Chapter 136

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 6 Episode 13

13. What Was Under It (1)

It was such a thin gold that its existence could not be recognized unless you looked closely.

The moment he was about to touch the fine gold, Hoya could feel a presence approaching from the outside.

The emperor was coming into the bedroom.

At that moment, Hoya stopped his hand trying to confirm the identity of gold and immediately returned to the Black Dragon’s garrison using the hearthstone.

* * *

The next night, Hoya headed to Kwon Il-woo’s bedroom in the palace just like the night before.

He intended to finish the quest tonight.

For this purpose, we have secured time to catch the boss monster named Kwon Il-woo.

On the way to the palace, Evan contacted me through Sujeonggu.

-All the preparations on our side are over. If Kwon Hyun-woo rises to the throne and contacts you through Hoya, we will start moving right away. I will immediately fly to the warp.

“Yes, got it.”

Hoya answered Evan and hid inside the palace.

After that, Hoya, who broke into Kwon Il-woo’s bedroom just as he had come last night, looked at the gold on the bed under the bed he had seen before.

The goal was to complete the quest, so it shouldn’t leak the other way, but the smell of blood that Badu said kept bothering me.

So, to confirm this, Hoya was breaking into the palace faster than last night.

Out of curiosity, Hoya, who moved his finger along the fine gold, could see that the gold was drawing a square large enough for a strong man to barely pass through.

“Isn’t this supposed to be a secret passage?”

Perhaps it was because he acted like Choi Do, or Hoya wondered if this was the entrance to the secret passage.

He made a secret passage for the emperor to escape, just in case.

It was a likely story.

As if to prove Hoya’s thoughts, as Hoya fumbled here and there, a clicking sound was heard and his handle appeared inside the square.

Carefully putting his hand in and pulling it towards his body, the door gently opened, and below it, a rope ladder was seen hanging from a wall that looked like a pile of stones.


Surprised that he was right, Hoya climbed down his rope ladder and lit the surroundings with a torch.

It looked like a large void, not an earthen floor, an elongated stone wall, and a passageway.

If you count the depth of the descent, it will probably be about the height of a three-story building.

And from the inside of the cavity where the light of the torches could not reach, I could feel the presence of several people.

Hoya took out a weapon he had kept in his inventory to make it easier to move just in case, held it in his hand, and moved little by little toward where he felt his presence.

And soon one of the sights came into the light of the torch, and Hoya was forced to frown upon seeing it.

Its owner was a girl who seemed to be the age of Kuroe, whose hands and feet were bound with chains.

The hair that was neatly braided back was like a magpie house, and the eyes visible through the loose bangs had the eyes of a dead fish that seemed to have given up everything for their age.Traces of resistance were seen in the hanbok worn on the outside.

Whether she felt the heat of the torch Hoya was holding, or noticed Hoya’s presence, the girl slowly raised her head and looked at Hoya with her out of focus eyes.


“…I’m the one who came to save you.”

She didn’t come to rescue her, but she couldn’t let it go.

Hoya swung her sword and cut off the chains that bound her girl’s hands and feet.

Then the girl tilted her head as if she didn’t understand Hoya’s behavior and looked up at him blankly.

Then, she glanced at her own wrists and ankles, which had become lighter, and the girl realized her situation only then and burst into tears like chicken poop.

“Ah…, ahh…, heh…”

Hoya hugged her girl tightly once and then gently grabbed her hand.

“…that, what’s your name?”

“Ugh, hya, it’s incense…”

“Yes, Hyangdan-ah. Can you tell me how you got here?”

Hyangdan, trembling slightly at Hoya’s question, soon confessed to Hoya what had happened to him in a hesitant little voice.

“That… was released from the palace, but when I woke up, it was here…”

She said that she was a court lady who worked in the palace and she was living as usual She did something she did not know one day She was doing something she did herself became

She continued to deny that she had done it, but her decision was not overturned.

So when she was contemplating what to do next, her consciousness was cut off, and when she woke up, Hyangdan said that she was here.

“Uh, I have to get out of here right now… Oh, otherwise I might be the next one…!”

Hyangdan pulled the hem of Hoya’s sleeve, and she pleaded with him.

But she couldn’t get out of here right now, as Hyangdan wanted.

Except for the incense altar, there were more people in this cavity.

Hoya’s guess was that perhaps they too would be in a similar situation to Hyangdan.

And then, a quest occurred for Hoya.

[The quest ‘Captured court ladies’ has occurred.][Captured court ladies]

In the secret space that exists under the emperor’s bedroom, we found court ladies with their hands and feet bound and held captive.

For their safety, go outside and get people to protect you.

*The reward increases according to the number of court ladies who have secured safety.

Success Conditions: Unlock the court ladies and escape them to ensure safety.

Completion rewards: EXP increase, the favorability of rescued court ladies increases, and the remaining points are acquired according to the number of rescued court ladies

Failure Penalty: Level 1 drop, earning the title ‘Resentful of the Court Ladies’

“…I know Hyangdan is having a hard time right now. But can she take a torch and follow her brother for the sake of others who might be in the same situation as Hyangdan? I’ll ask you.”

“Ugh…, yes…”

Hoya accepted the quest and entrusted the torch to the incense burner.

He entrusted the torch to the altar of incense in order to free his hand to wield the sword, but also the reason that he could not leave the altar alone in the dark.

If this had been a prison, Hoya would not have accepted the quest because he thought the court ladies were guilty.

But where he was now was under the emperor’s bed.

It was Hoya’s idea that there would be no way to build a prison in such a place.

He was telling me to save the court ladies who had quests too, and the smell of burning in the back was also wafting out.

Hoya received the light of the torch and used her sword to release all the restraints of the court ladies and put them together with the incense altar by the torch.

There were quite a few people, so Hoya took a few more torches from her inventory and handed them to them.

As he was about to release his restraints, a thought arose in Hoya’s mind.

‘How do I get them out of here……’

Most of those who had been here for a long time, who had been imprisoned, did not seem to have the strength to climb the rope ladder.

And even if you go up one bay, this place was not an easy place to get out of.

I needed a way to get them all out of here.

But was it because I thought too deeply?

Hoya climbed down the rope ladder and did not notice the presence of a person approaching.

He said, “A rat has crawled in.”

Surprised by the voice, he turned around and saw Kwon Il-woo walking leisurely with a small lamp.

When Kwon Il-woo appeared, the women who had sought calm began to tremble again.

Looking at the court ladies, Kwon Il-woo pointed to them with an empty hand.

“Is this what your guy did?”


“Well, you don’t have to answer. But I won’t get out of here in return.”


As soon as Kwon Il-woo finished speaking, a sudden wind blew, and the lamp he was holding and the torches carried by the court ladies were all extinguished.

This cavity was not structured to allow natural winds to enter.

The wind just happened artificially.

“……! Baduya! Blaze Step!”


After thinking that far, Hoya had Badu use the Blaze Step to secure the light.

Knowing Hoya’s intentions, Badu raised his body, surrounded the flames around his feet, and ran through the cavity to create as wide a flame as possible.

When the cavity lit up due to the fire of Badu, Kwon Il-woo was already close enough to meet Hoya and his face.


As Kwon Il-woo came wielding something, Hoya immediately drew his sword and blocked it, and was able to confirm the identity of what Kwon Il-woo was swinging.

What he swung was his claws as long as an arm.Hoya saw red veins standing in the eyes of Kwon Il-woo, located right in front of him.


Seeing Kwon Il-woo’s impossibly human appearance, the women ran to the farthest wall to get away from him and crouched down.

It was a good decision because they would only harm Hoya if they were nearby.

Fortunately, no one seemed to have fallen alone in the process.

“Can you afford to look elsewhere?”

As Gyeon Il-woo said that and added strength, Hoya clenched his nails and stepped back slightly.

“Kukkeuk, I don’t know what you’re doing, but since you’ve come this far, don’t even think about leaving alive. Oh, that doesn’t mean I’m going to kill you. You guys look a little strong, so I’ll use them as food like them.”


As Hoya was skeptical of Kwon Il-woo’s words, the veins in his eyes widened and dyed all his eyes red.

With no distinction between white and black, red eyes and long, sharp nails reminded me of a vampire.

And then, Kwon Il-woo’s information came into Hoya’s field of vision.

[Vampire Kwon Il-woo]

Level: 560

He was a real vampire, not reminiscent of it.

Hoya could understand why the quest expressed him as a boss monster.

Because he was a vampire, not a human.

When he became a vampire, it didn’t matter to Hoya now.

As Kwon Il-woo’s completely red eyes lit up, system messages he had previously seen countless times in an underground tunnel occurred to Hoya.

“Hey, this doesn’t work. Geek, I’m really looking forward to how strong I will become when I eat your blood!”

Nettle-, Nettle-!

When Kwon Il-woo played with his nails like a dancing dancer with a sword, blades of the wind were made and flew straight toward Hoya.

“Bow slash.”

Hoya used a skill to offset the blade of the wind.

Meanwhile, Badu, who had lit up enough lights, ran towards him from behind Kwon Il-woo and opened his mouth wide.

It was trying to drain.



However, there was only the sound of the teeth hitting each other, and there was no feeling of chewing something.

Kwon Il-woo, who had dashed back immediately and jumped on the chair to dodge Badu’s attack, sharpened his nails and slammed them down with his nails.

“Khahahahaha! It’s a good move for you and that beast.

Kwon Il-woo was just accepting the current situation as a small play.

It didn’t look like he would lose to the black humans and beasts in front of him at all.

The movement looked similar to the soldiers of the Black Dragon, but it was just there.

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