Chapter 129

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 6 Episode 6

6. Hello, I’m Seon Hoyoung

“Hey, Homin Baek! When will it come out! Father and mother have already gone down to the parking lot!”

“Wait! One minute! No, thirty seconds!”

Baek Seol-young, who was knocking on Baekho-min’s door, sighed deeply and folded her arms.

She said ‘I have to log out so early. Sparks fall on her feet and it’s a rush, really!’

It had already been 30 minutes since she entered the room with Baek Ho-min ready to leave.

I don’t know why a guy who doesn’t wear makeup takes so long to prepare.

About 10 more minutes passed after that, Baek Ho-min opened the door and came out into the hallway.

“…Hey, how long did it take you to wear it?”

“Don’t look at me that way. It’s a well-chosen outfit! First impressions are important, so I paid attention!”

Seol-Young Baek, who glanced at the inside of the room behind Baek-Ho-Min, shook his head.

The clothes lying on the bed caught her eye.

She had a lot to say, and she didn’t like the jacket because it was the same color as her skirt, so it looked like she was wearing it, but because time was tight, Seol-young grabbed Baek Ho-min’s wrist and headed for the underground parking lot.

“I know that if you get scolded by your grandfather, it’s all your fault.”

“Ugh……! I’m sorry. If you get scolded, please scold me together…”

“Say what makes sense.”

The two arrived at the underground parking lot by elevator, opened the door on the back seat of the only car that had the ignition turned on, and got in.

Baek Jae-han, their father, sat in the driver’s seat of the car, and Kang Eun-young, their mother, sat in the passenger seat next to them.

“I’m sorry I’m late.”


“Hahaha, I’m fine, but I don’t know if your grandfather will be okay.”


Baek Jae-han laughed out loud at Baek Ho-min’s reaction and drove out of the underground parking lot.

On the way to the meeting place with the four of them, Seol-Young Baek opened his mouth as if he had suddenly remembered something.

“Father, come to think of it, we haven’t heard anything about that family yet. The name, what they’re doing. Shouldn’t we know that in advance?”

“Huh? Didn’t I tell you?”

“By the way, I didn’t hear it either, honey.”

“Oh, me too!”


After the three of Baek Jae-han, he realized that he had never told the three of them in detail about Baek Jae-geon’s marriage partner.

“Ahahaha, sorry. I forgot to tell you.”

“So who are they?”

“Lee Ye-sook, to whom Jae-geon is married, is now the manager of the company where Jae-gun is working. She has a son named Seon Hoyoung, and Seol-young is the same age as you.

“Is this Seon Hoyoung?”At Baek Jae-han’s words, Baek Seol-young recalled a fact in his head.

‘Hoya-nim’s bankbook name was also Seon Hoyoung. …is that a coincidence?’

The name Hoyoung itself is a common name.

The surname Seon is not common, but Hoyoung is unlikely to be a single member of the Seon clan.

It was Baek Ho-min who awakened Seol-young Baek, who was thinking like that.

“That’s a good name, perfect arc rotation!”

Baek Ho-min’s eyes twinkled like stars because of anticipation.

After that, after driving a little further on the road, they reached the restaurant.

Perhaps it was because of the early preparations in the first place, fortunately, I was able to be on time for the appointment.

After entrusting valet parking to the restaurant staff, the four went into the restaurant and said the name they had reserved.

“People in the party come first and are waiting for you. I will guide you inside.”

The staff guided us into a private room located inside the store.

After the staff knocked and opened the door, I saw Baek Yoon-taek and Baek Jae-geon’s family, who had come and waited in advance.

Among them, Baek Jae-geon stood up and greeted Baek Jae-han’s family.

“Come on, hyung. Did you have a hard time coming here? It’s been a while since your brother-in-law.”

“Yeah, I had a bit of trouble because the road was blocked.”

“It’s been a long time, Master. Oh, is it now Seobang-nim?”

“Should we talk about us later and introduce the people who will become our family?”

When Baek Jae-han looked at the two of them who had followed Baek Jae-geon and said, Baek Jae-gun introduced them to them.

“Is this the first time we’ve actually seen each other? This is Ye-sook-san.”

“Hello, my name is Ye-sook Lee. I heard a lot about her from Jae-gun.”

“And this is our son, Hoyoung.”

“……Hello, this is Seon Hoyoung.”

Seol-Young Baek’s eyes widened as she heard Ho-Young’s greeting.

Hoyoung’s voice somehow felt familiar.

‘Ah, maybe…’

Seol-young, thinking inwardly, gently raised his right hand and covered his eyes with his finger.

And she could feel that the world was so small.

* * *

From the moment Lee Ye-sook heard that Baek Jae-geon’s father was the president of the Baeksang Group, he had expected that he would one day face it.

However, he did not know that the situation would come so quickly and so suddenly, so Ho-young was in a state of panic inside.

“Hello! My name is Homin Baek! May I call you hyung?”

Then Baek Ho-min came up to Ho-young, grabbed his hand and waved it up and down.

“Oh, yes.”

‘He’s the same both inside and outside the game…’

Ho-young thought so to himself, and he pondered inwardly how he should bring up the story about himself.

‘Hello, actually I’m Hoya.’

‘Oh my god, what a coincidence? I didn’t expect to see you here.’

‘uh? Isn’t it Baekseol and the King? Wow.’

Hoyoung shook his head inwardly.

This and that and everything felt strange.

‘…can I just stand still?’

It was when Hoyoung thought so.

“Hello, my name is Seol-Young Baek. I heard that you are the same age, can I talk to you comfortably?”

“Oh, yes. No, yes.”

“Then I will.”

Baek Seol-young smiled meaningfully and asked Ho-young to shake hands.

The meal that day ended safely, but Ho-young was not at ease.

* * *

Hoya, who accessed Initium early the next morning, immediately moved to the dark forest to cross over to the eastern continent.

Then he made sure that Luna was online and he asked her if she knew the town of Mind Gee.

[Luna: Mindegi is the name of the village we are in. Are you better than that? Didn’t you catch it?][Hoya: Yes, it’s okay to run away right away.][Luna: Whoa, that’s good. I was surprised how late it seemed to be already. What else did you do that the soldiers are looking for Hoya-sama?][Hoya: …a lot of things happened. Please tell me the way to get there.]

After digging up her Luna’s question, Hoya gave her a clue of how to get to the village of Mindegi based on her Handong village.

Since the Royal Knights were faithful to the map, he was able to know the exact location.

The road to Mindegi Village was almost the same as the previous Hoya.

After confirming this, Hoya entered the underground tunnel and asked Miho to pick him up.

“Okay, I’m going to run for a long time.”

I don’t know Miho’s exact stats, but he could have predicted that he would probably be much higher than himself and Badu.

The appointment time was night and there was a week, but Hoya was planning to arrive before nightfall and look around just in case.

The expression ‘The Emperor’s Dog’ in the name of the quest chain of General Jo-yeon’s Call came to mind.

Hoya climbed onto Miho’s back, which had grown tall enough to carry him, and grabbed the fur on the nape of his neck like a rein.

“If you think you’re going to fall, tell me.”


As Miho started running, Hoya had to hold herself close to her back so as not to fall off immediately.

It was much faster than expected.

Thanks to that, he was able to get to the opposite exit in a short time.

After arriving at the exit, Miho carefully exited the tunnel so as not to be detected, as Hoya had said in advance, and only after moving away from the exit speeded up again.

He had a high chance of being noticed thanks to the speed and height at which he was almost flying, but if he only goes around the town of Handong a lot, he won’t have any major problems right now.

The story about the white, large fox is already known little by little because of her work with Jo Jo-yeon.After several hours of running, checking the route that Luna had told her between the fast-paced landscapes, Hoya was able to recognize where Mindigi Village was even before she arrived.

The village he saw just before he ran into Jose Yeon was the village of Mindegi.

“Well, it’s been a week since I delivered the note, so I probably didn’t decide on a distant location.”

“Hey, which way should I go now?”

“Oh, run all the way to 11 o’clock. They’re almost there, so I’ll ask you to be as inconspicuous as possible.”

“I get it.”

On the way, I needed to take a break for Sammy, so when I reached the mountain overlooking the Mindegi Village, it was when the sun was at the highest point.

Hoya, who came down from Miho’s back, thanked Miho, took out his hair dye from his inventory, and dyed his hair black.

He also took off the mask he wore all the time except for Ordo and put it in his inventory.

Then, after hiding Miho and Badu in a bag just in case, I played the person who got lost in the mountain and headed to the place marked on the map.

“Aren’t you going to the village?”

“The village later. This is before the village.”

The road to the place marked on the map was very complicated.

By the time he thought he might be really lost if he did wrong, Hoya managed to find one.

The doors were all worn out and the roof was half slumped down, so it was a place that seemed impossible to function as a house, but something was subtly arranged.

When he went inside, he found a door leading to the basement with a keyhole on one side of the house.


When I turned the key that Jo Yeon had given me, there was a gap on the floor just enough to fit my hand in with the sound of something engaging.

When I put my hand in and lifted the door on the floor, I saw that it had a structure that could be locked or opened without a key from the inside.

There was no sign of feeling inside, and seeing that there were no signs around the lungs, it was judged that there were no personnel monitoring the place.

There seemed to be no immediate danger here.

“Then what did you do until the night?”

He had checked everything he wanted to check, so he had no reason to stay here until nightfall.

As Hoya was thinking about that, thunder was heard from nearby.



It was the sound from Badu and Sammy’s boat.

Only then did Hoya realize that he had not given the three anything to eat all day today.

When he turned his head slightly, Badu and Sammy came into view, sticking their heads out of their bag and looking at them with a mixture of resentment and pity.

“That…, I’m sorry.”



Hoya immediately took out the items in his inventory, but Badu and Sammy pounded Hoya in the back of the head with their front paws, as if that alone would not solve the problem.

“King! Wow!”

“I’m a little hungry too.”

[Status: You are asking for a new snack as an apology. I’m slowly taking steps to get stronger.]

Hoya immediately turned to the village of Mindegi.

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