"Dad, when will we make the soybean paste?"

The next morning, after finishing his meal, Doudou couldn't wait to ask.

"It will be made soon. After making the soybean paste, we will send the beggar's chicken to sister Dandan." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Can we continue today? Beggar's chicken is delicious." Doudou asked pitifully.

Chen Tiezhu was amused.

Although the little guy was greedy, he was not so protective of food. But now, he was entangled in beggar's chicken, which showed that this really suited the little guy's appetite.

"Dad, can we still eat it?" Seeing that he was just laughing and not talking, the little guy asked again.

"My eldest daughter wants to eat it, so it must be okay. Help dad make soybean paste first, and arrange beggar's chicken and quail eggs canned for Doudou today." Chen Tiezhu said.

Doudou was so happy, and her little mouth was so happy that she couldn't close it.

However, the little guy's beautiful mood disappeared immediately after Chen Tiezhu took out the sauce block.

What are these things?

Black, green, hairy..., they are scary.

The little guy also remembers that he used to throw the sauce block with his father. But why did it grow like this?

"Doudou, we actually rely on these bacteria to ferment the soybean paste. Can you help dad brush off the hair on the sauce block with a brush later?" Chen Tiezhu said.

"Well..., dad will brush, Doudou, cheer for dad."

After taking a look at the black and green sauce block, Doudou chose a strategic shift.

We won't do this job, the hair is scary.

This made Chen Tiezhu feel very emotional. In addition to being afraid of the big cuckoo, the little guy has another thing to be afraid of. It's not easy.

He filled the basin with water, broke the cracks of the sauce block, and then he started to scrub it with a brush.

Just as he said, if you clean the sauce block, the sauce will not be delicious.

He didn't know what kind of bacteria was in the sauce block, but this thing relied on this to ferment. The more bacteria, the more fragrant the sauce.

After brushing the first article, the basin of water became colorful, and Doudou was too lazy to add fuel for him and hid far away.

After changing another basin of water, the little guy came over.

"How about it, do you want to help Dad?" Chen Tiezhu asked the little guy teasingly.

Doudou frowned, and the sauce block didn't seem so scary now.

After struggling for a while, he nodded his head.

But even if he made up his mind, the little guy was a little resistant. He picked up a piece of sauce very nervously, and his little eyebrows were all together.

"Don't worry, it won't bite you." Chen Tiezhu coaxed.

Feeling that his little hands didn't feel anything else, Doudou gained some confidence. Then he followed Chen Tiezhu's example and helped brush with the brush.

That's why, many times, things that scare people can break through this psychological barrier after they really come into contact with them.

Doudou brushed the first piece of sauce with some difficulty, but after picking up the second piece, he became a skilled worker and smiled on his face.

"Oh my God, how can Doudou be so good at brushing?" Chen Tiezhu praised.

"Doudou is really good." Doudou said happily.

"Of course, my eldest daughter can do anything." Chen Tiezhu praised again.

This is incredible. Doudou was lost by his praise again. He couldn't find his way at all and brushed even harder.

If Han Xiuying was at home, she would definitely criticize Chen Tiezhu. But she was not at home, so Chen Tiezhu naturally "did whatever he wanted".

After the sauce block was brushed, the original large block turned into a pile of small pieces.

Everyone has their own way of making soybean paste. Chen Tiezhu only knew a rough idea, and finally combined it according to the opinions of the villagers.

The configuration of four taels of salt and two taels of water for one pound of soybean paste is also the most commonly used ratio in the village. What does it actually affect? ​​The saltiness of soybean paste.

For example, if the salt is one tael or half a tael different, or the water is half a pound different, it will not affect the making of soybean paste.

Little Doudou is responsible for throwing soybean paste into the soybean paste jar, which is also the job that the little guy likes to do. If you give him a few words of praise, he will work harder.

And the salt used for making soybean paste is also large-grain salt.

These are all soaked in water in advance, and there are often many impurities on large-grain salt.

Put the gauze on the soybean paste jar, hold the basin and pour the salt water into it, and it's done.

"Dad, why is he so dirty? Doudou doesn't want to eat vegetables."

Looking at the black impurities on the gauze, Doudou frowned.

Because the little guy is also a little guy who remembers things, he sees his father doingIf you put this salt when cooking, then the dishes will also be dirty. Do you eat it all?

"It's okay to have such a little impurity. We only put a little when cooking. By then, it will sink to the bottom of the pot." Chen Tiezhu said.

Although he said so, Doudou still had some doubts.

"Wait until the day after tomorrow, Dad will stew you again. You can see if there is any." Chen Tiezhu said.

There is nothing we can do about it. Who said that stewing with big salt is more fragrant than fine salt?

After pouring the salt water, Chen Tiezhu also carefully cleaned the gauze and then buckled it on the sauce jar. Tie it with a rubber band on the edge, buckle it with a basin, and it's done.

"Dad, when can we eat it?" Doudou asked curiously.

"We have to wait for a while. We still have to rake and wait for the sauce to rise. Only then can it become real sauce, and it will taste good when we fry it." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Dad, when can we make some fish sauce? I haven't fished for a long time." Doudou said.

"It's not so easy to fish now. Wait for Dad to make a cage for you with a screen window in the next two days, and then we can go down to the river and eat fish sauce." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

His daughter is a real greedy cat. She used to dislike fish sauce so much, but she was greedy after eating it.

"Dad, go find Sister Dandan. Buy a chicken and make beggar chicken." Doudou added.

"Let's go now. My daughter is really capable, otherwise we won't be able to finish the sauce." Chen Tiezhu said.

Doudou was so happy, her little face was as happy as a flower.

Anyway, for the little guy, praise is like meat, no matter how much you eat, it's not too much.

And today she really helped her father with work, which was also very fulfilling. I am not afraid of the black, green, hairy pieces of sauce, so what else can I be afraid of?

With such confidence, the little guy walked towards the car without any hesitation.

Chen Tiezhu felt that he should always carry a camera with him in the future, because his daughter is so popular.

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