In fact, many things are like this, they are two-sided. Things that have benefits will definitely bring certain disadvantages.

Such systematic and more professional training will naturally bring many benefits. The disadvantage is that it costs a lot of money, and the pressure on the leading doctors in the hospital will become greater.

So after the silence, the four people also started a very intense discussion.

And this discussion, Chen Tiezhu did not participate too much.

After all, this argument was proposed by him. If he got involved, it would definitely be biased and he would not be able to maintain an objective attitude.

The discussion was very intense, but in general, I still agree with Chen Tiezhu's point of view.

Some things, you have to work hard for it yourself, right?

The reason why it was so intense was that some problems that might be encountered in the actual operation were discussed in detail. In solving these problems, some ideas will be a little biased.

This is also normal. Every manager will have his own management style and method. Even Principal Zhu will respect the opinions of the two directors of the affiliated hospitals in the internal management of the hospital.

Although no specific decision was made, this discussion was also very successful. Seeing that the time was almost up, everyone walked towards the guesthouse together.

"Maybe your idea will be the key to breaking the deadlock." Dean Lu said with emotion.

"It's nothing, the key depends on how you operate it." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Only if the operation is done well and results are achieved, can it be effective. Otherwise, it will become a joke of others, and you can't blame me then."

"After all, this matter does cost a lot of money, and whether you can recruit so many residents depends on your own efforts."

"Yes, everything is difficult at the beginning, and we really need to discuss this matter carefully." Dean Lu said.

"Otherwise, if it goes wrong, we will lose both people and money. For us, we can't afford such a loss, and it will have a great impact on subsequent development."

"On the contrary, our medical school is more relaxed. After all, for students, this is a good thing." Principal Zhu said with a smile.

"Yes, more detailed training does have a great impact on their growth. In the same amount of time, they can master more knowledge." Dean Lu said.

"I agree with Tiezhu's words, that is, we haven't put enough effort into cultivating talents. In fact, in our hearts, we don't take this matter too seriously."

"We often say that the master can lead you to the door, but the practice is up to each person. This is not wrong, but it has certain limitations. We don't take this seriously and don't teach seriously at all. How can we practice?"

"The standards we set for these medical students and residents are too low. They will have to be higher in the future. On this basis, their personal understanding ability is needed."

"Haha, no matter how much you can promote this project, at least it can be of some help." Chen Tiezhu laughed.

What he said before was actually the meaning, but he didn't have the courage to say it directly.

If Dean Lu said it himself, there would be no problem. This is their internal matter, and Dean Lu also has such a status.

When they came to the guesthouse, Zhou Fengxia was already waiting here with Doudou and Captain Liu.

After introducing each other, Captain Liu was shocked. After all, the identities of Dean Lu and Principal Zhu were a bit scary to him, and their ranks were a bit high.

"Captain Liu, this is just a coincidence. They said they wouldn't let me go, so we just got together and it's over. Have you signed the contract?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"After signing, Manager Zhou also took me to the store that was being built to have a look. It was really well done." Captain Liu said.

"Haha, Xiao Zhou's business won't be bad. And he does things similarly to me, always wanting to do it well." Chen Tiezhu praised.

"Brother Chen, don't make fun of me, I also need your help. Zhenwen will be here for a while, and he's going to make rounds. Should we serve the food now?" Zhou Fengxia asked.

"Serve the food, anyway, he's just a freeloader." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"Tiezhu, you said that the problems in this area of ​​the hospital have been solved, shouldn't we also put more effort into teaching?" Principal Zhu asked.

"You're testing me with this, I really don't know what to say." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

"You asked me to teach, I don't know how to teach.If you want me to give you some advice, it should be to raise the standards accordingly. Otherwise, I can't think of any other way."

"Teaching ability is also related to the ability of each teacher. Some people can explain the problem in a simple and profound way, while some people may be more general when explaining it."

"Because there is too much knowledge to learn in college, one teacher has so many classes and so many knowledge points, and more of it actually needs to be mastered by the students themselves."

"It is impossible to have small classes like in junior high school and high school. The knowledge points in their textbooks are probably not as many as those taught in a month in college."

"So I really can't do this. Including Dandan and Zhenwen, I can only conduct targeted training in surgical operations."

"That's because I only have to worry about a few people's affairs, and I don't have to consider too many problems. Can university teachers have such conditions as me?"

"Ah..., the improvement of teaching level is also a problem that bothers us." Principal Zhu sighed.

"It's normal. After all, we can't ignore the facts. "Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"In fact, it is a rehabilitation process now. Whoever persists will be able to gain a foothold in the next round of competition. Otherwise, it will still be a mess."

His words were also recognized by the medical leaders in the province. That is a scar. I don't want to mention it, but it is real. The damage caused in the field of education is great.

In fact, such a difficult situation now is also directly related to this matter.

"Okay, the food is here, let's have a good meal." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Eat, eat delicious meat. "Doudou said happily.

Doudou had no interest in their conversation.

But she never got bored with eating.

Not long after eating, Han Zhenwen came over.

After greeting everyone, he leaned close to Chen Tiezhu's ear and whispered something.

Chen Tiezhu frowned slightly and nodded slightly.

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