." Han Xiuying rolled her eyes at him.

Looking atThe two old men were very happy when they were bickering.

"This matter is indeed not easy to deal with. Our village is also in debt. But now we have mushrooms, and we can slowly pay it back." said the second master.

"What is the key? Many families, even if they are rich, will follow suit when they see others can owe money. Take the repair of tap water for example. If there is enough money in the village, the villagers don't need to pay anymore, and this matter will definitely be easier to handle."

"To put it bluntly, if Tiezhu hadn't taken on part of it, it would be hard to say whether the tap water could be repaired. With little income and much spending, everyone attaches great importance to money."

"That's what I'm talking about, but this often forms a vicious cycle." said Chen Tiezhu.

"It's just like the triangular debts of the enterprise. You owe me, I owe him, he owes you, and the debts go round and round. If you keep owing, the enterprise will go bankrupt."

"Anyway, I think if Yingzi can settle all the debts of the villages before she is transferred to work in the county, it will be fine."

"How can I be so capable?" Han Xiuying said with a wry smile.

"Why not? Let everyone make money, so naturally there is no shortage of this little money." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Our second batch of mushroom houses has started construction, and there are many people who signed up this time. So we have to prepare our cold storage in advance, otherwise I wouldn't be so worried about going to deal with stones with Xiao Zhou."

"You only regret not having enough money when you need it. There are too many things to do. Although these things can be done slowly, it will delay development."

"Tiezhu is right. Sometimes the opportunity is fleeting." Old Man Han nodded.

Now he has a better understanding of rural work and knows that it is indeed very difficult.

Take Erdaoling Village for example. Chen Tiezhu has worked so hard and it has just started to improve a little. What about other villages? The work there must be even more difficult.

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