Chapter 143

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 6 Episode 20

20. The Unbreakable Past (1)

Unlike her middle school, Ho-Young, who was on her way home from school after completing all her classes on her first day as scheduled, was on her way back to her home after breaking up with her friends.

At that time, Ho-young’s smartphone, which had been put on her vibrate mode, was crying from her pocket, and Ho-young, who took out her smartphone and checked the international call display on the LCD, answered the call with a grin.


– Our ho! How was the first day of the new school year?

“Um, just like that? Isn’t it dawn over there? What are you already waking up for?”

At Hoyoung’s words, his phone number, Jihan Moon, let out a low laugh.

– Huh huh huh… It’s not that I woke up early, I haven’t slept yet! Homework on high school topics, get away from college really! Too harsh for a 17-year-old!

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

– Well, this is a joke. The path I have chosen is the path, so I have to do it. I was doing homework, and I thought it might be time to leave school by now, so I was curious to see if you were doing well, so I called. It’s an international call, so I don’t think I’ll be able to make a long call. I’ll call you back later.

“Yeah, work hard.”

– It sounds natural!


When the phone hung up, Ho-young walked back to the house.

As soon as the winter vacation started, Ji-han Moon suddenly brought up the story of going to study abroad, and he was greatly surprised and worried.

But it’s good that he seems to be doing well, Hoya thought.

‘I think I’ll get along well.’

From what I feel today, it seems that all of his classmates are generally kind.

* * *

“Hey, is this the first time we’ve talked like this?”


When the new semester started and two weeks had passed, Daehyun Lee approached Hoyoung first and talked to him during the physical education class.

“If you haven’t decided on a mate yet, won’t you do it with me? It means that the kids rudely made a mate without me.”

“Sorry, I already have a mate.”

Badminton doubles and Hoyoung, the performance evaluation events that the physical education teacher introduced early, had already been decided to do it with Kim Hee-ban.

Ho-young had promised something first, so he refused Lee Dae-hyun’s request, but Kim Hee-ban, who was next to him, denied Ho-young’s words.

“Ah, I’m fine, so I’m going to do it with Daehyun. If you refuse, I feel embarrassed for nothing.”

“But it was decided first.”

“I don’t know about that! I’ll take this opportunity to go see Sujin’s mate. Well then, do your best!”

Opportunities to build friendships with Lee Dae-hyun are not common.

And if Ho-Young builds a friendship with him, Ho-Young’s friend himself will be able to get to know him as well.

Kim Hee-ban had conceded Ho-yeong to Lee Dae-hyun with such a calculation.

“Uh, hey! Kim Hee-ban!”Ho-young called for Kim Hee-ban, who was running quickly, but he didn’t look back.

In such a situation, Hoya scratched the back of his neck and Lee Dae-hyun smiled and opened his mouth.

“Doesn’t it seem like you’ll have no choice but to pair this with me?”

With this incident, Ho-young had more time to hang out with Lee Dae-hyun.

He moved from Kim Hee class to Lee Dae Hyun and had to spend lunch time with him and his gang.

He tried to invite Kim Hee-ban to go with him, but each time he refused Ho-young’s invitation, saying it was okay.

Ho-young didn’t notice, but it was because Lee Dae-hyun was paying attention to Kim Hee-ban, knowingly and unknowingly.

Still, when Lee Dae-hyun wasn’t there, we got along well as usual, so Ho-young was not dissatisfied with the current situation.

Because Lee Dae-hyun was also a good and good friend.

However, that thought soon changed.

“Hee-ban, let’s go to the store. The kids have a new hamburger in the store.”

“Really? If there’s a new menu in the store, Kim Hee-ban will have to give her an evaluation. Let’s go, there’s only 5 minutes left to break!”

“Can I ask for mine too?”

It was an ordinary day that was no different than usual.

Ho-young was going to the concession stand with Kim Hee-ban, and Lee Dae-hyeon spoke to Ho-young, who got up to go to the concession stand.

“I’d like to try one too, but it’s a bit weak in a narrow and crowded place like a kiosk… I’ll give you money, so can I ask you a favor?”

“Yeah, it’s the way to go anyway.”

Ho-young received two 1,000-won tickets from Lee Dae-hyun and headed to the store with Kim Hee-ban.

The beginning was so trivial.

It was a simple request that could be granted as a bonus, and it was just a bit of a drastic joke between friends.

However, if those trivial things pile up and pile up and become taken for granted and the standard of triviality grows, it is no longer trivial.

The request soon became an order, and the prank went far beyond a prank.

It didn’t take long for Ho-young and Lee Dae-hyun to become like that.

Lee Dae-hyun tormented Ho-young very thoroughly.

At some point, he began to assault Ho-young.

He inflicted direct violence on Hoyoung only at the back of the auditorium, out of sight of people, not in an open place like a classroom.

He never had a face and hands that were not covered by clothes, even when he was violent.

So, on the outside, Hoyoung looked fine, but underneath her uniform was full of bruises.

Looking at what Dae-hyun Lee was doing, it seemed like he didn’t want to let others know that he was bullying Ho-young, but he didn’t want to hide it.

The reason he restricted the place to the back of the auditorium was so as not to leave any physical evidence.

The perpetrator Lee Dae-hyun and the victim Seon Hoyoung.

There was no one at school who said it out loud, but no one knew about it.

No one knew about it and tried to help Ho-young.

All of the ties that have been passed down since elementary and middle school days were afraid of sparking themselves, so they stayed away from Hoyoung.

And Kim Hee-ban was no different from them.

He had not changed his seat yet, so he stayed with Ho-young, but after the first period started, he did not say anything to Ho-young until the 7th period was over.

Ho-young was no longer a friend to Kim Hee-ban.

Ho-young once asked Lee Dae-hyun.

Why the hell are you doing this to me?

If I’ve done anything wrong with you, please let me know so I can apologize.

To Hoyoung’s question, Daehyun Lee replied, ‘I just didn’t like you from the beginning.’

There was no reason for Lee Dae-hyun’s bullying.

If there is, it just means that Ho-young’s existence was an annoyance to him.

Ho-young, unable to withstand Lee Dae-hyun’s bullying, requested help from her homeroom teacher through counseling.

However, the answer that came out of the teacher’s mouth after hearing Ho-young’s advice was completely different from what Ho-young had expected.

“Hoyoung-ah, I think the teacher only thinks of you too badly.”


“If you get along with the boys, you can get into a fight, and the things you bought for Daehyun aren’t that big of a deal. That’s why he thinks he doesn’t have to pay it back in a hurry.”

“No, sir. It’s not like that…”

“Don’t make the teacher hard over this, just make up with Daehyun. If Hoyoung gets up the courage and tries first, it’ll be fine.”


The homeroom teacher did not try to see Hoyoung and Lee Daehyun as victims and perpetrators.

Although he didn’t see it very much, he knew that the relationship between the two was an assailant and a victim.

It is simply that he chooses his own peace with the grandson of a chaebol family from among the ordinary victims who grew up in a single-parent family and the perpetrators who are grandchildren of the chaebol family.

At this point, Ho-Young realized that he could not count on the school’s help.

The perpetrator Lee Dae-hyun and the victim Seon Hoyoung.

It was something that both students and teachers knew, but it was also something not everyone knew.

* * *

“I’m home.”

After class, Ho-Young returned home from school and, without changing his uniform, put his bag on the desk and threw himself onto the bed.

Because Ye-sook Lee had not left work yet, Ho-young was alone in the house, so it was very quiet.

Ho-young hated the time he had to wait for Lee Ye-suk to return home after returning home, after the time he spent at school.

This quiet moment made Ho-young think of all kinds of things.

Bad thoughts, hopeful thoughts, blaming oneself and others, thoughts about why this happened.

Sometimes, this time right now was harder than school.


Hoyoung, who had been lying in bed for a long time, forced his body to get up to change into school uniform.

As he was taking off his school uniform, he suddenly looked at the mirror on the door and saw himself as it was.

With his shirt off, Ho-young’s body was painted with yellow-green and red and blue bruises here and there, and the eyes he met through his mirror were filled with gloomy energy.

“…you shouldn’t be like this.”match-.

Ho-young slapped her cheeks and forced a smile to correct her expression, checking her expression in the mirror.

It can cover the bruises on her body, but not her face.

If she showed this expression to Lee Ye-sook, she could have made her worry.

Ye-sook Lee didn’t know that she was being bullied by Ho-young.

She said that she had just taken the position of team leader, and she was in a very difficult time. She didn’t want Lee Ye-sook to worry about it, so Ho-young didn’t tell him about it.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to give Lee Ye-sook her advice.

However, when she saw Ye Sook Lee’s warm smile, she felt strongly that she did not want to erase that smile.

So she couldn’t speak.

“Adeul~! Mom is here!”

“You’ve been there.”

After that, Ye-sook Lee, who finished her work, returned to her house with a large paper bag in her hand.

“Mom, what’s that paper bag?”

“Oh, this? Whoops, look forward to it! Voila!”

Ye-sook Lee made a sound effect with her mouth, and her paper bag was filled with sweets written in English on her wrapping paper.

“The team leader next door was on a business trip and bought it. Thankfully, he gave it to our team as well. Mom brought a lot of them!”

“In what time are you going to eat all this?”

“Who says we eat together? When we go to school, take a little and give it to your friends too. Did you say that it was a joy? It seems like it’s been a while since I’ve seen her face.


At Lee Ye-sook’s words, Ho-young, who was taking the sweets out of her paper bag, instantly flinched.


“Huh? Yes, yes… I’ll bring you home sometime.”


Ye-Sook Lee stroked her own chin and looked at her Ho-Young’s face.

He was the same son as usual, but something felt different than usual.

“Son, do you have any problems?”


At Lee Ye-sook’s question, I wondered if Ho-young was caught.

She listened, wondering if it would be okay for her to speak now.

“…No, there is nothing to worry about.”


However, Ho-young couldn’t tell Lee Ye-sook in the end and laughed and spit out her lies.

Ho-young’s answer was questionable, but when Ho-young answered with a smile, Ye-sook Lee smiled as if answering it.

If she had something, she would have told her.

Until now, Ho-young has not made any secrets to herself.

Lee Ye-sook believed in Ho-young.

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