Chapter 135

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 6, Episode 12

12. To change the sky (2)

A dark space where you can’t see an inch ahead.

The only thing illuminating the place was the small lamp Kwon Il-woo was holding.

Although it was a small fire that could only light the level under his feet, there was no hesitation in Kwon Il-woo’s steps.

Kwon Il-woo, who was moving his steps, abruptly stopped his steps and moved his left hand, which was holding a lamp, to illuminate right next to him.

The place where the lamp was lit was a stone wall full of moss due to moisture.

There a woman, with her hands and feet bound, sat limp on the dirt floor, bound by chains fastened to her wall.

She, who was being bruised as if her soul had gone out, suddenly felt the presence of Kwon Il-woo and the light of the lamp, and suddenly woke up.

Her eyes trembled with despair and fear as she regained her consciousness.

“Ah……, ah… Sa, save me, please…”

Her body trembled like an aspen, but her tear glands had already dried up in the old evening, so no tears came out.

Kwon Il-woo smiled a creepy smile at such a woman’s behavior and blew out the light of the lamp with his mouth.

As the lamp went out, the woman fell more violently on her body.

Because he knew what would happen when the lights went out.

Until now, he knew what had happened to the person in front of him when he put out the lamp.

Doing so in front of him meant that it was his turn this time.

“I, please…!”

Her voice was no longer heard after that.

And shortly thereafter, a small bell rang in the darkness.

It was a device Kwon Il-woo put in to know when someone approached his bed.

Looking at the time now, he decided that he was coming to wake him up in the morning.

“You keep the time firmly.”

Kwon Il-woo took the extinguished lamp and walked out of this place to climb up.

Although it was a dark place with no light to illuminate it, Kwon Il-woo showed a natural movement as if he could see ahead.

As he opened the door leading to the outside, a faint light coming in through the gap illuminated Kwon Il-woo.

His white pajamas were stained red with blood.

* * *

‘A boss monster?’

The reason was that Kwon Il-woo was called a boss monster in the condition of the quest’s success.

This isn’t the first time that a quest to catch an NPC has popped up.

In the past, the subjugation quest of Dehai and Pia was raised due to the subjugation of the demonic cadres.

And at that time, the quest did not call the two boss monsters.Those two are NPCs, not monsters.

‘I wonder…, Kwon Il-woo is a monster?’

There was evidence written in the quest, so it wasn’t an empty hypothesis.

“Hoya? What are you thinking like that?”

Then Evan pulled Hoya’s spirit out.

“Yes? No, nothing.”

“Yeah? What did I just say?”

“Uh… I’m sorry. I didn’t hear it.”

“I thought so.”

Evan handed Hoya a total of three items after telling Hoya that he would be returning to tell Geoffrino the outcome of the meeting.

“This is Sujeong-gu to contact me, I’ll contact you when we’re ready. Hyeonu-nim will also get it.”

“I’m fine. On the contrary, if I have something I’ve never seen before, I’ll just be suspicious of it.”

“It could be. Oh, and these two are hearthstones. There’s no warp scroll here, so it won’t be inconvenient.”

What Evan handed over was a crystal ball similar to the one Moan occasionally showed, and two small hexagonal stones.

Hoya checked the information of the items.

[Communication Crystal Orb]

It is an item made by NPCs for long-distance communication and can be used by players.

This item is owned by very few NPCs.

[Heartstone A-1]

This item is engraved with warp magic by Evan, the leader of the tower.

When used in connection with another hearthstone, it can move to the location of the connected hearthstone and requires a waiting time of 12 hours to reuse.

The currently connected hearthstone is ‘heartstone A-2’.

[Heartstone A-2]

This item is engraved with warp magic by Evan, the leader of the tower.

When used in connection with another hearthstone, it can move to the location of the connected hearthstone and requires a waiting time of 12 hours to reuse.

The currently connected hearthstone is ‘heartstone A-1’.

“The crystal ball needs to be retrieved after work, but it’s okay to keep the hearthstone. To be honest, I just made it, so I need the results of using it. Please let me know your review later.”

“thank you!”

There was a warp scroll in each village in Ruzeros, but in the eastern continent where there were no adventurers, there was no warp scroll that only adventurers could use.

To be honest, it took too long for the East Continent to travel between villages and villages.

However, if you have this, you will be able to move quickly when you return, even if you do not know when you are going.

Evan, who handed the items to Hoya, returned to the Western Continent using the warp, and after receiving two pieces of paper from Hoya and Choi Do-do Kwon Hyeon-woo, he exited through the secret passage.

The next meeting with Kwon Hyeon-woo will probably be after he ascended to the throne.

* * *

Hoya, who reconnected the next day, headed for Tanyang, the capital of Kwon, following Choi Do’s guidance.

It would have been possible to move faster if Miho’s feet were borrowed.

However, Hoya was running with him on the ground due to Choi Do’s opinion that the large, white fox would be found quickly because the soldiers around the capital had stronger boundaries than other villages.

Arriving at the location where his Tanyang was visible, Hoya used his hair dye to change his hair color back to black and took off his mask.

He suggested that Choi Do use it, just in case, but he could not use his hair dye because it was a player-only item.

“It would be too much for me to go through the main gate, because I can’t cover my face when I enter the capital.”

“Then what do you do?”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t mean to go through the front door in the first place.”

“Maybe… is there something like that in the capital too?”

“There is.”

There was a small passage similar to an underground tunnel under the root of a tree in the forest a little far from the walls of Tanyang.

Unlike the village of Hwahoe, passing through the straight road, I was able to come out into a dark alley between houses.

Heilongdae made a secret passage to the capital.

“I’ll go straight to our garrison.”

Hoya went out to the side of the road, pulled out his hat and followed Choi Do, who was pressed deeply, and naturally blended into the crowd.

It is said that he originally wanted to run a secret passage all the way down to the base of the garrison, but because the circumstances did not allow him to do so, he had no choice but to cut the middle and create two short passages.

Hoya felt that it was also great.

On the other hand, he was worried about whether the capital’s guards could be like this.

They moved back through the secret passage connected to the small house, and they came out to the garden used as a training ground by the Black Dragon Army.

Whoo-, nettle-!

When Choi Do came out, the soldiers of the Black Dragon corps, who had returned at the command of the emperor and were training in the garrison, came wielding their respective weapons.

However, they recognized Choi Do’s face and immediately stopped the attack.

Choi Do, who climbed up first, motioned to his soldiers to signal that they withdraw their weapons.

“Please come up.”

Hoya, who followed Choi Do and put his head on the aisle, could feel the countless gazes of his soldiers who were drawn to him.

“Uh…, hello.”

Except for Choi Do and Jo Yeon, the first greetings of Heukryongdae and Hoya were made with Hoya sticking out only his upper body from the ground.

“This is Hoya-sama, a western continental man who is helping us.”

In that state, Choi Do informed the people of the Black Dragon about Hoya.

‘No, I wish I could go out and do it…’

Whatever the situation, Hoya, who had simply greeted the Black Dragon, followed Choi Do into the building.

In the room where Hoya was guided, Jo Jo Yeon was waiting for the two of them after receiving a call from Choi Do in advance.

* * *

When the night came after the story with Jo Jo-yeon was over, Hoya installed a hearthstone in the deepest room of the Black Dragon’s garrison and took out two papers from the inventory that Hyeon-woo Kwon had given him.

One was a map of the palace and the other was a portrait of Kwon Il-Woo that he drew himself.

A strong-looking man with sharp eyes, his mother was different, and he had a completely different face from Kwon Hyun-woo.”By the way, you’re very good at drawing.”

Hoya, who checked Kwon Il-woo’s face once again, changed into the black uniform that Toyun had previously given him to move comfortably in the dark of night.

He said that seeing on a map and seeing in reality are different, and according to the words of Jo Yeon that it is better to grasp the geography of the palace in advance, he was planning to go to the palace in advance.

Before heading to the palace, Hoya left Miho and Sammy with Choi Do.

“Is it okay if I don’t go with you?”

“It’s okay because we’re just going to look around. Besides, you and Sammy are both white and stand out.”

“Hmm, then there’s nothing I can do about it.”

If you put Badu in your arms, it’s okay to stick out your head, so I went with Hoya to get the effect of the support skill.

“Then I’ll go.”


Hoya greeted Choi Do and headed through the secret passage to the remote forest outside the wall.

After arriving in the forest, Hoya climbed the tallest tree and hid in the clouds using a fly.

As if he had entered the house of a Handong village official, he intended to break through the sky.

Hoya, who succeeded in breaking in to avoid the eyes of the soldiers guarding the palace, hid in the shadow of the building, took out a map from his inventory, and checked where he was now.

‘The current location is Pyunjeon in the middle of the palace, and the emperor’s sleeping quarters are a little further back.’

There was no barrier between Pyeonjeon and the emperor’s sleeping quarters, so he had to go around the road a lot.

Hoya was able to avoid the eyes of the soldiers and kill the enemy, so he could go around the palace and enter the emperor’s bed without any problems.

As there were no lights and no signs of presence, the emperor looked like he had not yet entered the bed.

The emperor’s bedroom was decorated quite ornately.

It seemed very difficult to find furniture that was not gilded or decorated with jewels.

Hoya looked around the room and thought about how to carry out the quest.

‘When the emperor enters the bedroom, the surrounding guards will be stronger and he will be harder to get in than it is now……’

Hoya hid in the bedroom when the expenses were relatively low, and when Kwon Il-woo entered the bedroom, he decided to check the timing and carry out the quest.

I was still curious as to why the quest calls Kwon Il-woo a boss monster, but if you complete the quest, you will find out automatically.

As Hoya thought so, Badu in his arms gave Hoya a signal by tapping his chest with his paw.

“Huh? Why?”


[Status: I smelled a faint smell of blood coming from somewhere. I’m slowly taking steps to get stronger.]


Hoya, who saw Badu’s condition, smelled the surroundings, but didn’t feel the smell of blood at all.

That meant that the amount was really small enough that only Badu could feel it, or that the smell of blood was coming from quite a distance.

Badu, who smelled the blood, pointed with his paws to the bedside of the bed lying on the low stairs.

“You mean you smell blood here?”


Following Badu’s advice, looking around the area, he found a very fine, spider-web-like gold on the bottom of the bed.

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