Chapter 127

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 6 Episode 4

4. Chasing Black Dragon (1)

Kwon Il-woo, who was walking in the back of the palace located in Tanyang, the capital of the Kwon Dynasty, with the high priest, the official and the court lady, clicked his tongue as if he was dissatisfied with something.

“Tsuk, when did you send General Cho, and why has there been no news yet?”

Kwon Il-woo recalled what had happened a few days ago in his mind.

That day was no different than usual.

He had, as usual, had a formal inquiry, followed by duties such as attending contests with the priests and reviewing appeals.

And as the eunuch Jongmyeong called and checked the list of tribute items from each village in the spare time, there was a word stuck in Kwon Il-woo’s ear.

“Wait, what did you just say?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. It is said to be a golden plaque with a splendidly engraved flag-shaped decoration from Handong Village.”

“Bring it right now.”

Kwon Il-woo did not believe his own eyes when he saw what Jong-myung had ordered to bring.

It was the exact same thing as the currency of the western continent that a man named Chi Bin, who claimed he had crossed over from the western continent a hundred years ago, which is only recorded in the records, was presented.

The fact that this came up from the village of Handong was that there were people from the western continent there.

And furthermore, it was that there was a way somewhere that could escape the maritime boundary and cross over to the eastern continent.

Just like his second child had previously disappeared from all surveillance.

If you can find a way, you can deal with the second, whose life or death is unclear, not only to remove the anxiety factor, but also to try to provoke aggression.

Kwon Il-woo, who made that decision, summoned General Jo-yeon and ordered him to find the original owner of the gold currency.

But since then, there has been no news.

“Is it a mistake to send only General Cho’s Black Dragon squad?”

As Kwon Il-woo was thinking about whether or not the number of people should be increased a little more, Jong-myung gave him a comment.

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty. As the characterization has been completed, there will be good news soon. It is considered to be one of the emperor’s virtues to develop trust in his subjects.”

“Is that so…?”

It is also up to the other person to give you trust.

Kwon Il-woo thought so, blurring his words, and stepped into the garden.

On the pond in his garden, lotus flowers boasted of their existence, and in the center of the pond there was an octagonal pavilion connected by a long bridge.

An arc was drawn on Kwon Il-woo’s lips when he saw a man squatting with an eagle on his shoulder on the octagonal pavilion.

Without delay he crossed the bridge over the pond and approached the man.

“Hyunwoo, what are you doing?”

When Kwon Il-woo spoke to him, Kwon Hyeon-woo stopped his hand moving his brush and looked up at him.

Then, with a face covered in ink, he gave him a childish smile.

One of the people around him could have said something about the irresponsible behavior of the man who is turning 30 and approaching forty, but no one reacted strangely.

The fact that Kwon Hyeon-woo became like this happened decades ago, and it is not particularly strange now.

Kwon Hyeon-woo, who had a bashful smile, held out the paper he had been painting with ink to Kwon Il-woo.

On the paper, half of the crooked circle was filled with black ink, and two dots and a horizontal line were drawn in the empty part of the circle.

It’s like drawing a picture with red dye on purpose underneath it.

“Is this a drawing of me?”

Kwon Il-woo thought that it seemed like he was portraying himself wearing red clothes all the time.Whether he was right, Kwon Hyeon-woo smiled bashfully again and nodded his head violently.

Kwon Il-woo smiled at his actions and hugged him with both arms, and the eagle on Kwon Hyun-woo’s shoulder carefully descended to the floor.

“Your Majesty! I’m going to ask you for food!”

“It’s okay. It’s a stain that will disappear after washing anyway. I want to do this now.”

Kwon Hyun-woo’s behavior was so cute that his hand reached out first.

He was so obedient to himself with a face that looked just like the second.

“If you had been fine, you would have used your hands like your brother…”

Kwon Il-woo spoke as if in a small whisper in Kwon Hyun-woo’s ear, but Kwon Hyun-woo only laughed.

Kwon Il-woo felt very good these days that everything was going his way.

Now, if only two things go according to your will, everything will go smoothly.

One was to find someone from the Western Continent.

And another one…..

‘I wish General Cho could reveal his tail as soon as possible.’

Kwon Il-woo got up from his seat and stroked Kwon Hyeon-woo’s head.

“This time, don’t make the royals hard, and come back and rest in peace, Hyeonu.”

At his words, Kwon Hyun-woo smiled with a bashful face.

* * *

The quest was completed automatically, but the fact of the extermination of the giant poisonous centipede had to be reported directly to the village of Nakjeong.

On the way out of the dungeon and heading back to Nakjeong Village, Hoya confirmed the skill of Krauss-style swordsmanship that had grown to an advanced level.

[Advanced Krauss-style swordsmanship]

0% proficiency

This is the original swordsmanship of the legendary knight Krauss.

His sword was more accurate and more powerful than anyone, and quicker than anyone else.

You can learn ??? through Krauss when you reach legend.

[Chapter 6 – Strike]

When attacking with a skill or normal attack after using a skill, it ignores 50% of the opponent’s defense and inflicts a critical hit, which cannot be avoided.

MP used: 1,500

Cooldown: 2 days

[Chapter 7 – Yanghwa]

It attacks the enemy by turning the sword into a blade of light like petals, moving at the will of the player.

It creates one blade fragment per 10 strength stats, and each blade fragment has 40% of the base attack power.

Constant training is required to move the blade pieces freely.

*In order to use the skill, the sword must be in continuous state, and when the skill is used, the sword is automatically released.

MP used: 2,000

Cooldown: 5 hours

Hoya confirmed the skill and accepted Chapter 6, Strike, as a one-time buff.

Chapter 7, Yanghwa, is an upward compatible version of Geomwoo.

If Geomwoo simply drops his attacks from top to bottom, Yanghwa seems to be able to move along a curved trajectory if he only reads the explanation.

And although the attack power of each blade is smaller than that of Geomwoo, the overall attack power is stronger than that of Geomwoo.

The cooldown time is also shorter.

You may need to check later.

Then something strange appeared in Hoya’s eyes.

‘Are you still proficient?’

All skills have advanced combat skills and advanced crafting skills are the end.

When the end is achieved, there is no further growth, so it is natural that the mastery will disappear. However, for some reason, Hoya’s skill still had proficiency.

The last sentence of the skill came into Hoya’s eyes as he was examining the skill to find out why.

[You can learn ??? through Krauss when you achieve Legend.]

The superiority of Krauss-style swordsmanship was not the end.

There was a stage above that, the legend.

‘Wait a minute, it’s no wonder that the advanced swordsmanship of Krauss isn’t the end.’

Suddenly, I thought that the advanced skills of Moan, Reina, and Consonu might not be the end.

No, it was almost certain.

Doban opened his mouth as Hoya was thinking and smiling.

“…I think I should go.”

“Huh? Why all of a sudden?”

“I made a promise to you.”

Doban had previously made an appointment with YooA, and that day was today.

Doban had completely forgotten about it, and the infant kept whispering to Doban, who did not return after the appointed time.

[YooA: Doban~! You turned on whispers, right?][Yooa: Can you give me an answer~?]

“Then there is nothing I can do. The quest is complete anyway, so I’ll have to go to the village alone.”

“I’m sorry.”

Doban couldn’t overcome the child’s fire, apologized to Hoya, and immediately flew to Yoo Ah using his skill, and Hoya, who was left alone, headed straight to Nakjeong Village.

As he was heading to Nakjeong Village, he saw Kuroe standing near the beginning of the mountain.

She kept her hands together in front of her chest, as if trembling with anxiety about something in her, and back and forth repeatedly.


“Ah! Hoya-sama!”

When Hoya spoke her Kuroe’s name out of her mouth, she found Hoya and ran to Hoya and pushed him on the back.

“Why, why are you here?”

“You can’t come back to the village, Hoya-sama!”

“No, so why?”

“Hurry up! It’s all for Hoya-sama!”

“Calm down for now!”

Kuroe thought that Hoya’s words didn’t reach her ears, so she pushed his back blindly.

Hoya was embarrassed by her actions, but her malice was not felt, so she was elusive to deal with, only frowned at her embarrassment.

“Go now!”

“Oh, okay. I’ll go.”Hoya had to leave Nakjeong village without knowing English.

“Oh, the centipede has been dealt with, so it probably won’t show up anymore.”

However, even when it was time to go, she had to inform her that her quest had been completed, so Hoya told her to exterminate her giant venomous centipede and left her village.

And as Kuroe looked at Hoya’s back as she left, she couldn’t stop crying like a sin.

The stories her father had told her yesterday came to her mind.

– In the village where we work, the soldiers were looking for a man with green hair and a mask.

-If you help find it, it will probably give you a big prize.

– Don’t be rude, Kuroe! If I had to choose between my benefactor and my family, I would choose my family!

Kuroe couldn’t stop her own father.

By now, my father is probably almost all the way to the village where he was working.

If Hoya entered the village, it was obvious that the villagers who had already joined forces with his father would arrest him to prevent him from leaving.

It was the only reward she could give her to let him go before that.

* * *

“A little girl is hot. What’s wrong with the three of us in the bag?”


Hoya smiled in response to Miho’s words, sticking her head out of her bag.

He was smiling on the outside, but on the inside he was very complicated now.

‘Why did you tell me to go?’

He probably didn’t kick him out because he didn’t like it.

There was never a system message that the favorability had gone down, and he never did anything to get him kicked out.

I don’t know why, but from the look on Kuroe’s face at that time, Hoya could feel that he was doing it for himself.

So, I decided to stop worrying and find the next destination.

Hoya was unable to enter Nakjeong Village, so he was planning to find another village or find a habitat for a monster that would be worth the experience, not like an elk.

After a while, as we climbed to the top of an unknown mountain, a small village came into view across the horizon in the distance.

As I was going down the mountain road to the village, a whisper came from Luna.

[Luna: Hoya, where are you now?][Hoya: Hmm, I’m going down the mountain to find a village, but I can’t say anything because I don’t know the exact name. I’ll tell you when I go into town and find out the name.][Luna: You can’t go to the village! never!]

‘Why are you doing this?’

It was when Hoya was skeptical of Luna’s words and almost descended the mountain to send a reply.

Hoya could hear the sound of horses’ hooves coming closer and closer from afar.

Instinctively curious at the sound, I looked up and saw people in black helmets riding horses that you would only see in history books or museums.

[Hoya: Why are you like that?]

As Hoya sent a reply to Luna, a group of two horses passed by him.

No, he thought he would pass by.

They suddenly pulled the reins of the horse to a halt, and quickly surrounded Hoya.

[Luna: We just arrived in the village and heard the story, but now the soldiers are looking for a man with green hair and a mask.]

Immediately after that, an old man from among the people around Hoya stepped forward and pulled something out of his arms.

“Hey, have you seen this thing?”

It was the gold Hoya had handed to the owner of the library.

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