Chapter 142

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 6 Episode 19

19. Blessed Day (2)

“Okay, aunts, my mom seems to be waiting for her aunts in the bride’s waiting room to get her throat cut, wouldn’t it be better if she left soon?”

“Oh! I forgot to look at the main character’s face without realizing it!”

“Lee, once the boss gets mad, it goes a long way, so let’s go quickly.”

Hoya, who greeted Lee Ye-sook’s co-workers on the way to the bride’s waiting room, took a deep breath and looked around her.

In various places of the wedding hall, guests were chatting among themselves while waiting for the wedding to start.

Since Ye-sook Lee and Jae-gun Baek invited only close acquaintances, there were not many guests.

However, the situation outside the wedding hall was a little different from inside.

Ho-young, looking down through the glass wall that was coated so that the inside was not visible from the outside, shook her head to the side.

Reporters with large cameras were encamped at the main entrance of Elysia Wedding Hall and the entrance to the underground parking lot.

The reason was that it was the wedding of Baek Jae-gun, the second son of Baek Yoon-taek, chairman of the Baeksang Group, who had not suddenly appeared in public for 10 years.

The public’s interest in Baek Jae-gun over the past 10 years has faded a lot, but since he reconciled with Baek Yoon-taek, and the story about the wedding leaked, the interest is growing little by little.

Fortunately, the wedding hall was blocking reporters from the front door and the entrance to the underground parking lot, so they couldn’t get in.

In addition, the wedding hall itself was in the form of a hall that rents a whole floor, so there was no worry about outsiders coming in because a screen was installed in front of the elevator and the guards only allowed those with wedding invitations to pass through.

However, I felt a bit sorry that the reporters were indirectly harming the bride and groom and their guests who were having their ceremony on another floor.

“Hello, brother!”

At that time, Ho-min Baek, who had just arrived, ran to Ho-young and greeted him brightly.

“Yeah, hello.”

“Are you coming to my house right after the wedding today?”

“No, I’m going to stop by my house because I have to pack the things I need.”

“If you need something, a toothbrush or something?”


“There are a lot of new things in our house! Just come in your body!”

“No, that’s a bit…”

“Hey, Baek Ho-min. Don’t embarrass me for nothing.”

As Baek Ho-min’s eyes were shining on Ho-young, Baek Seol-young came and stopped Baek Ho-min.

“And shouldn’t we say hello to today’s protagonists instead of doing this now?”

“Ah! That’s right! I’ll go say hello to that little mother!”

Baek Ho-min waved his hand loudly and immediately walked to the bride’s waiting room, and Baek Seol-young also waved his hand to Ho-young and followed Ho-min Baek.

Baek Jae-han and Kang Eun-young, who were watching the three of them from afar, had warm smiles on their faces.

“I don’t think we’ve ever been in touch since then, so I was a little worried that he might be awkward with our kids, but fortunately it doesn’t seem like that.””That’s right. Doesn’t it feel like we’ve known each other for a long time?”

“That’s it, bro.”


Baek Jae-han looked back at the voice interrupted in their conversation.

There was a back reconstruction, with his hair naturally waxed and dressed in a black robe, looking at the two with a blank slate.

“Brother and brother-in-law. Isn’t that too much? If you come to the ceremony, you have to visit today’s main character first, and you’re done with just a congratulatory money? Yes?”

“Oh, ho ho ho ho ho. There’s no way that’s the case. It’s said that the main character usually appears late. Doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”


Baek Jae-geon, who had dark eyes, burst into laughter.

It was a bit daunting, but I decided to skip it this time.

“By the way, master, did you come to see the face of today’s true protagonist, the priest?”

“Yes? ……Ahahahahaha. Hey~ I was nervous to see it on the same day, so I haven’t seen it yet. And they say you’ll see the good stuff later?

It was a look I had seen a lot on the dress tour so far, but when I tried to be the same day, my heart was pounding differently.

Baek Jae-geon’s heart was warning him that if he saw it now, he would lose his joy later.

“Huh, huh, huh. I know how it feels. Eunyoung has never looked as pretty as she did back then.”

“Honey, does that mean that I’m not pretty now?”

“Huh? Oh, no. She’s still pretty enough now! I mean, she was the prettiest back then.”

“…Mr. Baek Jae-han, after the ceremony, have a one-on-one interview with me,”

“Yes, yes…?”

And after that, warnings were also sent that we should get away from Baek Jae-han and Kang Eun-young quickly.

‘Ah… this is your brother’s fault.’

“Then I’ll go, brother-in-law.”

“Huh? Hey! Don’t leave me! Ah! Eunyoung-ah, ear! Ear!”

“Ho-ho-ho-ho, go ahead, master.”

Kang Eun-young waving her hand as if nothing happened while pulling Baek Jae-han’s ear, Baek Jae-gun immediately left the two of them and went to greet the guests.

It was already 20 minutes before the ceremony started, and most of the invited guests had already arrived.

Then an unexpected guest arrived in the hall.

“What… Why is he here?”

The unexpected guest headed to Ho-yeong, who had a corsage on his chest and even cotton gloves, dressed like the family of today’s protagonists.

Originally, I should have gone to Baek Jae-geon, but this happened because Ho-young was closer to the elevator than Baek Jae-gun.


“Ah, hello…”

Ho-young, who automatically smiled at the sound of greetings handed to him from behind, turned his head toward the other person, and had no choice but to put on the smile he had drawn on his face.

‘It has been erased’ might be more accurate.

The person who came to greet Ho-young was not someone he could deal with with a smile on his face.

* * *

“Team leader, I don’t even have a wedding invitation, was it okay to let it pass?”

In front of the elevator on the 7th floor, one of the guards in charge of inspecting wedding invitations expressed concern to the guard team leader who was working with him.

“It’s okay. He’s not particularly suspicious. Rather, he’s a famous person.”

“But you’re still not an invited guest.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry. Trust only me.”

“It’s not okay!”

The manager said so, but it wasn’t a good situation at all.

As proof of that, Baek Jae-geon, who came quickly to ask the guard whether the person who had just entered had a wedding invitation, heard the two of them talking and whispered to the team leader.

“What did I say? I’d say only people with wedding invitations go through.”

“Yes? No, that’s…”

“No matter how famous you are, if you don’t have a wedding invitation, you’re not our guests.

Baek Jae-gun, who nailed the guard team, looked at Ho-young with worried eyes.

I wanted to run and separate the two right now, but the two had already attracted the attention of the guests.


Now, I had no choice but to rely on Hoyoung.

‘Why are you here…’

Hoyoung was looking at the man in front of her with her stiff face.

He had a nice smile on his face, but he wasn’t at all.

He was someone I never thought I would meet in a place like this.

There was a big difference between seeing it in the game and seeing it in real life.

Contrary to the stiff and motionless facial muscles, Hoyoung’s chest was pumping hard.

“Nice to meet you, my name is Lee Dae-hyun.”

However, at Lee Dae-hyun’s words, Ho-young could feel something sinking deep in his heart as his heart and head, which had been beating violently, cooled down.

“…are we meeting for the first time?”

“Yeah, if it was a spherical match with this handsome guy, I wouldn’t be able to forget it. Hahaha.”

At Lee Dae-hyun’s words, Ho-young clenched his fist tightly so that he could not be seen.

‘That’s right, I was a person you won’t even remember……’

It has become an unforgettable memory for me and remains vivid in my mind.

The victim himself was trembling in fear of the world because of that memory.There are no memories left in your mind as the perpetrator.

‘…For you, what you did to me was a light memory that I can forget.’

Ho-young felt the past time was unfair.

At the same time, low anger sprouted a small bud in his heart.

Ho-Young then loosened his stiff face, drew a line with his mouth, and accepted the handshake that Dae-Hyeon Lee offered.

“That’s right. Nice to meet you. My name is Seon. Ho. Young.”

“That’s a cool name.”

Hoyoung’s mouth was smiling, but his eyes were not.

* * *

“My name is Seon Hoyoung from Taeyang Middle School. There is nothing that I am very good at, but there is nothing I am not very good at. Please take care of me.”

clap clap clap.

As Hoyoung introduced herself in a loud voice, loud applause erupted from the classroom, and Hoyoung scratched his head as if bewildered by the loud applause and sat down.

Seon Hoyoung, 17 years old, March 1st, was the high school entrance ceremony.

“This guy, did he sit down to show off his self? Are you saying that he’s good at everything?”

“No, I was just telling the truth.”

As Hoyoung sat down, the owner of the seat next to him, Kim Hee-ban, a friend from the same Taeyang Middle School, pricked Hoyoung’s side and joked around.

“Hello, I’m Heesung Yang from Mogok Middle School.”

“I’m Heeyeon Oh from Taeyang Middle School. Now, please take care of me!”

Ho-young moved his gaze by following the faces of the children who introduced themselves in order to familiarize themselves with the faces of his classmates.

Ho-young’s gaze stopped at the face of the boy who was going to introduce himself this time.

He is a man with well-groomed hair and a warm appearance.

“Hello, I’m Lee Dae-hyun from English middle school. Please take care of everyone.”

As he bowed his back slightly, a loud applause erupted, just as loud as Hoyoung’s.

“Ugh~ I’m in the same class as her, so I think I’ll be able to spend this year comfortably.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

When Hoyoung questioned Kim Heeban’s words, he opened his eyes and whispered into Hoyoung’s ear.

“Hey, don’t you know that? Lee Dae-hyun’s grandfather is the president of the Nanjin group. According to the kids from the same middle school as him, the teachers didn’t even click in the class he was in.”


Is it that good?

Ho-Young had such a thought, but he didn’t dare say it because he didn’t want to ruin the mood of Kim Hee-class, who was happy.

At that time, after the self-introduction, the eyes of Lee Dae-hyun and Ho-young as they sat down met, and Lee Dae-hyun smiled and waved to Ho-young.

He couldn’t ignore his greeting, so Ho-young waved his hand toward Lee Dae-hyun.

Seon Hoyoung and Lee Dae-hyun’s bad relationship started like that.

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