Chapter 126

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 6 Episode 3

3. Poison Road (2)

“But isn’t it strange?”


Hoya has expressed his doubts while scouring the mountains to find the giant venomous centipede needed to clear the quest.

“We’ve been around Hwayasan quite a bit so far. But I haven’t seen any monsters that look like centipedes.”

Considering that the modifier “giant” was attached, it would not be the size of an ordinary centipede.

However, until they met Kuroe, Hoya and Doban had wandered Mt. Hwaya, not seeing any traces of the centipede, let alone a shadow.

“Besides, if you listen to her mother’s explanation, the giant venomous centipede looks like a field boss, but the fact that the quest is just a boss monster is slightly different.”

At Hoya’s words, Dovan nodded his head.

He was definitely weird.

At that time, Miho, who was in the bag, added an opinion to their conversation.

“Just think simple. Couldn’t it be that you were resting at home?”

“Um, is that so?”

Miho’s words made sense, but I thought it was a very convenient story.


At that time, Badu, who was going ahead, returned to Hoya and pointed in one direction with his front paw.

[Status: I found a strange hole that I hadn’t seen before. I’m slowly taking steps to get stronger.]

“I think Badu has found something. Let’s go.”


The place Badu guided me was the back road of the waterfall that I had peeked through before.

There was a huge cave that had never been seen before.

“Isn’t this definitely something that hasn’t happened before?”

“Yes it was.”

As soon as they stepped into the hole, a system message was generated to Hoya and Doban.

[Poison Road][Admission Restriction: Quest ‘Uninvited Guest of Mt. Hwaya’ is being performed][Do you want to enter the dungeon ‘Poison Road’?][If you fail to clear the dungeon after entering the dungeon, the quest ‘Uninvited Guest of Mt. Hwaya’ is automatically processed as a failure.]

Hoya was able to clear his doubts thanks to his system messages.

He couldn’t know unless he knew because the admission restrictions were explicitly ‘attending the uninvited guests of Mt. Hwaya’.

“Doban, do you think there’s a giant venomous centipede in here?”

“I think it’s almost certain.”

Even if it doesn’t, there will be something involved.

They were both so sure.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t just enter the dungeon.

“You’re running out of time.”

Doban nodded as Hoya spoke while looking at the time displayed on the interface.Depending on the type of dungeon, some can be completed in tens of minutes, while others can only be cleared by pouring almost all of the connection time.

Entering a dungeon without knowing what was inside at a time when the access time limit was near was a waste of time.

If the connection timeout takes place while the dungeon is in progress, you will be forced to log out and the quest will fail.

Therefore, Hoya and Doban decided to challenge the dungeon early tomorrow morning.

* * *

[Enter the dungeon ‘Poison Road’.]

As soon as I logged in the next day, the inside of the dungeon was almost like a normal cave.

If only it wasn’t for the sparse pools of green liquid and the carcass of a rotten gorilla.

Hoya put her finger in the suspicious green pool to check.

[The poison of the venomous centipede is absorbed through your skin.][The state is ‘Poisoned’.][Resisted due to the effect of the title ‘Resident of the End of the Earth’.]

“Yeah, this is poison.”

“So is the soil.”

Dovan, taking off his gloves and fiddling with the dirt, used Cure on himself.

At Doban’s words, when Hoya touched the soil, a system message similar to when he touched the green liquid occurred.

“That’s why it’s poison.”

Inside the dungeon was a completely poisoned road.

As a result of checking, as long as it did not come in direct contact with the skin, it did not cause any abnormalities.

But the problem was Badu over Hoya’s head and Miho and Sammy in his bag.

These three were instantly poisoned through the soles of the feet, especially if the Badu came down from the head.

Although the Doban was able to use Cure, he could not use excessive fire due to the limitations of the Paladin.

“Badou, would you like to be in your bag?”


At Hoya’s words, Badu inflated the ball as if he was dissatisfied, but he was well aware of the situation he was in, so he quietly went into the bag.

Then Miho jumped out of the bag and transformed into a humanoid rather than a little fox.

“Come here. I’m holding neither Sammy nor Badu in my arms.”

“Are you still okay?”

“If you go into battle anyway, my arms are safer than your back.”

When Hoya nodded at Miho’s words, she took Sammy and Badu out of Hoya’s bag and held them in her arms.

After that, as she moved forward little by little, paying attention to the poison, the earthen walls and floors were cut off, and in the distance, the walls and floors glowing like shiny stones were seen in the distance.

As she got closer to it, Hoya could feel her goosebumps rising from her body.

What she thought was a shiny stone was not a stone, but a slightly large centipede carapace.

The dozens of antennae and legs that quickly crawled on the floor and wall and rushed towards him were fear itself.

“Holly Ray!”

Hoya immediately used her skill towards the centipedes running on the wall.

The monster’s name is ‘venomous centipede’, and the level is around 250.

What the quest requires is the captain of these poisonous centipedes.


As Dovan said so, a white magic circle formed over the venomous centipedes that had survived without being hit by his hammer and Holy Ray.


Immediately after that, when Doban slammed the floor hard as if stamping with a hammer, the white magic circles attached to the poisonous centipede exploded with light.

Even after that, scenes to the extent of goosebumps continued to be directed.

On one occasion, the impatient Hoya used Explosion to blow off venomous centipedes at once, and in the aftermath, walls and ceilings collapsed, blocking the road.

Fortunately, the blocked road was able to be cleared again with the help of Miho, and at the end of the cave on the single road, there was a large cavity.

In the center of the cavity was a giant centipede around him.

The width of the carapace alone seemed to be 2m, and the length could not be guessed.

“Uh… that’s so realistic, that…”

“So are you going to give up?”

“It’s not like that.”

From the time Hoya entered the dungeon and saw the poisonous centipede for the first time, the old trauma was revived and he felt like a centipede crawling in his mouth.

However, this is not only a game, neither the venomous centipedes that we have seen so far nor the giant venomous centipedes in front of us are not big enough to fit in our mouths.

Hoya decided to take this opportunity rather as a means to overcome the trauma.

Just like when he first started Initium.

“Doban, is the skill cooldown all back?”

“No, three more minutes.”

Three minutes passed, and as Dovan nodded, Hoya jointly jumped out of the cave where he was hiding and went straight to the giant venomous centipede.

The giant venomous centipede, noticing Hoya and Doban’s approach, lifted his head and ruffled his antennae, but could not stop their attack.


“God bless you, flash.”

The poisonous centipede was a monster with poison properties.

Perhaps the giant venomous centipede is no different.

Therefore, continuous damage from Sanctuary is not included.

However, the attack power of the paladin, Dovan, can be raised.


A white line was drawn along the body of the giant venomous centipede, emitting light, inflicting damage, and then disappeared.

[Giant Venom Centipede]

Level: 320


The giant venomous centipede recognized Doban, who had attacked him first, as the enemy to be dealt with first, and attacked him with its fangs exposed.



Doban raised his shield to block the fangs, and it was the giant venomous centipede’s mistake to turn his back on Hoya completely.

“Buff, strength. Swordsmanship. Swiftness.”

A large, long, venomous centipede was the best opponent to use swiftness.


Still, perhaps the defense was quite high, so the giant venomous centipede was able to survive without dying.

Just as Hoya’s haste ended, the giant venomous centipede thrust his torso forward and pulled his head back.

It was an action to release the poison that the venomous centipedes near death had seen.Hoya and Doban had no loyalty to wait for something like that.



White magic circles appeared all over the body of the giant venomous centipede, along with the swords of ice that emerged from the common ceiling.

Immediately after that, Hoya lowered his sword and Doban struck the floor with a hammer, causing a loud roar and a large cloud of dust and chills that engulfed the entire cavity.

[Defeated the boss monster ‘Giant Venom Centipede’ in ‘Poison Road’.][Experience is calculated by clearing all ‘Poison Road’.][Experience increases.][Level has risen.][You have cleared the quest ‘Uninvited Guest of Mt. Hwaya’.][Experience increases.][The favorability of ‘Nakjeong Villagers’ increases.][Acquire the skill ‘Poison’][miasma]

When dealing damage with a normal attack for 10 minutes, there is a 30% chance to scatter poison on the opponent.

When poisoned by the poison caused by the skill, the duration of the status ailment is 10 seconds, which can be removed.

MP used: 700

Cooldown: 12 hours

Hoya was able to get a lot of things while clearing the dungeon.

The skill was acquired through a quest that was automatically completed along with the hunting of the giant poisonous centipede.

Thanks to the skills used in the process, I was able to raise my proficiency level to an advanced level with Krauss-style swordsmanship.

But right now, Hoya’s attention was focused on the level that was raised due to the experience he received while clearing the poison path, not them.

Hoya’s level is 305, and he opens his ranking table and sees his nickname written on it.

7th level 305 Hoya

8th level 304 Erieman

The first video I saw of him smiling confidently came back to Hoya’s mind.

I still vividly remember the indescribable emotions he felt then.

He started learning Krauss’ swordsmanship with the determination that he wanted to become stronger than him.

After that, he went through various things, and in terms of force alone, he could be proud that he had surpassed him in the past.

But he didn’t feel any excitement.

He had no visible evidence, so he wondered if it was something like that.

However, even now that the visible evidence was available to him, Hoya did not feel any emotion.

No joy, no exhilaration, no sense of accomplishment, no pleasure, none of that.


Has his existence diminished within him as time passed?

Or… Is there still a core left deep in my heart?

‘……I do not know.’

I don’t know why he feels this sense of emptiness or why.

Maybe it’s because he hasn’t yet achieved the goal he wants deeply in his heart.

Eriman… No, Lee Dae-hyun, unlike himself, who lived in hiding, is still living with a smile on his face.

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