Chapter 130

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 6 Episode 7

7. Found, Emperor’s Dog (1)

As the sun went down and darkness came, Hoya left the village and headed for the meeting place with Jo Jo-yeon.

The faces of Badu and Sammy were full of happiness, whether they were satisfied with the food Hoya had bought until just before.

Because his mouth has tripled, the number of snacks he keeps in his inventory is also rapidly decreasing, so Hoya bought three snacks using almost all the jeon he had in Mindegi Village.

After purchasing the snacks, the material of the monsters that had been collected in the inventory were arranged a little, so the pocket situation did not become poor.

Hoya arrived at the abandoned house by walking up the mountain as if he had come during the day, and as he had confirmed in advance, he inserted the key into the door leading to the basement, opened the door and went inside.

Unlike in the daytime, on the stairs going down to the basement, torches scattered sparsely were illuminating the light.

And a sign could be felt from the inside of the door at the end.


I carefully opened the door and saw a small table in the middle of a small room.

And in one of the chairs that were placed around the table, Jo Yeon was sitting with her eyes closed and her arms crossed.

As Hoya took a step inside, he slowly opened his eyelids.

“…Your hair color has changed.”

“Yes? Ah……”

After Jo Yeon’s words, Hoya realized that he had never changed his hair color again before coming here.

He didn’t wear a mask, and he bought new clothes from Mindegi Village just in case, so it didn’t match the Hoya he saw yesterday, but he knew that Hoya was the same person as yesterday, just by looking at him.

“Well, let’s move on to that story. Your coming here means you’re willing to tell a story.”


“Sit in a comfortable place.”

[Jo-yeon’s favorability has slightly increased.]

At Jo-yeon’s suggestion, Hoya put her buttocks on the chair opposite him.

After seeing that Hoya was sitting, Jo Yeon opened his arms and bowed his head to him.

“First of all, I apologize once again for what I did yesterday. I had to fight because outsiders were watching.”

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

He was in a situation where he could have died, and Jo Yeon-jun nodded his head in gratitude for the distribution of Hoya, who gave him lightly.

“Thank you for accepting my apology. So, before I start the story, I will introduce myself. I am General Jo Yeon, who is leading the Black Dragon. Call me whatever you like.”

“My name is Hoya. I am an adventurer in the Western Continent.”

“Did I just say adventurer?”

Jo Yeon showed a great response to Hoya’s words.At that time, Hoya could recall that the reaction in the first village was not that different from him.

“Yes. Hey, are you going to react that loudly?”

“Of course. Those who have been called by God to come from another world, those who come back to life even if they die and have a weak beginning but have the potential to become stronger than anyone else, aren’t they adventurers…. is there?”

“That’s right…”

“Of course. Compared to the story told through the shaman, I was surprised that there was no sighting information so far, but I think I understand the reason now.”

If he’s an adventurer, he might be able to get more help than he thinks.

’cause they don’t die

So Jojo-yeon, who was rolling his head like that, spoke after coughing in vain.

“Hmm, I’m sorry. Let’s get back to the basics. How did the villages of Kwon Nara in our eastern continent look from the perspective of a person from the western continent?”

“Um, buildings and clothes were so different, it was amazing.”

“No, I’m not asking about that, it’s the people’s standard of living. How did our people’s lifestyles appear in the eyes of the people of the western continent?”

There were two main reasons why Jo Yeon asked Hoya such a question.

One is to tilt their minds toward helping them.

The other was to check whether the situation in the western continent was the same as theirs or not.

Jo-yeon thought that if their country and the western continent were similar, asking for help from Hoya would not have much effect.


In response to Jo Yeon’s question, Hoya recalled the villages he had visited when he came to the eastern continent.

He first visited an unknown village, followed by Handong Village, and Nakjeong Village and Mindegi Village.

“…The rich, the poor, the poor, the people in the well-to-do villages are prosperous, but the people in the poor villages seemed impossible to live. Some villages said they were abandoned by the country.

Hoya confided her feelings to Jo Yeon.

The people of the village I visited for the first time were giving quite a lot of food to the soldiers even though they looked poor.

The village of Handong seemed to be leading a stable life, but a considerable amount of goods and rice were piled up in the secret basement of the village official’s house.

The residents of Nakjeong Village were all skinny and had abandoned their hopes for the country.

The people of Mindegi Village also had a similar standard of living to that of Handong Village, but they strongly felt that they were being controlled.

“Wait, why do you know of something like a village official’s cellar?”


In response to Jo Jo-yeon’s question, Hoya recognized her speech mistake, but it was already too late.

As Jo Jo-yeon’s eyes seemed strangely sharp, Hoya meekly confessed what happened in Handong Village.

“That’s why this is the Ten Miho.”

“Hoya, don’t lift me like a badu.”

“…After all, I didn’t feel wrong at the time.”

Miho suppressed her power and hid it, but Jo Yeon could barely feel the power of the giant fox she saw yesterday in Miho.

“It’s late to greet you, Miho-sama. Nice to meet you after a long time.”

“Yeah, in the meantime, your guy is very old.”

“Huh? Do you two know each other?”

When Hoya questioned Miho about Jo Yeon’s polite appearance, she snorted at her.

“Heh, we met by chance before and only talked for a while. How’s the little boy doing then?”

“……I do not know.”

Jo Jo-yeon’s face, responding to Miho’s words, showed sadness.

“Yes, I understand the situation. I will not comment further on breaking into the official’s house.”

Rather, Hoya should be praised and the officials of Handong Village should be reprimanded and punished.

At Jo-yeon’s words, Hoya breathed a sigh of relief.

She seems friendly to herself, but it is true that she was a little nervous because she is a general belonging to the country.

She said, “Going back to the main point, you must have felt that people’s lives are not normal. There are countless villages that continue to live like Nakjeong villages beyond your imagination.”

Jo Jo-yeon drenched her throat with the glass of water on the table, and then held out the glass to Hoya as well and poured water.

“The village you first went to will be the same as the village of Nakjeong. Taxes in the village are collected by the village officials, not the soldiers. The soldiers in the garrison near the village must have been looting food. And since it is not recognized as a tax, it remains an abandoned village.”


When Hoya didn’t answer, Jo Yeon put the glass of water back on the table and met his eyes.

“The situation in this country right now cannot be said to be good with empty words. Poverty villages are rife here and there, and the country does not manage it. Only those who reach the heavens accumulate wealth, and as much as they accumulate wealth, the people of the earth The structure of becoming poor is the current Kwon Nara.”

Up to the previous emperors, they spread the sage on all continents so that even if there were poor people, no one would die of starvation.

However, that was completely overturned in the decades after Kwon Il-woo took the throne.

“I, our Black Dragon, and my lord want to change the current Kwon Dynasty… We will drop the sky.”

“Do you know what he was talking about now?”

Miho was the first to respond to Jo Jo-yeon’s words.

Her eyes were shining sharply.

“Are you aware of the fact that he declared that he was plotting treason?”

“I know, and I will not deny that I have declared it.”

“One more thing, if you look at the direction of the story, it looks like you’re reaching out to Hoya to help the rebellion.”

“I’m not going to ask you to make a decision right now.”

Jo Yeon looked at Hoya without denying Miho’s words.

“But I want you to think positively for the country and for the people. I will not be able to accept such a story right away at this stage. You must have a strong desire to refuse. won’t you?”

“…Okay, let’s talk.”

“Thank you so much for making this difficult decision.”

[You have cleared the quest ‘General Jo-yeon’s Call’.][Experience increases.][Jo-yeon’s favorability has increased.]

The word treason takes a little while, but if you have a conversation with the man Jo Jo-yeon is talking about and become convinced that he is the person who can change this country, then joining the treason would not be a bad choice.

Because Jo Yeon wasn’t forcing her to make a choice right now.

‘By the way, what is the emperor’s dog in the chain quest?’

Could it be that the person Jo Jo-yeon calls master is the emperor’s dog?

While Hoya was having such thoughts, Jo Yeon brought up another story.

“And this is a different story, but it seems that one of the emperor’s dogs is in my Black Dragon corps. The expression of conciliation would be more appropriate.”

On the surface, the Black Dragons look like a small group to move faster than anyone else according to the emperor’s words, but in fact, they were created to move and protect Jo Yeon’s master from the beginning.

Of his soldiers, except Choi Do, other soldiers know that Jo Yeon himself ascended to the throne and formed the Black Dragon squad to change the country.

Therefore, all the soldiers belonging to the Black Dragon were recruited after Jo Yeon directly observed the target and checked the back.

However, after staying at the palace in Tanyang, the capital for a while due to work before, I began to feel a sense of alienation in the interior of Heilongdae.

At first, I thought it was because of my mood, but I soon became convinced of the difference.

It would have been cleaned up, but there were traces of someone searching for Jo Yeon’s luggage and bed.

His bed is always decided in the form of being surrounded by the beds of the soldiers of the Black Dragon.

No one could break through them and break in silently, so the culprit was inside.

Perhaps Jo Yeon was acting to find evidence because she only had a heart for treason and had no evidence.

However, there are only traces of ‘researched’, but no clues about the person remain, so the soldier who was concocted by the emperor and became his dog could not be identified.

‘If this person named Hoya gives us strength with the emperor’s dog inside, it will be a real proof. He needs to be punched.’

“Can you help me find the emperor’s dog?”

[The quest ‘Find the Emperor’s Dog’ has occurred.][Find the Emperor’s Dog]

At General Jo’s request, we decided to have a conversation with his master.

But before that, General Jo asked to help find the Emperor’s Dog in his unit.

If they go to meet Jo Jo-yeon’s master without looking for the emperor’s dog, the news is immediately known to the emperor, and the master is beheaded, and the Black Dragons are on the path of wanted criminals for disbanding and plotting treason.

Players will also find it difficult to move on the eastern continent.

Before you go to meet Jo Jo-yeon’s master, please find the Emperor’s Dog in the Black Dragon.

Success Conditions: Identify the Emperor’s Dog and get him out of the Black Dragon.

Completion Reward: EXP increase, Jo-yeon’s favorability increase, quest ‘Mihyun’

Failure penalty: Jo Yeon’s favorability decreased, and the title ‘wanted criminal’ was acquired.

“…Hey, I have a suggestion for you.”

Hoya, who accepted the quest, offered Jo Yeon a plan.

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